NSF 93-147 — A Selected List of Fellowship and Other Support Opportunities for Advanced Education

NSF 93-147
Title  : NSF 93-147 -- A Selected List of Fellowship and Other Support
         Opportunities for Advanced Education
Type   : Report
Date   : March 7, 1995
File   : ns93147a


                     SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES FOR
                        ADVANCED EDUCATION

         for USA Citizens and Foreign Nationals

                 Prepared Under Contract with the
                  the National Science Foundation
                     by the Fellowship Office
           Office of Scientific & Engineering Personnel
                     National Research Council
                   National Academy of Sciences
                         Washington, D.C.

             Copies of this booklet are available from
                      The Publications Office
                    National Science Foundation
                        1800 G Street, N.W.
                      Washington, D.C. 20550


        1. Individual Predoctoral National Research Service
               Awards for MD/PhD Fellows
        2. National Research Service Awards for Individual

        1. American Fellowships
               a. Postdoctoral Fellowships
               b. Dissertation Fellowships
        2. Selected Professional Fellowships
        3. International Fellowships

        1. Postdoctoral Fellowships
        2. Physicians Research Training Award

        1. Grants for East European Studies
        2. Fellowships
        3. Grants for Chinese Studies

        1. AFPE Graduate Fellowships
        2. "Springboard to Teaching" Fellowship

        Minority Participation Scholarship Program

        1. Established Investigator
        2. Clinician Scientist Award
        3. Medical Student Research Fellowship
        4. Minority Scientist Development Award
        5. International Research Fellowship


        1. AIA/AAF Scholarship Program for Professional
               Degree Candidates
        2. AIA/AAF Scholarship for Advanced Study and
        3. Minority/Disadvantaged Scholarships Program


        1. Research Training Fellowships
        2. Pediatric Pulmonary Research Fellowships
        3. Nursing Research Training Awards
        4. Behavioral Science Dissertation Grants

        1. Fellowship Program
        2. Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund
        3. Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research
        4. Frank Chapman Memorial Fund

Corporate Sponsored Scholarships for Minority
        Undergraduate Students in Physics

        1. Minority Fellowship Program
        2. Doctoral Traineeships in Neuroscience

        1. ASF Awards for Scandinavians
        2. Fellowships and Grants for Study in Scandinavia

        Research Doctoral Fellowships in Sociology

        1. Postdoctoral Fellowship
        2. Arthritis Investigator Award
        3. Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Arthritis Health
        4. New Investigator Grant for Arthritis Health
        5. Arthritis Biomedical Science Grant
        6. Arthritis Clinical Science Grant
        7. Physician Scientist Development Award

        1. AAIA/Adolph Van Pelt Special Fund for
              Indian Scholarships
        2. Emergency Aid and Health Professions Scholarships
        3. Sequoyah Graduate Fellowships
        4. Displaced Homemakers Scholarship

        1. Engineering Scholarship Program (ESP)
        2. Dual Degree Scholarship Program (DDSP)
        3. Cooperative Research Fellowship Program for
              Minorities (CRFP)
        4. Graduate Research Program for Women

        1. Queen Elizabeth II Fellowships
        2. Australian Research Fellowships
        3. Australian Senior Research Fellowships
        4. Australian Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

        1. Science Scholars Fellowship Program
        2. Bunting Fellowship Program
        3. Peace Fellowship
        4. Berkshire Summer Fellowship

        Graduate Fellowship Program

        Canada Council Killam Research Fellowships


        Postdoctoral Fellowships


        Postdoctoral Fellowships

        1. CIC Predoctoral Fellowships Program in the
            Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering
        2. CIC Predoctoral Fellowships Program in the
             Social Sciences
        3. CIC Predoctoral Fellowships Program in the

        1. Graduate Program
        2. Research Program

        The Harkness Fellowships

        1. Fulbright Scholar Program Grants for Faculty and
              Professionals: Research and Lecturing--American
        2. Fulbright Awards for University Teaching and
             Advanced Research-Non-USA Scholars
        3. Fulbright Awards for University Teaching
        4. Indo-American Fellowship Program
        5. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Advanced
             Research Fellowships
        6. Japan Today

        Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in the Biomedical
             and Social Sciences

        Dumbarton Oaks Fellowships and Junior
           Summer Fellowships in Byzantine Studies,
           Pre-Columbian Studies, and Studies in
           Landscape Architecture
        2. Bliss Prize Fellowship in Byzantine Studies

        1. Fellow
        2. Predoctoral Fellowship
        3. Graduate Degree Student
        4. Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Asia Pacific Area

        1. Fellowships
        2. Scientific Associates Programme
        3. Corresponding Fellowships

        McKnight Doctoral Fellowship Program

        1. Senior International Fellowship Program
        2. Foreign Supported Fellowships for U. S.
        3. International Research Fellowship Program
        4. Health and Biomedical Scientist Exchanges
               a. Health Scientist Exchange Program
               b. Biomedical Research Exchanges
        5. Fogarty International Research Collaboration
             Award (FIRCA)

        1. Technical Assistance Fellowships
        2. Andre Mayer Research Fellowships

        1. Ford Foundation Predoctoral and Dissertation
             Fellowships for Minorities
        2. Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships
             for Minorities

        1. Study Visit Research Grants for Faculty
        2. Research Grants for Recent PhDs and PhD
        3. DAAD-Fulbright Grants

        Research Fellowship


        1. Research Scholarships
        2. Research Fellowships


        1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Predoctoral
              Fellowships in Biological Sciences
                      2. Research Training
                             Fellowships for
                             Medical Students
        3. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships for

        1. Bachelor's Scholarship Program (Most awards
              are Work-Study)
        2. Masters Fellowship Program (Work-Study or
        3. Doctoral Fellowship Program (Work-Study or Full-

        1. Human Frontier Science Program--Long-Term
        2. Human Frontier Science Program Short-Term

        1. Health Professions Preparatory Scholarship Program
             for Indians
        2. Health Professions Scholarship Program

        Postdoctoral Study

        1. Fulbright Grants
        2. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program

        IAEA Fellowship Program

        BOARD (IREX)
        1. Edmund S. Muskie Fellowship Program
        2. Developmental Fellowships
        3. Individual Advanced Research Opportunities for US
             scholars in Azarbaijan, the Baltics, the
             Commonwealth of Independent States, and Georgia

        4. Individual Advanced Research Opportunities for
             USA Scholars in Eastern Europe
        5. Individual Advanced Research Opportunities in the
             USA for Scholar from Azarbaijan,
             the Baltics, Commonwealth of Independent States,
             and Georgia
        6. Individual Advanced Research Opportunities in the
             USA for Scholars from Eastern Europe

        1. American Cancer Society International Cancer
             Research Fellowships
        2. Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer
             Study Grants
        3. International Cancer Technology Transfer
             Fellowships (ICRETT)

        National Fellowship Program

        Kennedy Scholarships

        Research Awards


        British Marshall Scholarships


        1. Fellowships
        2. Dental Fellowships
        3. Centennial Fellowships
        4. Studentships

        (MARC) PROGRAM
        1. Honors Undergraduate Research Training
        2. Predoctoral Fellowships
        3. Faculty Fellowships
        4. Visiting Scientist Fellowships

        Spencer Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program

        1. Cooperation in Applied Science and Technology
        2. Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering
        3. Radioactive Waste Management Program


        1. NASA Graduate Student Fellowships in
             Global Change Research
        2. Graduate Student Researchers Program
               a. Graduate Student Researchers Program
               b. Graduate Student Researchers Program
             Underrepresented Minority Focus
        3. National Space Grant College and Fellowship
        4. Cooperative Education Program

        1. Master's Degree in Engineering
        2. PhD Degree in Engineering
        3. PhD Degree in Natural Science

        1. Fellowships for University Teachers
        2. Fellowships for College Teachers and
             Independent Scholars
        3. Program for Historically Black Colleges and
             Universities - Faculty Graduate Study Program
        4. Summer Stipends
        5. Younger Scholars
        6. Summer Seminars
               a. Summer Seminars for College Teachers
               b. Summer Seminars for School Teachers
        7. Study Grants
        8. Dissertation Grants



        1. Career Development Awards
        2. National Research Service Awards
               a. Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships
               b. Institutional Grants

        1. National Medical Fellowships
        2. National Medical Fellowships/Fellowship Program
             in Academic Medicine


        Graduate Fellowships for Minorities and Women
            in the Physical Sciences

        Resident, Cooperative, and Postdoctoral Research
            Associateship Programs

        1. NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
               a. NSF Graduate Fellowships
               b. NSF Minority Graduate Fellowships
               2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
           Postdoctoral Fellowships In Science
        3. NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral
              Research Fellowships
        4. NSF Chemical Sciences Postdoctoral Research
        5. NSF Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
              (JSPS) Postdoctoral Awards for USA
        6. NSF Science and Technology Agency of Japan
              Postdoctoral Awards for USA Researchers
        7. NSF Awards for Japanese-Language Study by
              in Science and Engineering
        8. Summer Institute in Japan for USA Graduate Students
              in Science and Engineering
        9. Program for Long and Medium-Term Research at
              Centers of Excellence
        10. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in
              Environmental Biology
        11. Mid-Career Fellowship Opportunities in
              Environmental Biology
        12. NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Plant

        13. NSF Minority Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
              Program in Biological/Social, Behavioral and
              Economic Sciences
        14. NSF Minority Graduate Travel Awards in Biological/
              Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
        15. NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Research
        16. NSF Research Fellowships in Marine Biotechnology
              and the Ocean Sciences
        17. Postdoctoral Program in Ocean Modeling

        MESBEC Program and NALE Program

        Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government

        1. Regents Scholarships
               a. Regents Health Care Scholarships for Medicine
             or Dentistry
               b. Regents Professional Opportunity
        2. Regents Physician Loan Forgiveness Program
        3. Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarships

        1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
             Science Fellowships
        2. Fellowships Programme of the Committee on the
             Challenges of Modern Society of NATO

        PRA Fellowships (Regular Training Program)


        International Peace Scholarships

        1. Population Fellowships in the Social Sciences
        2. Population Council Biomedical Fellowships


        Postdoctoral Fellowships

        1. Rockefeller Foundation Biotechnology Career
        2. Rockefeller Foundation Fellowships in the

        1. Academic-Year Ambassadorial Scholarship
        2. Multi-Year Ambassadorial Scholarship
        3. Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarship
        4. Freedom from Hunger Scholarships
        5. Japan Program Scholarships

        Research Fellowships


        Sloan Research Fellowships

        1. Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships, Postdoctoral
             Fellowships, Predoctoral Fellowship,
             Graduate Student Fellowships
        2. Faculty Research Fellowships
        3. Smithsonian Minority Internship Program

        1. SSRC-MacArthur Foundation Fellowships on Peace
             and Security in a Changing World
        2. International Predissertation Fellowship
        3. Abe Fellowship Program

        1. Postdoctoral Fellowships
        2. Doctoral Fellowships
        3. NSERC/SSHRC Master's Scholarships in
               Science Policy

        Scholarships and Grants-in-Aid

        Student Loan Fund

        Graduate Fellowships

        Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships

        Thomas Jefferson Fellowship Program

        USAF Laboratory Graduate Fellowship Program

        USDA/1890 National Scholars Program

        National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate
           Fellowship Program

        1. Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program
        2. Need-Based Awards
        3. Indian Fellowship Program
        4. Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowships Program

        1. Integrated Manufacturing Predoctoral
        2. University/DOE Laboratory Cooperative Program:
             Student Research Participation, Laboratory
             Graduate Research Participation, Thesis Parts
             Research Participation, Faculty Research
             Participation, Supplemental Education and Training
        3. Applied Health Physics Fellowship Program
        4. Graduate Fellowships for Global Change
        5. Environmental Restoration and Waste
             Management Fellowship
        6. Industrial Hygiene Fellowship Program
        7. Magnetic Fusion Energy Technology Fellowship
        8. Magnetic Fusion Science Fellowship Program
        9. Nuclear Engineering & Health Physics
        10. Alexander Hollaender Distinguished Postdoctoral
              Fellowship Program
        11. Education for Global Change Distinguished
              Postdoctoral Fellowships
        12. Fusion Energy Postdoctoral Research Program
        13. Postgraduate Research Programs
        14. Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
              Faculty Research Program at the National Center
              for Toxicology Research and ORISE Postgraduate
              Research Program at the National Center for
              Toxicological Research

        National Health Services Corps (NHSC) Scholarship

        Graduate Research Fellowship Program


        1. Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program
        2. Fulbright Awards for University Teaching and
              Advanced Research -USA and Foreign Scholars
              (Administered on behalf of USAI.A. by the
              Council for International Exchange of Scholars -
              see page 12)
        3. Fulbright Grants for Graduate Study and Research
              (Administered on behalf of USAI.A. by the
              Institute of International Education -see page 27.)
        4. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
              on behalf of USAI.A. by the Institute of
              International Education - see page  46.)

        1. Distinguished Fellow and Peace Fellow
        2. Peace Scholars

        Office of Naval Research Graduate Fellowships

        Postdoctoral Fellowships .

        Graduate Fellowship Program

        Humboldt Research Fellowships for Foreign


        Graduate Fellowships in Biomedical Engineering


        Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences

        1. Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic
        2. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation
        3. Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants in
             Women's Studies

        1. Summer Student Fellowship
        2. Postdoctoral Awards in Ocean Science and
        3. Research Fellows in Marine Policy and
             Ocean Management
        4. Traineeships in Oceanography for
             Minority Undergraduates

        WHO Fellowships

        Amelia Earhart Fellowship Awards


Following is a partial list of publications containing
information on student financial aid opportunities.
Many of these publications are large-volume source
books, and should be available at public libraries
and college and university libraries.  Prices of
publications are not listed because they are subject
to change without notice.  Additional information
about student financial aid opportunities is available
in college catalogues.

 1.     Annual Register of Grant Support: A
        Directory of Funding Sources, 26th edition,
        R. R. Bowker, 121 Chanton Road, New
        Providence, New Jersey 07974.

 2.    Barron's Educational Series, P. O. Box
        8040, 250 Wireless Boulevard, Hauppage,
        New York 11788.

 3.    Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance,
        complied by the USA Office of Management
        and Budget.  For sale by the Superintendent
        of Documents, USA Government Printing
        Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

 4.    College Financial Aid Annual, College
        Research Group, Simon and Schuster, 200
        Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, New Jersey

 5.    College Handbook Foreign Students
        Supplement, College Board Publications,
        Dept. S81, Box 886, New York, New York

 6.    The Complete Grants Sourcebook for Higher
        Education, American Council on Education,
        One Dupont Circle, Washington, D.C.

 7.    Conservation Directory, National Wildlife
        Federation, 1400 16th St. N.W.,
        Washington D.C. 20036-2266.

 8.    Directory of Financial Aids for Minorities
        and Directory of Financial Aids for Women,
        by Gail Ann Schlachter, 1993-95 edition,
        Reference Service Press, 1100 Industrial
        Road, San Carlos, California 94070.

 9.    Directory of Grant Support and Technical
        Assistance for Native Americans, Center for
        Economic Development Research & Assist-
        ance, New Mexico State University, Las
        Cruces, New Mexico 88003-0001.

 10.   Directory of International Grants and
        Fellowships in the Health Sciences, John E.
        Fogarty International Center, National
        Institutes of Health, Building 31, Room
        B2C39, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda,
        Maryland 20892.

11.    Directory of Research Grants, Oryx Press,
        4041 North Central Avenue, Suite 700,
        Phoenix, Arizona 85012-3397.

12.    Entering Higher Education in the USA: A
        Guide on Admission and Financial Planning
        for Students from Other Countries, College
        Board Publications, Box 886, New York,
        New York 10101.

13.    Financial Aid for Minorities: Awards Open
        to Students with any Major, Financial Aid
        for Minorities in Business and Law,
        Financial Aid for Minorities in Education,
        Financial Aid for Minorities in Engineering
        and Sci-ence, Financial Aid for Minorities in
        Health Fields, and Financial Aid for
        Minorities in Journalism/Mass
        Communications, Garrett Park Press, P. O.
        Box 190F, Garrett Park, Maryland 20896.

14.    Financial Aids for Higher Education
        Catalogue, by Oreon Keeslar and Judy
        Keesler Santamaria, 15th edition, William
        C. Brown Co., 2460 Kerper Boulevard,
        Dubuque, Iowa 52001.

15.    The Foundation Directory and Foundation
        Grants to Individuals, The Foundation
        Center, 888 Seventh Avenue, New York,
        New York 10106.

16.    Graduate Guide to Grants, Harvard
        University, Graduate School of Arts and
        Sciences, Office of Student Financial Aid,
        Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138.

17.    The Graduate Scholarship Book, by Daniel
        J. Cassidy, second edition, Prentice Hall,
        Engle-wood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632.

18.    Graduate Student Financial Support,
        Council of Graduate Schools, One Dupont
        Circle, N.W., Suite 430, Washington, D.C.

19.    Grants at a Glance, published by the
        Association for Women in Science, 1522 K
        St., N.W., Suite 820, Washington, D.C.

20.    Grants and Fellowships of Interest to
        Historians, American Historical Association,
        400 A Street, S.E., Washington, D.C.

21.    The Grants Register, St. Martin's Press, 175
        5th Avenue, New York, New York 10010.

22.    Guide to Programs, National Science
        Foundation.  Available free of charge from
        the Publications Office, National Science
        Foundation, Washington, D.C. 20550.

23.    Higher Education Opportunities for
        Minorities and Women - Annotated
        Selections, USA De-partment of Education.
        For sale by the Superintendent of
        Documents, USA Government Printing
        Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

24.    Institute of International Education.  The
        following titles are available from the
        Communications Division, 11E, 809 United
        Nations Plaza, New York, New York,
        10017: Teaching Abroad, Fulbright Grants
        for Study Abroad, USA Academic Year
        Abroad, Vacation Study Abroad.

25.    International Visitors Guide to USA Higher
        Education, four booklets, one of which is
        Financing Higher Education for Non-
        Traditional Students, Division of
        International Education, American Council
        on Education, Suite 800, One Dupont
        Circle, Washington, D.C. 20036.

26.    Lovejoy's Guide to Financial Aid, Simon
        and Schuster, 200 Old Tappan Road, Old
        Tappan, New Jersey 07675.

27.    Need a Lift?, American Legion National
        Emblem Sales, P. O. Box 1050,
        Indianapolis, Indiana  46206.

28.    Opportunities in Africa, The African-
        American Institute, available through
        Interbook Inc., 131 Varick Street, 2nd
        Floor, New York, New York 10013.

29.    Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and
        Loans, The College Blue Book, 24th
        edition, Mac-Millan Publishing Company,
        866 Third Avenue, New York, New York

30.    A Selected Bibliography of Financial Aid for
        Health Careers, Undergraduate Medical
        Education, American Medical Association,
        515 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois

30.    Scholarships, Fellowships, and Loans, 9th
        edition, Gale Research, 835 Penobscot
        Building, Detroit Michigan  48226.

31.    Sources of Financial Aid Available to
        American Indian Students, Indian Resource
        Development, Box 30003, Dept. 3IRD, Las
        Cruces, New Mexico 88003-0003.

32.    Student Financial Aid - Speech Pathology
        and Audiology, American Speech, Language
        and Hearing Association, 10801 Rockville
        Pike, Rockville, Maryland 20852. Free

Title  : NSF 93-147 -- A Selected List of Fellowship and Other Support
         Opportunities for Advanced Education
Type   : Report
Date   : March 7, 1995
File   : ns93147b


Address for application information:
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration
Grants Management Branch
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857

1. Individual Predoctoral National Research Service Awards for
MD/PhD Fellows
Purpose of Program: Intended for students who are enrolled in an
academic program which leads to a combined MD/PhD degree.

Citizenship: USA or permanent resident

Level: Graduate

Field(s) Supported: The following areas as they relate to
alcohol-derived, drug abuse, or mental health/mental illness: 1)
basic processes; 2) incidence and prevalence; 3) etiology,
description, diagnosis, and pathogenesis; 4) treatment development,
assessment, and evaluation; 5) public health/prevention.

Duration of awards: up to 6 years

Number of Awards: 13 new awards in 1991

Deadline: September 10

Stipend for 1993-94: $12,000
Allowances and amounts: Tuition for both medical and graduate
training in addition to a $2,000 institutional allowance.

2. National Research Service Awards for Individual Fellows [Awards
funded by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
(NIAAA), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)]
Purpose of program: To provide support to individuals for research
training in specified areas of biomedical and behavioral research
to help ensure that highly trained scientists will be available in
adequate numbers and in the appropriate research areas and fields
to meet the nation's alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health
research needs.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Predoctoral, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: The following areas as they relate to
alcohol-derived, drug abuse, or mental health/mental illness: 1)
basic processes; 2) incidence and prevalence; 3) etiology,
description, diagnosis, and pathogenesis; 4) treatment development,
assessment, and evaluation; 5) public health/prevention.

Other requirements: Predoctoral: Completion of two or more years of
graduate work and enrollment in a doctoral degree program by the
beginning date of the fellowship; Postdoctoral: Receipt of a PhD,
MD, ScD, PsyD, or equivalent degree as of the beginning date of the
fellowship. Certification by an authorization official of the
degree-granting institution that all requirements have been met is
also acceptable.

Duration of awards: 2 to 3 years

Number of Awards: 97 new Predoctoral awards in 1991; 54 new
Postdoctoral awards in 1991.

Application deadline: January 10, May 10, September 10

Stipend for 1993-94: Predoctoral--$12,000; Postdoctoral--$19,214 to

Allowances and amounts: Institutional allowance: $3,000 Predoctoral
sponsored by non-Federal institution; $3,000 Postdoctoral sponsored
by non-Federal institution; $2,000 for Postdoctoral sponsored by a
Federal laboratory.


Address for application information:
American Association of University Women Educational Foundation
1111 16th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

1. American Fellowships
Purpose of program: To award fellowships to women who have achieved
distinction or show promise of distinction in their fields.

Citizenship: USA citizens or permanent residents
a. Postdoctoral Fellowships

Level: For women who hold the doctorate at the time of application.

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: Preference is given to women who have held the
doctorate at least three years.

Number of awards: 9 (1 designated for an underrepresented minority)

Duration of awards: 12 months: July 1-June 30

Application deadline: November 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $20,000-$25,000

Allowances and amounts: None
b. Dissertation Fellowships

Level: Applicants must have completed all course work, passed all
preliminary exams, and have their dissertation research proposal
(or plan) approved by November 15.  Applicants are expected to
receive a doctoral degree at the end of the fellowship year.

Field(s) supported: All fields of study except engineering.
(Engineering applicants see Selected Professional Fellowship.)

Other requirements: Students holding a fellowship for the purpose
of writing a dissertation the year before the AAUW Fellowship year
are not eligible.

Number of awards: 50

Duration of awards: 12 months: July 1-June 30

Application deadline: November 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $13,500
Allowances and amounts: None

2. Selected Professional Fellowships
Purpose: To provide awards to women for the final year of graduate
study in fields where women's participation has traditionally been

Citizenship: USA citizens or permanent residents

Level: Final year of graduate study

Field(s) and other requirements: Focus professions fellowships are
limited to women from minorities historically underrepresented in
business administration (MBA, two-year programs only), law (JD),
and medicine (MD) (DO).  Science/technology fellowships are
available for the final year of a master's degree in architecture,
computer/information science, engineering, and
mathematics/statistics. Also available are dissertation fellowships
for doctoral candidates in engineering who will complete all
required course work and have passed all preliminary exams by
November 15. It is expected that fellows will receive their
doctoral degrees at the end of the fellowship year.

Number of awards: 40

Duration of awards: September 1-June 30 for focus professions and
science/technology groups; July 1-June 30 for engineering
dissertation fellowships.

Application deadline: December 15 for all applicants except MBA
category, which is February 1, and engineering dissertation
category, which is November 15.

Stipend for 1993-94: $5,000-$9,500; $13,500 for engineering.
Allowances and amounts: None

3. International Fellowships
Purpose of program: To award International Fellowships for full-
time graduate or postgraduate study or research in the United
States to women of outstanding ability who are not citizens or
permanent residents of the USA.

Citizenship: Citizens of countries other than the USA.

Level: Graduate: applicant must have earned an academic degree
equivalent to the USA bachelor's degree at the time of

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: 1) a specific plan of study or research that
will advance the applicant's professional competence; 2) upon
completion of studies, fellows must return to their home countries
to pursue a professional career; preference will be given to
applicants who can verify that a definite position awaits them; 3)
intention of applicant to devote full time to her graduate work
during the fellowship year; 4) satisfactory English proficiency
(for study in the USA) unless applicant's native language is
English or she is presently enrolled in a university in the United
States, she must submit a recent score on one of the following
tests of English: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL),
University of Michigan Examination for Proficiency in English, or
American Language Institute, Georgetown University (ALIGU)
Examination. Preference is given to women residing in their home
countries at the time of application and women whose credentials
prove prior commitment to the advancement of women and girls
through civic, community, or professional work.

Number of awards: Approximately 40 International Fellowships are
awarded for graduate study or advanced research at an approved
institution in the USA Women who are members in their own
countries of national associations or federations affiliated with
the International Federation of University Women are eligible for
six AAUW-IFUW awards, which are made for advanced research in any
country other than the Fellow's own.

Duration of awards: September 1-May 31

Application deadline: December 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $14,000; no provision for travel.

Allowances and amounts: None


Address for application information:
American Cancer Society
Research Department
1599 Clifton Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30329

1. Postdoctoral Fellowships
Purpose of program: To allow young investigators to qualify for an
independent career in research.

Citizenship: USA citizens or permanent residents of the
USA who have legally declared intent to become citizens.

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biomedical fields related to the problems of

Number of awards: 83 funded for fiscal year 1991.

Duration of awards: 1-3 years

Application deadline: March 1 and October 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $22,000, $24,000 and $26,000 for the first,
second and third years respectively.

Allowances and amounts: When requested in the application, an award
may include: 1) the cost of the Fellow's travel (equal to tourist
air fare or up to a maximum of 20› per mile by privately owned
auto) to the site of training (and return, if overseas); 2) an
institutional allowance in any amount up to $2,000 per year to help
defray costs incurred by the institution in which the Fellow's
training is pursued.

2. Physicians Research Training Award
Purpose of program: To provide research training for physicians to
bring them to the level of competence of a PhD.

Citizenship: Same as for Postdoctoral Fellowships above

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biomedical fields related to the problem of

Number of awards: 10

Duration of awards: 1-3 years

Application deadline: March 1 and October 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $40,000, $42,000 and $44,000

Allowances and amounts: Same as the Postdoctoral Fellowships above


Address for application information:
Office of Fellowships and Grants/ACLS
228 East 45th Street
New York, New York 10017-3398

1. Grants for East European Studies
Purpose of program: To support advanced training and research on
East Europe

Citizenship: USA citizens or permanent residents

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: East European studies; all disciplines of the
humanities and social sciences

Other requirements: Research must be conducted primarily outside
the countries of East Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia,
Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia).

Number of awards: 25

Duration of awards: 6-12 months postdoctoral, 1 year graduate

Application deadline: December 1, 1992

Stipend for 1993-94: Postdoctoral up to $30,000; Graduate up to
$15,000, plus expenses

2. Fellowships
Purpose of program: To support postdoctoral research in all
disciplines of the humanities and the humanities-related social

Citizenship: USA or permanent residents of the USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Philosophy; aesthetics; philology, languages,
literature, and linguistics; archaeology; art history and
musicology; history (including history of science, law, and
religions); cultural anthropology; folklore; and economics,
geography, political science, psychology, sociology and the natural
sciences when the project brings to bear a predominantly humanistic

Number of awards: 45

Duration of awards: 2 months to 1 year

Application deadline: September 30

Stipend for 1993-94: $20,000 maximum

3. Grants for Chinese Studies
Fellowships for Postdoctoral Research and Fellowships for
Dissertation Research Abroad

Purpose of program: To support advanced training and research in
Chinese area studies

Citizenship: No restrictions, but postdoctoral applicants must be
resident in USA at least 2 years; predoctoral applicants must be
enrolled full-time in a USA university.

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Chinese area studies; all disciplines of
humanities and social sciences.

Other requirements: These programs are not intended to support
research within the Peoples Republic of China.

Number of awards: 15 per year

Duration of awards: 6 to 12 months

Application deadline: December 1, 1992

Stipend for 1993-94: Postdoctoral up to $25,000; Dissertation up to


Address for application information:
American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE)
618 Somerset Street
P.O. Box 7126
North Plainfield, New Jersey 07060

1. AFPE Graduate Fellowships
Purpose of program: To provide future leaders for the pharmacy

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Pharmaceutical sciences

Other requirements: Students must be enrolled in pharmacy school
graduate programs.

Number of awards: 88

Duration of awards: 1 year, with possibility of renewal for 2 more

Application deadline: March 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $6,000, $7,500, or $16,000

2. "Springboard to Teaching" Fellowship
Purpose of program: To encourage pharmacy graduate students nearing
the completion of their PhD to consider a teaching career in a
college of pharmacy.

Citizenship: USA citizens or permanent residents

Level: Award provides up to $7,500 to students for their last year
of graduate study toward the PhD, and then $15,000 over a two-year
period for a research project when they accept a teaching
appointment in a pharmacy college.

Field(s) supported: Pharmaceutical sciences

Other requirements: Students should be completing studies for the
PhD during the academic year following the award announcement;
should have a strong desire to teach in a pharmacy college.

Number of awards: 7

Duration of awards: 3 years (last year of graduate study and two-
year period for a research project once a teaching appointment in
a pharmacy college has been accepted).

Application deadline: March 1

Stipend for 1993-94: See above.


Address for application information:
Minority Geoscience Scholarships
American Geological Institute
4220 King Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22302-1507

Title of program: Minority Participation Scholarship Program

Purpose of program: To give financial assistance to prospective
geoscience students currently underrepresented in the geoscience

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Black Americans, Hispanic
Americans, Native Americans (American Indian, Eskimo, Samoan or

Level: Undergraduate, graduate

Field(s) supported: Geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology,
physical oceanography, meteorology, planetary geology, and earth-
science education

Other requirements: Applicants are judged on their potential for
professional success.  Selections are based on academic excellence
and financial need.

Number of awards: 80

Duration of awards: 1 year (renewable)

Application deadline: February 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $500 - $10,000


Address for application information:
American Heart Association
Division of Research Administration
7272 Greenville Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75231-4596

1. Established Investigator
Purpose of program: To assist promising physicians and scientists
to develop independent research careers in academic medicine and

Citizenship: USA citizenship or USA permanent visa

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Cardiovascular functions and disease, and

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 5 years

Application deadline: June 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $45,000

Allowances and amounts: Fringe benefits; institutional
supplementation permitted.

2. Clinician Scientist Award
Purpose of program: To encourage promising clinically trained
physicians to undertake careers in investigative science.

Citizenship: USA citizenship or USA permanent visa

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Cardiovascular functions and disease, and

Other requirements: 1) MDs, or persons holding equivalent medical
degrees, having a minimum of 3 years post-MD clinical training; 2)
MD/PhD graduates with clinical training but lacking relevant
research training.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 3 years; possible 2-year extension for
initiation of investigative careers.

Application deadline: June 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $40,000-$44,000

Allowances and amounts: Fringe benefits; institutional
supplementation permitted.

3. Medical Student Research Fellowship
Purpose of Program: Institutional award to encourage medical
students to engage in full-time research training for one or more
years prior to graduation.

Citizenship: USA citizenship or USA permanent visa

Level: Graduate

Field(s) Supported: Cardiovascular functions and disease, and

Other Requirements: This is an institutional award for accredited
medical schools; only one application per medical school to support
a maximum of six fellows; students already enrolled in an MD/PhD
degree program are not eligible.

Duration of awards: up to 3 years

Application deadline: June 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $12,000

Allowances and amounts: $1,800 per year for trainee-related

4. Minority Scientist Development Award
Purpose of program: To assist promising scientists who are members
of ethnic groups underrepresented in the field of cardiovascular
research to develop independent research programs;provides research
training in highly qualified preceptor's laboratory for two years.

Citizenship: USA citizenship or USA permanent visa

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Black, Hispanic, Native American,
and Pacific Islander

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Cardiovascular functions and disease, and

Other requirements: Ordinarily 2-5 years relevant postdoctoral
research required at award activation.  Junior and clinical faculty
seeking basic research training may apply.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration: 5 years

Application deadline: June 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $40,000-$44,000

5. International Research Fellowship

Purpose of program: A postdoctoral research training program in the
USA and foreign research centers for individuals who are building
cardiovascular research careers but who are not yet independent.

Citizenship: USA citizens or permanent residents

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Cardiovascular functions and disease, and

Other requirements: Applicant must hold an MD, DO, PhD or
equivalent domestic or foreign degree at time of award activation.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of award: 1 year with option to extend for an additional

Application deadline: June 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $25,000


Address for application information:
American Indian Graduate Center
4520 Montgomery Boulevard, N.E., Suite 1-B
Albuquerque, New Mexico  87109

Title of program: American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC)

Purpose of program: The mission of AIGC is to enhance the cultural
and economic well-being of American Indians and Alaska Natives
through graduate education grants and services.

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: American Indians and Alaska

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: All fields of graduate study offering a
master's or doctoral degree.

Other requirements: Applicants must be: 1) a member of a federally-
recognized American Indian tribe or Alaska Native group in the
USA; 2) attending a college/university accredited by a nationally-
recognized accrediting association; 3) admitted into a master's or
doctoral degree program as a full-time graduate student; and 4) in
need of financial aid.

Number of awards: 1991-92: 425 awardees

Duration of awards: Master's: 2 years; Doctorates: 4 years; Law:
3 years and must apply each year.

Application deadline: Summer: April 15; Academic Year: June 1

Stipend for 1993-94: Not yet known.

Allowances and amounts: AIGC awards are based on a percentage of
each awardee's unmet financial need, and awards are not for any
specific need but for the awardees' college and personal costs as
itemized by the college financial aid office.


Address for application information:
American Architectural Foundation
Scholarship Programs
1735 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006

1. AIA/AAF Scholarship Program for Professional Degree Candidates

Purpose of program: For students who are currently (a) in the 3rd
or 4th year of a five-year program that results in a BArch or
equivalent; (b) in the 4th or 5th year of a six-year program that
results in an MArch or equivalent; or (c) in the 2nd or 3rd year of
a three-to-four-year program that results in an MArch and whose
undergraduate degrees are in disciplines other than architecture.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Undergraduate, graduate

Field(s) supported: Architecture

Other requirements: All candidates must be students in, or
applicants to, schools accredited by the National Architectural
Accrediting Board or recognized by the Royal Architectural
Institute of Canada. Each school must screen its students to select
those who will receive an application.  Awards will be based on a
statement of goals, strong academic performance, recommendations,
and need.

Number of awards: Multiple

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: February 1

Stipend for 1992-93: $500 to $2,500 ($230,000 distributed among 220
awardees for 1992-93 academic year)

2. AIA/AAF Scholarship for Advanced Study and Research

Purpose of program: To provide financial assistance to
practitioners, interns, or educators who wish to pursue an advanced
degree or conduct research under the auspices of a USA university

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Architecture and related disciplines

Other requirements: A professional degree in architecture is
required.  Awards will be based on the merit of the proposed
program for study or research.

Number of awards: Variable; 10 in 1992-93

Duration of awards: 1 time/1 year

Application deadline: February 15

Stipend for 1992-93: $1,000 to $2,500 ($20,000 distributed among 10
awardees for 1992-93 academic year)

3. Minority/Disadvantaged Scholarships Program
Purpose of program: To provide scholarship opportunities to
students from minority and/or disadvantaged backgrounds in their
attainment of a professional degree in architecture.  The program
provides financial assistance to high school graduates entering
degree programs at schools of architecture approved by the National
Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB).

Citizenship: USA citizens or permanent residents

Level: Undergraduate

Eligible ethnic minority groups: American Indian, Black/African
American, Hispanic, and others from disadvantaged backgrounds

Field(s) supported: Architecture

Other requirements: High school seniors, technical school/junior
college students transferring to an NAAB school of architecture,
and college freshmen who are entering a program leading to a
professional degree (BArch or MArch) are eligible to apply.
Candidates must be nominated by one of the following: An individual
architect or firm, an AIA chapter, a community design center, a
guidance counselor or teacher, the dean, department head, or
professor from an accredited school of architecture, or the
director of a community, civic, or religious organization.

Number of awards: Approximately 20 annually

Duration of awards: 1 year.  Awards may be renewed for 2 additional
years (total of 3) if recipient remains in an accredited school of
architecture, has a continued financial need, and adheres to all
program requirements.

Application deadline: December 1 for nominations; January 15 for

Stipend: Varies according to need; not intended to cover total cost
of education.


Address for application information:
American Institute of Indian Studies
1130 East 59th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637

Purpose of Program: To support the advancement of knowledge and
understanding of India, its people and culture, primarily through
research conducted in that country by American scholars.

Citizenship: USA and resident aliens of the USA

Level: Postdoctoral, graduate

Field(s) Supported: All fields relating to India

Other Requirements: Each of the fellowships (Senior Research,
Short-Term, Fellowships for Scholarly Development, Junior
Fellowships, Translation Projects, and Performing Arts) has its own

Number of awards: Varies according to the amount of support the
Institute receives each year.

Duration of awards: Varies

Application deadline: July 1

Stipend for 1993-94: Varies


Address for application information:
American Lung Association
Medical Affairs Division
1740 Broadway
New York, New York 10019-4374

Overall purpose of the following awards: To assist in the conquest
of lung disease, the promotion of lung health and the development
of academic scientists.

1. Research Training Fellowships
Purpose of program: To train individuals who have demonstrated a
commitment to a career in investigative or academic medicine
relevant to lung disease.

Citizenship: USA citizens and holders of USA permanent
visas training in the USA; Canadian citizens eligible if training
in USA schools.

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Fields related to prevention and control of
lung disease.

Other requirements: MD, DO, PhD or ScD degree, or comparable

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 1 year; may be renewed for an additional year.

Application deadline: October 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $32,500

2. Pediatric Pulmonary Research Fellowships
Purpose of program: To focus on the development of academic
pulmonary physicians in pediatrics.

Citizenship: USA citizens and holders of USA permanent
visas training in the USA; Canadian citizens eligible if training
in USA schools.

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Fields related to prevention and control of
lung disease.

Other requirements: During the fellowship, major attention must be
placed on research training, although one-third of the training
time may be devoted to clinical activities.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 1 year; may be renewed for an additional year.

Application deadline: October 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $32,500

3. Nursing Research Training Awards
Purpose of program: To stimulate the training of professional
nurses in fields related to lung health.

Citizenship: USA citizens and holders of USA permanent
visas training in the USA; Canadian citizens eligible if training
in USA schools.

Level: Doctoral

Field(s) supported: Fields related to prevention and control of
lung disease.

Other requirements: Must be professional nurses holding masters
degrees who are matriculated in full-time doctoral programs with a
focus relevant to lung disease.  Priority will be given to
individuals who will pursue an academic career.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 1 year; may be renewed for an additional year.

Application deadline: October 1

Stipend for 1993-94: Up to $11,000 per year

4. Behavioral Science Dissertation Grants

Purpose of program: To stimulate training at the doctoral level in
fields of science related to social, behavioral, epidemiological,
psychological, and educational aspects of lung health.

Citizenship: USA citizens and holders of USA permanent
visas training in the USA; Canadian citizens eligible if training
in USA schools.

Level: Dissertation

Field(s) supported: Science fields related to the social,
behavioral, epidemiologic, psychological and educational aspects of
lung health.

Other requirements: Applicants must be matriculating in a full-time
doctoral program with an academic career focus.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: May be renewed for a total of three years.

Application deadline: October 1

Stipend for 1993-94: Up to $21,000 per year (maximum of $16,000 for
stipend and $5,000 for research support).


Address for application information:
Office of Grants and Fellowships
American Museum of Natural History
New York, New York 10024

1. Fellowship Program
Purpose of program: To provide opportunity for postdoctoral
researchers to conduct independent study on some aspect of the
Museum's natural history collections.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Anthropology, mineral sciences, vertebrate and
invertebrate zoology and paleontology

Number of awards: 12 per year

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: January 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $21,000

Allowances and amounts: Relocation allowance; research expenses and
publication costs

2. Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund
Purpose of program: To provide modest grants to graduate students
and those who have recently received their doctorate to study North
American fauna.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral (up to 5 years
after PhD)

Field(s) supported: Fields related to North American fauna

Other requirements: This grant supports research, not tuition.

Number of awards: 79 in 1992

Duration of awards: 1 year or field season

Application deadline: February 15

Allowances and amounts: Range of funding: $200-$1,000; average
award: $650

3. Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research
Purpose of program: To provide modest grants to graduate students
and those who have recently received their doctorate to study
marine zoology anywhere in the world.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral (up to 5 years after PhD)

Field(s) supported: Fields related to marine zoology, except botany

Other requirements: This grant supports research, not tuition.

Number of awards: 88 in 1992

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: March 15

Allowances and amounts: Range of funding: $200-$1,000; average
award: $725.

4. Frank Chapman Memorial Fund
Purpose of program: To provide modest grants to graduate students
and those who have recently received their doctorate to study

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Ornithology

Other requirements: This grant supports research, not tuition.

Number of awards: 65 in 1992

Duration of awards: Approximately 1 year

Application deadline: January 15

Allowances and amounts: Range of funding: $200-$1,000; average
award: $600.


Address for application information:
The American Physical Society
335 E. 45th Street
New York, New York 10017-3483

Title of program: Corporate Sponsored Scholarships for Minority
Undergraduate Students in Physics

Purpose of program: To increase significantly the level of minority
participation in physics in this country.

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Black, Hispanic or Native American

Level: Undergraduate

Field(s) supported: Physics

Other requirements: High school senior, college freshman or
sophomore who is majoring in physics or plans to do so.

Number of awards: 15-20

Duration of awards: One year, with possible renewal for a second
year, based on academic performance and approval of APS Selection
Committee, school and corporate sponsor.

Application deadline: February 25

Stipend for 1993-94: $2,000

Allowances and amounts: $500 to physics department of institution
which hosts one or more APS minority undergraduate scholars.


Address for application information:
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002

1. Minority Fellowship Program
Purpose of program: Designed to have impact at multiple levels on
the status of ethnic and racial minorities in provision and receipt
of psychological services and the formulation and conduct of psych-
ological research.

Citizenship: USA citizenship or USA permanent residents

Eligible ethnic minority groups: American Indian/Alaskan Native,
Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic, Pacific Islander

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Clinical psychology, counseling psychology,
school psychology, experimental psychology

Other requirements: 1) Acceptance into PhD (or PsyD) program in
psychology; 2) an expressed commitment to research, delivery of
clinical services, and involvement in minority issues in mental
health and behavioral sciences.

Number of awards: 30

Duration of awards: 3 years with yearly evaluation

Application deadline: January 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $8,800

Allowances and amounts: Awards are granted on a cost-sharing
arrangement with graduate departments to cover tuition, allowance
for books and materials, a living maintenance stipend and other
related expenses.

2. Doctoral Traineeships in Neuroscience
(Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health)

Purpose of program: To increase the number of ethnic and racial
minorities who complete the doctorate in neuroscience, and to
increase the representation of ethnic and racial minorities in the
neuroscience community who conduct research in areas identified as
important by the NIMH, including basic brain research related to
normal and abnormal functioning and behavior.

Citizenship: USA citizenship or USA permanent residents

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Including but not limited to
Black/African Americans, Latinos, American Indians, Alaskan
Natives, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders.

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Developmental neurobiology, molecular
neurobiology, membrane biophysics, neuroanatomy, neuroimmunology,
neuropharmacology, neuropathology, neurotoxicology,
neurophysiology, psychobiology.

Other requirements: Applicants must: 1) be enrolled in a full-time
doctoral program, listed in Neuroscience Training Programs in North
America, or a program approved by the APA Minority Fellowship
Program in Neuroscience Advisory Committee; 2) be pursuing careers
as research scientists.

Duration of awards: Up to a maximum of three years

Application deadline: January 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $8,800

Allowances and amounts: Amounts vary, depending on Federal
allocations and on the cost-sharing arrangements with universities
to cover tuition, allowances, etc.


1. ASF Awards for Scandinavians
Address for application information:
Denmark-Amerika Fondet, Dr. Tvaergade 44, 1302 Copenhagen K,
Denmark; Suomi-Amerika Yhdistysten Liitto, Mechelininkatu 10,
SF-001 00 Helsinki, Finland; Islenzk-Amerika Felagid, P.O. Box
7051, Reykjavik, Iceland; Norse-Amerika Foreningen, Drammensveien
20 C, 0255 Oslo 2, Norway; Sverige-Amerika Stiftelsen, Box 5280,
S-102 46, Stockholm, Sweden

Purpose of program: To encourage advanced study and research in the
USA; to promote cultural appreciation.

Citizenship: Citizens of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Those which can be pursued with special merit
in the USA.

Other requirements: Consult cooperating organizations (see above)

Number of awards: 70-75

Duration of awards: Usually one full year, but may vary from
several weeks to 6-12 months.

Application deadline: Consult cooperating organizations (see

Stipend for 1992-93: $2,500 to $15,000

2. Fellowships and Grants for Study in Scandinavia
Address for application information:
Exchange Division
The American-Scandinavian Foundation
725 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10021

Purpose of program: To encourage advanced study and research; to
promote cultural appreciation.

Citizenship: USA citizens or USA permanent residents

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Generally unrestricted, but implicit is the
special merit of pursuing the program in Scandinavia; beginning
studies in any subject are not supported.

Number of awards: 35-40

Duration of awards: Several weeks to one full year.

Application deadline: November 1 for fully-completed applications

Stipend for 1992-93: $2,500 to $15,000

(Funding provided by National Institute of Mental Health)

Address for application information:
Minority Fellowship Program
American Sociological Association
1722 N Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Title of program: Research Doctoral Fellowships in Sociology

Purpose of program: To contribute to the development of sociology
by recruiting persons who will add differing orientations and
creativity to the field.  Prospective and current graduate students
with interests in the sociology of mental health/illness will be
selected for these awards.

Citizenship: USA citizens and permanent residents

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Including but not limited to
persons who are Black, Latino/Hispanic (Chicano, Cuban, Puerto
Rican), American Indian, Asian American (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
and Pacific Islanders (Hawaiian, Guamanian, Samoan, Filipino).

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Sociology and mental health related issues.
Applicants should have a clear mental health focus and preferably,
but not necessarily, be studying at a university with training
programs in mental health and related issues.

Other eligibility requirements: Upon completion of degree, fellows
are required to engage in behavioral research and/or training for
a period equal to the length of support beyond 12 months.

Number of awards: Approximately 10

Duration of awards: Up to 3 years

Application deadline: December 31

Stipend for 1993-94: $8,000

Allowances and amounts: Arrangements for the payment of tuition
will be made with the university or department.


Address for application information:
Research Department
Arthritis Foundation
1314 Spring Street, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

1. Postdoctoral Fellowship
Purpose of program: To encourage qualified physicians and
scientists to embark on careers in research broadly related to the
understanding of arthritis and the rheumatic diseases.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Fields supported: Relevant biomedical fields

Other requirements: No more than 6 years of laboratory experience
for MD's; no more than 4 years of post-degree experience for PhD's.
Individuals at or above the assistant professor level, or those who
have a tenured position are ineligible to apply.

Number of awards: 25 new awards in 1992-93

Duration of awards: 2 years with possible renewal for third year

Application deadline: September 1

Stipend for 1992-93: $18,500 - $32,500

Allowances and amounts: $500 institutional grant for travel,
research expenses, etc.

2. Arthritis Investigator Award
Purpose of program: To provide support to physicians and scientists
in research broadly related to arthritis for the period between
completion of postdoctoral training and establishment of

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Medical and basic biomedical research

Other requirements: Minimum of 3 years, maximum of 7 years
postdoctoral research experience.

Number of awards: 20 new awards in 1992-93

Duration of awards: 2 years with possible renewal for third year

Application deadline: September 1

Stipend for 1992-93: $49,000 which can be used for salary or
research expenses, or both.

Allowances and amounts: $1,000 institutional grant for travel,
research expenses, insurance, etc.

3. Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Arthritis Health Professionals
Purpose of program: To advance the research training of arthritis
health professionals in investigative or clinical teaching careers
as they relate to the rheumatic diseases.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Research project related to arthritis
management and/or comprehensive patient care in rheumatology
practice, research, or education.  Suitable studies include:
functional, behavioral, nutritional, occupational, or
epidemiological aspects of patient care and management.

Other requirements: Membership or eligibility for membership in
his/her professional organization.  Dissertation project preferred.

Number of awards: 2 in 1992-93

Duration of awards: One or two years

Application deadline: September 1

Stipend for 1992-93: $10,000

4. New Investigator Grant for Arthritis Health Professions
Purpose of program: To encourage PhD level professionals who have
research expertise to design and carry out innovative research
projects related to the rheumatic diseases.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Arthritis management and/or comprehensive
patient care in rheumatology practice, research, or education.

Other requirements: Must have received PhD or equivalent doctoral
degree within the last 5 years; demonstrated research experience.

Number of awards: Usually 3

Duration of awards: One or two years

Application deadline: September 1

Stipend for 1992-93: $25,000

5. Arthritis Biomedical Science Grant
Purpose of program: To encourage and support high quality, original
biomedical research closely related to understanding the etiology,
pathogenic mechanisms, and control of arthritis and related
rheumatic diseases in adults and children.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Medical and biomedical research

Other requirements: MD, PhD or equivalent. Must be assistant
professor level or higher at any non-profit institution.

Number of awards: 10 in 1992-93

Duration of awards: 1 to 3 years

Application deadline: September 1

Stipend for 1992-93: $75,000

6. Arthritis Clinical Science Grant
Purpose of program: To encourage and support high quality original
research on problems closely related to diagnosis, prognosis,
management, and health care delivery and epidemiology of adults and
children with arthritis and related rheumatic diseases.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Clinical research

Other requirements: Open to physicians and arthritis health
professionals with doctoral degrees associated with any nonprofit
USA institution.  At least one physician with expertise in the
disease area being studied should be closely associated with the

Number of awards: 1 to 3 (2 in 1992-93)

Duration of awards: 1 to 3 years

Application deadline: September 1

Stipend for 1992-93: $75,000

7. Physician Scientist Development Award

Purpose of program: To encourage qualified physicians without
significant prior research experience to embark on careers in
biomedical and/or clinical research related to the understanding of
arthritis and the rheumatic diseases.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Other requirements: Designed for applicants with an MD,DO or
equivalent degree within the past seven years who have completed
training in internal medicine, pediatrics or orthopedics, and will
have completed one year of specialty training in rheumatology or a
residency in orthopedics surgery as of beginning of award tenure.
PhDs are not eligible.

Number of awards: Approximately 5

Duration of awards: 2 years, may be renewed for 3rd year

Application deadline: September 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $27,000 - $32,000

Allowances and amounts: $500 institutional grant


Address for application information:
Harriett Skye
Association on American Indian Affairs
245 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1801
New York, New York 10016-8728

Purpose of programs: To help Native American people and their
communities in meeting the challenges they face--in the ways they
see fit.

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Native American Indians, Alaska
Natives (at least 25%); must have certification of degree of Indian
blood; must be enrolled member of an American Indian tribe or
Alaska Native corporation.
1. AAIA/Adolph Van Pelt Special Fund for Indian Scholarships

Level: Undergraduate, graduate

Fields supported: Unrestricted

Number of awards: Varies

Duration of awards: Up to four years toward any one degree

Application deadline: June 1

Stipend: First year, $500; second year $600; third year $700;
fourth year $800

2. Emergency Aid and Health Professions Scholarships

Level: Undergraduate

Fields supported: Unrestricted
Other eligibility: Must be an undergraduate enrolled full-time

Number of awards: Varies

Duration of awards: One scholarship per academic year

Application deadline: No deadlines

Stipend: $50 to $300

3. Sequoyah Graduate Fellowships

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Unrestricted

Number of awards: 10

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: September 13th

Stipend: $1,500, paid in two equal installments

4. Displaced Homemakers Scholarship

Other requirements: Men or women, aged 30 or older

Level: Undergraduate

Fields supported: Unrestricted

Number of awards: Varies
Duration of awards: 3 years

Application deadline: September 1

Awards and amounts: Help with child care, transportation, some
living expenses for those who could not otherwise attend college


Address for application information:
AT&T Bell Laboratories
101 Crawfords Corner Road, P. O. Box 3030

Holmdel, NJ 07733-3030

1. Engineering Scholarship Program (ESP)

Purpose of program: To provide educational opportunities and
increase talent pool of engineers for underrepresented minorities
and women high school seniors.

Citizenship: USA citizens and permanent residents

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Black, Hispanic, Native American
and all women

Level: Undergraduate

Fields supported: Computer science, computer engineering, systems
engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering

Number of awards: 15

Duration of awards: Renewable up to 4 years

Application deadline: January 15

Allowances and amounts: Full tuition, room and board, book stipend

2. Dual Degree Scholarship Program (DDSP)

Purpose of program: Provide a liberal arts and technical 5-year,
3/2 degree program between the Atlanta University Center Colleges
(Morehouse, Spelman, Morris, Brown, and Clark-Atlanta Univ.) and
Georgia Tech. Auburn, Rensselaer, Rochester Institute of Tech.,
Boston U., U. of Alabama.

Citizenship: USA citizens and permanent residents

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Black, Hispanic, Native American

Level: Undergraduate

Fields supported: BA in mathematics, computer science, physics and
a BS in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer
engineering, industrial engineering

Other requirements: Must be accepted to Morehouse, Spelman, Morris
Brown, or Clark Atlanta University.

Number of awards: 3

Duration of awards: Renewable up to 5 years

Application deadline: Dec. 31

Allowances and amounts: Full tuition, room and board, book stipend

3. Cooperative Research Fellowship Program for Minorities (CRFP)

Purpose of program: To identify and develop scientific and
engineering research ability among members of underrepresented
minority groups, and to increase their representation in the
sciences and engineering.

Citizenship: USA citizen or USA permanent resident

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Blacks, Native American Indians,
and Hispanics
Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Chemistry, chemical engineering, communications
science, computer science/engineering, electrical engineering,
information science, materials science, mathematics, mechanical
engineering, operations research, physics, and statistics

Number of awards: 8

Duration of awards: 4-5 years

Application deadline: January 15
Stipend for 1993-94: $13,200

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees, book allowance, travel
allowance, summer job

4. Graduate Research Program for Women (GRPW)

Purpose of program: To identify and develop research ability in
women and to increase their representation in science and

Citizenship: USA citizens or USA permanent residents

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Chemistry, chemical engineering, communications
science, computer science/engineering, electrical engineering,
information science, materials science, mathematics, mechanical
engineering, operations research, physics, and statistics

Number of awards: 4 fellowships, 6 grants

Duration of awards: 4-5 years

Stipend for 1993-94: $13,200 fellowships/$1,500 grants

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees, book allowance, travel
allowance, summer job


Address for application information:
Australian Research Council
Research Development Section
ARC Fellowships Program
GPO Box 9880,
Canberra ACT 2601

1. Queen Elizabeth II Fellowships

Purpose of program: To encourage research in Australia by young
postdoctoral graduates of exceptional promise and proven capacity
for original work.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biological, chemical, earth, engineering,
mathematical, physical, social sciences and humanities.  Clinical
medicine and dentistry are not supported.

Other requirements: Applicant must: 1) have a PhD; 2) have recent
publications in international refereed journals; 3) normally have
(at most) six years of postdoctoral experience; 4) have above
average distinctions--outstanding academic record.

Number of awards: 15

Duration of awards: 5 years

Application deadline: March 1

Allowances and amounts: Research support grant--$10,500 per annum.

2. Australian Research Fellowships
Purpose of program: To strengthen Australia's national research and
development capability by providing opportunities for established
researchers to undertake research of national significance.

Citizenship: Unrestricted; preference given to Australians.

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biological, chemical, earth, engineering,
mathematical, physical, social sciences and humanities.  Clinical
medicine and dentistry are not supported.

Other requirements: Applicant must have a PhD and normally have at
least 3 years of postdoctoral experience at time of application.

Number of awards: 25

Duration of awards: 5 years

Application deadline: March 2

Allowances and amounts: Research support grant--$5,500 per annum.

3. Australian Senior Research Fellowships
Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for outstanding
researchers with proven international reputations to undertake
research of significant benefit to Australia.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biological, chemical, earth, engineering,
mathematical, physical and social sciences, and humanities.
Clinical medicine and dentistry are not supported.

Other requirements: Applicant must have a PhD and must be at least
a senior lecturer, or a principal or senior research scientist of
equivalent rank.

Number of awards: 15

Duration of awards: 5 years

Allowances and amounts: Research support grant.

4. Australian Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Purpose of program: To strengthen Australia's national research and
development capability by providing opportunities for postdoctoral
level researchers to undertake research of international

Citizenship: Unrestricted; preference given to Australians.

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biological, chemical, earth, engineering,
mathematical, physical and social sciences, and humanities.
Clinical medicine and dentistry are not supported.

Other requirements: Applicant must: 1) have submitted their PhD
thesis at the time of commencement of the fellowship; 2) must have
the agreed support of the host institution; 4) have no more than 3
years of postdoctoral experience at the time of application.

Number of awards: 50

Duration of awards: 3 years

Allowances and amounts: Research support grant--$3,500 per annum.

Title  : NSF 93-147 -- A Selected List of Fellowship and Other Support
         Opportunities for Advanced Education
Type   : Report
Date   : March 7, 1995
File   : ns93147c


Address for application information:
Bunting Institute of Radcliffe College
34 Concord Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

1. Science Scholars Fellowship Program
Purpose of program: To support women scientists at any level in
their careers in the fields of science listed below.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Astronomy; molecular and cellular biology;
biochemistry; chemistry; cognitive and neural sciences;
mathematics; computer science; electrical, aerospace, and
mechanical engineering; materials science; naval architecture;
ocean engineering; oceanography; physics; and geology.

Other requirements: Receipt of doctorate at least two years prior
to appointment.

Number of awards: 8

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: Usually early October

Stipend for 1993-94: $31,300

Allowances and amounts:  Up to $3,000 in research expenses.

2. Bunting Fellowship Program
Purpose of program: To support women of exceptional promise and
demonstrated accomplishments who wish to pursue independent study
in the academic and professional fields listed below.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral, equivalent professional experience

Field(s) supported: All fields of scholarship, professions,
creative writing, poetry, visual and performing arts, music, and
sciences not included in Science Scholars Fellowship.

Other requirements: Receipt of doctorate at least two years prior
to appointment, or equivalent professional experience for
non-academic appointment.

Number of awards: 5-8 out of an applicant pool of 600-700.

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: Usually early October

Stipend for 1992-93: $28,500

3. Peace Fellowship
Purpose of program: To support women actively involved in finding
peaceful solutions to conflict or potential conflict among groups
or nations.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Number of awards: 1

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: January 15 for 1993-94 fellowships; varies

Stipend for 1993-94: $25,000

Allowances and amounts: some funds for travel and research

4. Berkshire Summer Fellowship
Purpose of program: To support women historians with a PhD at the
postdoctoral level.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Any field of history

Duration of awards: Summer months

Application deadline: January 15 for 1993-94 fellowships; varies

Stipend for 1993-94: $3,000


Address for application information:
Central Inquiry Division
California Student Aid Commission
P.O. Box 942845
Sacramento, California 94245-0845

Title of program: Graduate Fellowship Program

Purpose of program: To afford opportunity for graduate study to
unusually able persons.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: All graduate fields requiring advanced degrees.

Other requirements: Applicant must be: 1) a California resident and
attend school in California; 2) a first or second year graduate
student at time award is activated.

Number of awards: Approximately 500

Duration of awards: Up to 4 years

Application deadline: March 2 for 1990

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fee payment only up to $6,490


Address for application information:
Killam Program
The Canada Council
99 Metcalfe Street
P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1P 5V8

Title of program: Canada Council Killam Research Fellowships

Purpose of program: To provide released time to an individual
scholar to pursue independent research.

Citizenship: Canadian or landed immigrant resident in Canada, only.

Level: Senior scholar (8 to 12 years beyond the PhD)

Field(s) supported: Humanities, social sciences, natural sciences,
health sciences, engineering, and studies linking disciplines
within these broad fields.

Number of awards: 15 to 18 new awards per year

Duration of awards: 2 years

Application deadline: June 30

Stipend for 1993-94: $53,000
Allowances and amounts: Full fringe benefits based on actual


Title of program: Carnegie Institution of Washington Fellowships

Address for application information:
Write to Director of department in field of applicant's choice: 1)
Department of Embryology, 115 West University Parkway, Baltimore,
Maryland 21210 (research toward a better understanding of the
molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying differentiation,
growth, and morphogenesis and the manner in which these processes
are coordinated in a number of developing systems, both normal and
abnormal); 2) Geophysical Laboratory, 5251 Broad Branch Road, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20015 (physico-chemical studies of geological
problems, with particular emphasis on the processes involved in the
formation and evolution of the Earth's crust, mantle, and core); 3)
Carnegie Observatories, 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena,
California 91101 and Las Campanas, Chile (programs of astronomical
research on the structure and dimensions of the universe and the
physical nature, chemical composition, and evolution of celestial
bodies); 4) Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, 5241 Broad Branch
Road, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20015 (a wide range of studies in
physics and related sciences, including astrophysics, geophysics
and geochemistry, and planetary physics); 5) Department of Plant
Biology, 290 Panama Street, Stanford, California 94305 (research on
the study of photosynthesis, and on the physiological and bio-
chemical mechanisms that underlie the functional diversity and
adaptations of plants).

Purpose of program: To train research scientists

Citizenship: Unrestricted; efforts are made to recruit qualified
women and minorities.

Level: Postdoctoral; by special arrangement, predoctoral Fellows to
undertake thesis research

Field(s) supported: See above.

Number of awards: Approximately 30

Duration of awards: 1 to 2 years

Application deadline: Varies in each department

Stipend for 1992-93: As recommended by director of each department

Allowances and amounts: Grants may sometimes include travel funds.


Address for application information:
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
202 Junipero Serra Boulevard
Stanford, California 94305

Title of program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

Purpose of program: To provide scholars of exceptional achievement
or promise free time to devote to their own study and to associate
with colleagues in the same discipline or related fields.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Include but not limited to: anthropology, art
history, biology, classics, economics, education, history, law,
linguistics, literature, mathematical and statistical specialties,
medicine, musicology, philosophy, political science, psychiatry,
psychology, and sociology.

Other requirements: Fellows must spend the fellowship year at the
Center. Fellows are selected from nominations from academic
administrators, well known scholars, and former Fellows.

Number of awards: Approximately 50 per year.

Duration of awards: 9 to 12 months (September to August)

Application deadline: The Center welcomes nominations at any time.

Stipend for 1993-94: In most cases, based on the Fellow's salary
for the preceding academic year.

Allowances and amounts: Travel expenses


Address for application information:
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, Inc.
One Buckhead Plaza, Suite 1000
3060 Peachtree Road, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Title of Program: Scholarship

Purpose of program: To provide scholarships to high school seniors
for college.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Undergraduate

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: Applicant must reside in participating Coca-
Cola bottler's territory.  All high schools located within a
participating bottler's territory will automatically receive
applications at the beginning of the school year.  Applications are
available through high school guidance offices only.

Number of awards: 150

Duration of awards: Renewable up to four years

Application deadline: October 31

Allowances and amounts: 100 awards at $1,000 per year; 50 awards at
$5,000 per year.


Address for application information:
The Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research
333 Cedar Street
P.O. Box 3333
New Haven, Connecticut 06510

Title of program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

Purpose of program: To further research into the causes, origins
and treatment of cancer through the award of postdoctoral

Citizenship: Unrestricted - awards to foreign nationals made only
for work in the USA; awards to USA citizens tenable in the USA
or any foreign country.

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: See above.

Other requirements: Applicants in general should not have more than
one year of postdoctoral experience.

Number of awards: Approximately 25

Duration of awards: Two - three years

Application deadline: February 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $24,000 the first year; $25,000 the second
year; $26,000 the third year

Allowances and amounts: Allowance of $1,500 a year toward the cost
of research usually will be made available to the laboratory
sponsoring the Fellow.


Address for application information:
CIC Predoctoral Fellowships Program
Kirkwood Hall, Room 111
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana 47405

Participating universities: University of Chicago, University of
Illinois at Chicago and Urbana-Champaign, Indiana University,
University of Iowa, University of Michigan, Michigan State
University, University of Minnesota, Northwestern University, Ohio
State University, Pennsylvania State University, Purdue University,
University of Wisconsin-Madison and Milwaukee.

1. CIC Predoctoral Fellowships Program in the Sciences, Mathematics
and Engineering
Purpose of program: To increase the representation of African
Americans, American Indians, Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans
among PhD recipients in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering.
Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: See above

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: All scientific fields that lead to the PhD;
applications are especially encouraged in agricultural sciences,
biological sciences, chemistry, engineering, mathematical sciences,
medical sciences, physical and geological sciences, and physics.

Other requirements: Recipients are selected on the basis of
academic achievement, ethnicity, and area of study. Recipients must
pursue programs of study leading to PhD degrees, and must be
accepted as graduate students by at least one of the CIC
universities. Fellowships can be used only at the CIC universities.

Duration of awards: up to 5 academic years

Application deadline: January 5 of each year

2. CIC Predoctoral Fellowships Program in the Social Sciences
Purpose of program: To increase the representation of African
Americans, American Indians, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Ricans
among PhD recipients in the basic social science disciplines.

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: See above

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Anthropology, economics, geography, history,
political science, psychology, and sociology.

Other requirements: Fellowship recipients are selected on the basis
of academic achievement, ethnicity, and area of study.  Recipients
must be accepted for admission by at least one of the CIC
universities, and must pursue programs of study leading to PhD
degrees. Fellowships can be used only at the CIC universities.

Number of awards: 25

Duration of awards: up to 5 academic years

Application deadline: January 5 of each year

Stipend for l992-93: $10,000

Allowances and amounts: Full tuition for the academic year.

3. CIC Predoctoral Fellowships Program in the Humanities
Purpose of program: To increase the representation of African
Americans, American Indians, Mexican Americans, and Puerto Ricans
among PhD recipients in the humanities.

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: See above.

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: American studies, art history, classics and
classical languages, comparative literature, English and American
literature, folklore, Germanic languages and literature,
linguistics, music (theory and musicology only), philosophy,
religious studies, Romance languages and literature (French,
Italian, Portuguese, Spanish), Slavic languages and literature,
theatre and drama.

Other requirements: Fellowship recipients are selected on academic
achievement, ethnicity, and area of study. Recipients must be
accepted for admission by at least one of the CIC universities, and
pursue programs of study leading to PhD degrees. The fellowships
can be used only at the CIC universities.

Number of awards: 10

Duration of awards: Up to 5 academic years

Application deadline: January 5 of each year

Stipend for 1992-93: $10,500

Allowances and amounts: Full tuition for the academic year.


Address for application information:
National Academy of Sciences
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D. C. 20418

Purpose of program: To facilitate scholarly exchanges with the
People's Republic of China.

1. Graduate Program
Citizenship: USA citizens or USA permanent residents

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Social sciences and humanities

Other requirements: Offers support for individuals enrolled in a
graduate program in the social sciences and humanities to do course
work in an academic discipline at a Chinese university; or for
individuals with the MA for social sciences and humanities course
work and/or dissertation research at a Chinese university. Requires
Chinese language proficiency acquired through at least 3 years of
college-level study or its equivalent, preferably including time in
a Chinese language environment such as Taiwan.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: Requires minimum tenure of 1 academic year.

Application deadline: October 10 for 1992

Stipend for 1992-93: Variable

Allowances and amounts: Variable

2. Research Program
Citizenship: USA citizens or U.S permanent residents

Level: PhD or equivalent

Field(s) supported: Social sciences and humanities

Other requirements: Supports in-depth research on China, the
Chinese portion of a comparative study, or an exploratory survey of
an aspect of contemporary China; gives preference to those who have
not previously participated in the program, but encourages former
participants to apply on the basis of publications derived from an
earlier visit.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 2 months to 1 year

Application deadline: October

Stipend for 1992-93: Variable

Allowances and amounts: Variable


Title of program: The Harkness Fellowships
Addresses for application information:
In Great Britain:
28 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3EG
In Australia:
Mr. Roger D.B. Beale
Department of Transport and Communications
GPO Box 594
ACT 2601
In New Zealand:
Mr. R.E.W. Elliott
15 City View Road
Lower Hutt
New Zealand

Purpose of program: To promote international understanding by
enabling students to study and travel in the continental United

Citizenship: Australia, New Zealand or the United Kingdom

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral (over 21, but preference to those
between their mid 20's to mid 40's).

Field(s) supported: In Australia and New Zealand -- unrestricted;
in the United Kingdom -- health, education, people in cities
Other requirements: In Australia and New Zealand -- Degree or
equivalent qualification conferred by professional body, or an
outstanding record of achievement in the creative arts, journalism,
business or other comparable career; candidates wishing to study
for an MBA must have had substantial full-time postgraduate admin-
istrative experience in addition to degree requirements. Candidates
must not have spent more than 6 months in the USAA. following
their 19th birthday and may not be currently studying in the USA
In the United Kingdom--Fellowships are open to individuals active
in any part of the public, business or voluntary sectors, who have
demonstrated exceptional personal and intellectual qualities, and
professional achievement. Candidates must show promise of becoming
leaders in their chosen fields. Academics and researchers are
eligible, but must show active interest in the practical
applications of their work. Preference will normally be given to
those who have not already spent substantial periods in the United

Number of awards: For 1992: 11 U.K., 5 Australia, 2 New Zealand

Duration of awards: 12 to 21 months in Australia and New Zealand;
7 to 12 months in the United Kingdom

Application deadline: Variable, but generally: Australia-August;
New Zealand-September; U.K.-mid October. All dates are in year
preceding year of award.

Stipend for 1993-94: ?1,400-?2,400 per month.

Allowances and amounts: Travel to and from USA, living allowances,
USA travel allowance, medical insurance, tuition.


Address for application information:
Council for International Exchange of Scholars
Suite 5M
3007 Tilden Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008-3009

1. Fulbright Scholar Program Grants for Faculty and Professionals:
Research and Lecturing--American Scholars
Purpose of program: To enable Americans to learn first-hand about
other countries and cultures, and to promote academic and
professional development. [Administered on behalf of the USA
Information Agency (USIA)].

Citizenship: USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: All academic fields and some professions

Other requirements: PhD or comparable professional qualifications;
university or college teaching experience; and, for selected
assignments, proficiency in a foreign language.

Number of awards: Approximately 1,000 (700 university lecturing and
300 advanced research).

Duration of awards: 2 months to 1 academic year

Application deadline: June 15 for Australia and South Asia. August
1 for Africa, Northeast and Southeast Asia, Central and Eastern
Europe, territories of the former USSR, Western Europe, Latin
America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa,
Canada.  Other deadlines are in place for special programs.

Stipend for 1993-94: Stipends vary by country.

Allowances and amounts: Generally includes international travel and
miscellaneous allowances.

2. Fulbright Awards for University Teaching and Advanced Research-
Non-USA Scholars
Address for application information: Cultural Affairs Officer of
the USA Embassy or the binational Educational Commission or
Foundation in the scholar's own country.

Purpose of program: To increase mutual understanding between the
people of the USA and the people of other countries, and to
promote academic and professional development.  [Administered on
behalf of the USA Information Agency (USIA).]

Citizenship: Non-USA citizens; each must apply in country of

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: All academic disciplines

Other requirements: PhD or comparable professional qualifications;
university or college teaching experience; proficiency in English.

Number of awards: Approximately 1,000

Duration of awards: 3 months to 1 academic year

Application deadline: Varies by country.

Stipend for 1993-94 : Varies by country.

Allowances and amounts: Generally includes monthly stipend,
international travel, and miscellaneous allowances.

3. Fulbright Awards for University Teaching Scholars-in-Residence
Purpose of program: Foreign scholars are invited to lecture at USA
institutions in order to strengthen the international dimension of
teaching programs at institutions with limited opportunities to
receive foreign scholars and to enrich established area studies or
international programs.

Citizenship: Citizens of countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia,
and the Middle East that participate in the Fulbright program.

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Preference is given to humanities and social
sciences scholars as well as professionals from the media or

Other requirements: USA institutions submit proposals to host a
scholar. The proposals contain cost-sharing provisions.

Number of awards: Approximately 40

Duration of awards: 1 academic year or term

Application deadline: November 1

Allowances and amounts: Round-trip travel for grantee and, for full
year awards, one accompanying dependent; monthly maintenance
allowance; allowances for travel, books, and essential services.
Cost sharing by host institution.

4. Indo-American Fellowship Program
Purpose of program: To draw into educational exchange USA citizens
who are not India specialists and who have had limited or no prior
experience in India.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: All academic fields, except clinical medicine
and professional fields such as architecture, business, law, museum
work, and creative areas.

Other requirements: PhD or comparable professional qualifications

Number of awards: 12 long term (6 to 10 months), 9 short term (2 to
3 months).

Application deadline: June 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $1,700 per month, of which $800 is payable in
USA dollars and the balance in rupees.

Allowances and amounts: Monthly maintenance allowance,
international travel, supplementary research and other allowances.

5. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Advanced Research
Purpose of program: To support research projects of a historical,
political, economic or social nature of direct interest to the
Atlantic Alliance.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Social sciences on topics related to the
Atlantic Alliance including political/military studies.

Other requirements: PhD or equivalent professional status

Number of awards: Up to 3

Duration of awards: 2 to 12 months

Application deadline: January 1

Stipend for 1993-94: 240,000 Belgian francs or the equivalent in
the currency of any other member country.

Allowances and amounts: Travel

6. Japan Today
Purpose of program: To assist academics or professionals who want
to enhance or update their knowledge of Japan in order to
contribute to the current dialogue between Japan and the USA
Participants will be able to conduct interviews, consultations,
lectures and/or on-site visits.

Citizenship: USA

Fields supported: Architecture, business, environmental studies,
government, journalism and media, law, and social work as well as
most academic disciplines, excluding the arts.

Other requirements: Terminal degree; limited to no prior experience
in Japan within the past 5 years; Japanologists are not included in
this program; language capability helpful but not required.

Duration of awards: six to twelve weeks

Number of awards: Approximately 5

Application deadline: August 1

Allowances and amounts: Per diem sufficient to cover living
expenses during the term of the award; a research allowance;
international and domestic travel.


Address for application information:
Aaron Diamond Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
5 Penn Plaza, Room 308
New York, New York  10001

Title of Program: Aaron Diamond Foundation Postdoctoral Research
Fellowships in the Biomedical and Social Sciences (administered by
the New York State Health Research Council)

Purpose of program: To support AIDS and drug abuse research, both
biomedical and social science aspects, while attracting promising
M.D.'s and Ph.D.'s to engage in intensive research training in New
York City institutions.  Women and minorities are especially
encouraged to apply.

Citizenship: USA citizens, those who have applied for citizenship
and those who are permanent residents and have an Alien
Registration Receipt Card are given preference, as one program goal
is to retain promising researchers within New York City

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Diverse biomedical and social science fields,
broadly interpreted as relevant to AIDS and drug abuse.

Other requirements: Preference is given to those with three years
or less postdoctoral research experience and those relocating to
New York City.  Prospective fellows apply as part of a team, to
include a potential mentor from a New York City institution.
Preference is given to newly forming, rather than existing, fellow-
mentor teams.

Number of awards: 25 (awarded yearly: 1991-93)

Duration of awards: 2-3 years

Application deadline: July 30

Stipend for 1992-93: $36,000, with $2,000 increases in years 2 and
3 of the award.

Allowances and amounts: $25,000 research allowance, plus $5,000
institutional allowance ($2,000 of which must be used to directly
benefit the Fellow).

Trustees for Harvard University

Address for application information:
Office of the Director
Dumbarton Oaks
1703 32nd Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20007

1. Dumbarton Oaks Fellowships and Junior Fellowships, Summer
Fellowships in Byzantine Studies, Pre-Columbian Studies, and
Studies in Landscape Architecture.
Purpose of Program: To promote study and pursue research at
Dumbarton Oaks in the fields of Byzantine Studies, Pre-Columbian
Studies and Studies in Landscape Architecture.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Junior Fellowships -- students who at the time of
application have fulfilled all preliminary requirements for a PhD
and will be working on a dissertation or final project at Dumbarton
Oaks under the direction of a faculty member at their own
university; Fellowships -- scholars who hold, or will hold at the
time of residence at Dumbarton Oaks, a doctorate or have
established themselves in their field and wish to pursue their own
research; Summer Fellowships -- scholars on any level of

Field(s) supported: Byzantine Studies (including related aspects of
late Roman, Early Christian, western medieval, Slavic and Near
Eastern studies); Pre-Columbian Studies (of Mexico, Central
America, and Andean South America); and Studies in Landscape

Other requirements: Fellows are expected to be able to communicate
satisfactorily in English.

Number of awards: Approximately 35 per year

Duration of awards: Full academic year or single term.  Summer
Fellowships--6-9 weeks.

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $18,000 for Fellows for a full academic year;
$11,000 for a Junior Fellow.

Allowances and Amounts: $1,500 dependent allowance; $800 research
allowance; travel expense reimbursement up to $1,300 for Fellows
residing outside the USA; plus housing arrangements. Summer
Fellows receive maintenance allowance of $125 per week plus housing
arrangements, weekday lunch and travel expense reimbursement up to

2. Bliss Prize Fellowship in Byzantine Studies
Purpose of program: To provide encouragement, assistance, and
training to outstanding college seniors who plan to enter the field
of Byzantine Studies.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Seniors in college or those who have earned a BA.

Field(s) supported: Areas involving Byzantine civilization and

Other requirements: Applicants must have completed at least one
year of Greek and must be applicants to graduate school in any
field of Byzantine Studies; Bliss Fellowships are normally
restricted to candidates currently enrolled in USA or Canadian
universities or colleges.

Duration of awards: 1 to 2 years

Application deadline: Nominations by student advisors are due
November 1; application materials from the applicant are due
November 15.

Allowances and amounts: Graduate school tuition and living expenses
up to $25,000 and a summer travel allowance up to $5,000.


Address for application information:
East-West Center
Award Services Office, Burns Hall 2066
1777 East-West Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96848

1. Fellow
Purpose of program:
To attract international scholars and authorities to the Center for
involvement in specific Center projects along with EWC staff and
other participants, and to promote cooperation with foreign
institutions through participation of their staff in EWC projects

Citizenship: USA, Asia, and Pacific Islands

Level: Post-graduate

Fields supported: Culture and communication, economic development
and policy, environment and policy, population, non-renewable
resources, international relation, Pacific Islands development,

Other eligibility: Must be invited by EWC or nominated by
cooperating institutions.

Number of awards: 200-300

Duration of awards: Visiting fellows: up to 3 months; research
fellows: up to 36 months

Application deadline: Varies according to citizenship

Stipend: Related to academic/professional rank, and/or relevant
research experience, and/or current salary

Allowances and amounts: EWC residence hall accommodations in guest
facility optional for fellows on award for six months or less

2. Predoctoral Fellowship

Purpose of program: To strengthen relations with institutions in
Asia, Pacific Islands and USA by enabling PhD candidates from
these institutions to work in specific EWC projects relevant to
their dissertations.

Citizenship: USA, Asia, and Pacific Islands

Level: Dissertation

Fields: Areas of EWC projects

Other eligibility: Good academic record and test scores

Number of awards: 5

Duration of awards: 6-10 months

Application deadline: January

Stipend for 1992-93: $1,250 per month

Allowances and amounts: Transportation and other approved EWC
academic expenses may be provided, shared office space

3. Graduate Degree Student
Purpose of program: To support master's and doctorate degree
programs at the University of Hawaii and provide opportunities to
participate in Center research programs and activities.

Citizenship: USA, Asia, and Pacific Islands

Fields supported: Graduate fields eligible for support at the
University of Hawaii that relate to EWC projects

Other eligibility: Good academic record and test scores

Number of awards: Varies

Duration of awards: Up to 24 months for master's; up to 48 months
for doctorate

Application deadline: Varies according to citizenship

Stipend for 1992-93: $516 per month

Allowances and amounts: Tuition, book allowance, EWC approved
academic expenses, accommodations in EWC dormitory

4. Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Asia Pacific Area Studies
Purpose of program:  To enable recent doctoral recipients to
participate in on-going research in addition to preparing
dissertation for publication.

Citizenship: USA, Asia, and Pacific Islands

Level: Postdoctoral

Fields Supported: Areas of EWC projects

Number of awards: 4-5

Duration of awards: 12 months

Application deadline: Varies according to citizenship

Stipend for 1992-93: $2,500 per month

Allowances and amounts: Transportation, EWC residence hall
available for two months while locating off-campus housing, shared
office space.

Nuclear Research--CERN)

Address for application information:
Fellows and Associates Service
Personnel Division
CH-1211 Geneva 23

1. Fellowships
Purpose of Program: To allow young post-graduates to gain
experience by working in a research or development group.

Citizenship:  Candidates must be nationals of the Member States of
CERN:  Austria, Belgium, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United

Level: Graduate, Postdoctoral

Field(s) Supported: Experimental and theoretical particle physics,
as well as various related activities in applied physics,
electronics, computing, and engineering.

Duration of awards: 1 year and usually extended for a second year

Application deadline: Normally, early November and early April of
each year.

Stipend for 1992-93: 5000-7000 Swiss francs per month

2. Scientific Associates Programme

Purpose of program: To establish and maintain contacts with
scientists at laboratories throughout the world.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Experimental and theoretical particle physics,
and advanced development work and related research in a broad range
of applied sciences and engineering.

Number of awards: About 60

Duration of awards: Normally up to 1 year

Application deadline: Mid-February and mid-October of each year

Stipend for 1992-93: 4000-10000 Swiss francs per month

Allowances and amounts: For non-residents: Associates - 9-12% of
stipend for non-residents Family - 273 Swiss francs per month;
Child - 301 Swiss francs per month

3. Corresponding Fellowships
Purpose of Program: Granted to scientists holding research or
teaching positions to help them keep abreast of developments in
particle physics and related fields.

Citizenship: Limited to citizens of CERN Member States.

Level: Postdoctoral

Fields supported: Particle physics and related fields

Other Requirements: Restricted to citizens of smaller Member States
and are intended for scientists who have already had experience at

Duration of awards: Up to 6 months

Stipend: While Corresponding Fellows are at CERN, their parent
institutes are expected to continue normal salary payments.

Allowances and amounts: Subsistence allowance to cover the
additional costs of living in Geneva.


Address for application information:
Florida Endowment Fund for Higher Education
Suite 1525
201 East Kennedy Boulevard
Tampa, Florida 33602

Title of program: McKnight Doctoral Fellowship Program

Purpose of program: To address the underrepresentation of
African-American faculty at colleges and universities in the state
of Florida by increasing the pool of African- Americans qualified
with PhD degrees to teach at the college or university level

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority group(s): African-Americans

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Arts and sciences, business, engineering and
mathematics and science education

Other requirements: Applicant must have obtained at least a
bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or

Number of awards: 25 per year

Duration of awards: 3 years; fourth and fifth year funded by
institution if necessary.

Application deadline: January 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $11,000

Allowances and amounts: Full tuition and fees not to exceed $5,000
per year; total fellowship is worth $16,000 per year


Address for application information:
International Research and Awards Branch
Fogarty International Center
Building 31, Room B2C39
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892

1. Senior International Fellowship Program
Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for established USA
scientists to conduct collaborative research abroad.

Citizenship: USA citizens or USA permanent residents

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biomedical, behavioral and health sciences

Other requirements: The applicant must hold a doctoral degree in
one of the biomedical, behavioral, or health sciences; have 5 years
or more postdoctoral experience; have professional experience in
one of the biomedical, behavioral, or health sciences for at least
2 of the last 4 years;  hold a full-time appointment on the staff
of the USA nominating institution (which must be a non-Federal
public or private not-for-profit research, clinical, or educational
institution); be invited by a not-for-profit foreign institution;
and not be employed by the Federal government. Previous Senior
International Fellows may apply for a second award.

Number of awards: Approximately 40

Duration of awards: 3 to 12 months; split term is possible, minimum
3 month terms.

Application deadlines: January 10, May 10, September 10

Stipend for 1993-94: $15,000

Allowances and amounts: Round-trip fare, economy class on USA air
carrier, for Fellow; institutional allowance of up to $6,000 for 12
months (prorated for lesser periods); foreign living allowance:

2. Foreign Supported Fellowships for U. S. Scientists
Purpose of program: To enhance the exchange of research experience
and information in the biomedical, behavioral, and health sciences.

Citizenship: U. S. citizens or U.S permanent residents

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biomedical, behavioral, and health sciences

Participating countries: England, Finland, France, Germany,
Ireland, Israel, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Taiwan.

Other requirements: The eligibility requirements of each program
differ. At a minimum, each candidate must have an earned doctoral
degree and research experience in the proposed area of study as
demonstrated by publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Brochures on each program are available upon request.

Number of awards: Varies with each country.

Duration of awards: 3 months to 12 months, but varies by country.

Application deadline: Applications to programs supported by Germany
and Taiwan can be submitted at any time; all other programs have an
annual receipt date of May 10.

Stipend for 1993-94: Varies with each country.

3. International Research Fellowship Program
Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for foreign postdoc-
toral scientists in the formative stages of their careers to extend
their research experience in a USA laboratory.

Citizenship: Approximately 50 countries and 4 regions/ areas

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biomedical, behavioral, and health sciences

Other requirements: The applicant must hold an earned doctoral
degree (MD,PhD,DVM,DDS) or the equivalent in a health science
field; have demonstrated the ability to engage in independent basic
or clinical research; submit a research proposal in an area of one
of the biomedical or behavioral sciences; have a sponsor in the
USA at a nonprofit institution who has agreed to accept the
applicant for research on the applicant's proposed project; have
assurance from a nonprofit institution in the home country that
there is a position to which the applicant can return after
completion of the fellowship; and be proficient in spoken and
written English.

Number of awards: About 90

Duration of awards: 12-24 months

Application deadline: August 1 and November 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $21,000-$32,300 per year

Allowances and amounts: Round-trip fare, economy class on USA air
carrier, for Fellow; institutional allowance of $5,000 for
non-Federal Fellows.

4. Health and Biomedical Scientist Exchanges
This program is supported by bilateral agreements between the
USA and participating countries; therefore, similar
opportunities exist for scientists from participating countries.

Address for application information:
International Coordination and Liaison Branch
Fogarty International Center
Building 31, Room B2C11
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
a. Health Scientist Exchange Program

Purpose of program: To foster collaboration between health
professionals and scientists in the USA and Hungary,
Poland, Romania or Russia in studying health problems that are of
mutual interest and importance.

Citizenship: U. S. citizens or USA permanent residents

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biomedical, behavioral and health sciences

Other requirements: The applicant must have professional experience
appropriate to the proposed study and be affiliated with a U. S. or
private nonprofit educational, research, or clinical institution.

Number of awards: Not specified

Duration of awards: 2-12 weeks (variations may be considered if

Application deadline: Continuous

Stipend for 1993-94: Awardees receive lodging, per diem, and
round-trip expenses.
b. Biomedical Research Exchanges

Purpose of program: To conduct collaborative biomedical research of
mutual benefit to the USA and Bulgaria.

Citizenship: USA citizens or U.S permanent residents

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biomedical, behavioral, and health sciences

Other requirements: The applicant must have professional experience
appropriate to the proposed study, and be affiliated with a USA or
private nonprofit educational or research institution.

Number of awards: Not specified

Duration of awards: Short term (2-12 weeks); long term (3-6 months)

Application deadline: Continuous

Stipend for 1993-94: Awardees receive lodging, per diem, and
round-trip expenses.

5. Fogarty International Research Collaboration Award (FIRCA)
Purpose of Program: To facilitate cooperation and collaboration
between USA scientists and scientists in Central and Eastern
Europe, Latin America and the non-USA Caribbean that will expand
and enhance the NIH-supported research program of the USA
Principal Investigator and benefit the scientific interests of the
collaborating foreign scientist.

Field(s) supported: Biomedical, behavioral and health sciences

Other requirements: The USA applicant must be the Principal
Investigator of an NIH research project grant that will be active
and funded during the proposed grant award period.  The foreign
collaborator must be from a country located in the geographical
regions commonly known as Central and Eastern Europe, Latin
America, or the non-USA Caribbean.  Special application
instructions are necessary and are available from the International
Research and Awards Branch.

Number of awards: Dependant on budget allocation (estimated 40+ new
awards each year)

Duration of awards: 1-3 years, depending on the number of years
remaining on the NIH grant at time of award.

Application deadlines: October 1, February 1 and June 1

Stipend for 1993-94: Up to $20,000 in direct costs per year, for up
to three years.  Funds may be used for: materials, supplies, and
equipment for the foreign scientist's research laboratory, and
travel and short-term living (per diem) expenses for the Principal
Investigator and/or the foreign collaborator, and their research
associates, as justified by the scientific needs of the project.


Address for application information:
Contact FAO representative in home country.

1. Technical Assistance Fellowships
Purpose of program: To equip qualified personnel to aid technical,
economic, and social development of their own countries.

Citizenship: Nationals of countries with which agreements have been
signed under the United Nations Development Programme or Trust Fund
arrangements with various donor countries.

Level: Candidates must have basic and technical education and
practical experience in field of fellowship.

Other requirements: Awards made only as part of specific projects
of technical assistance operated by FAO.

Field(s) supported: Agriculture, fisheries, forestry, nutrition,
agricultural economics, and statistics.

Number of awards: About 1,000 per year.

Duration of awards: Ranges from 1 month to 5 years.

Stipend for 1993-94: Varies from country to country according to
rates established by the United Nations.

Allowances and amounts: Book allowance, termination allowance,
degree allowance (for thesis publication).

2. Andre Mayer Research Fellowships
Purpose of program: To provide opportunity for Fellows to carry out
selected research projects within the framework of FAO's current
Programme of Work.

Citizenship: Nationals of all member countries.

Level: Available to experienced and highly qualified research
workers for independent research.

Field(s) supported: Agriculture, fisheries, forestry, nutrition,
agricultural economics, and statistics.

Other requirements: Awards made only through governmental

Number of awards: About 4 every 2 years.

Duration of awards: From 1 to 2 years.

Stipend for 1993-94: Varies from country to country according to
rates established by the United Nations; $100 for family if
accompanying Fellow.

Allowances and amounts: No set allowances, as requests are
considered on an individual basis.


Address for application information:
Fellowship Office
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D. C. 20418

1. Ford Foundation Predoctoral and Dissertation Fellowships for
Purpose of program: To increase the presence of underrepresented
minorities on the nation's college and university faculties by
offering doctoral fellowships to members of the six minority groups
most severely underrepresented in the nation's PhD population, the
pool from which colleges and universities draw their faculties.

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Alaskan Natives (Eskimo or Aleut),
Native American Indians, Black/African Americans, Mexican
Americans/Chicanos, Native Pacific Islanders (Polynesian or
Micronesian), and Puerto Ricans

Level: Predoctoral (beginning graduate), Dissertation (all course
work and examinations completed)

Field(s) supported: Behavioral and social sciences, humanities,
engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, and biological
sciences, or interdisciplinary programs comprised of two or more
eligible disciplines. Awards will not be made in such areas as
business administration and management, health sciences, public
health, home economics, library science, speech pathology and
audiology, personnel and guidance, social work, fine arts and
performing arts, and education; in addition, awards will not be
made for work leading to terminal master's degrees, doctorates in
education (PhD or EdD), Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA) degrees, or
professional degrees in such areas as medicine, law, or business.

Other requirements: Predoctoral: Applicants must: 1) plan to work
toward the PhD or ScD degree; 2) not have completed, by the
beginning of the fall application period, more than 30 semester
hours, 45 quarter hours, or equivalent, of graduate-level study in
fields supported by this program; 3) have Graduate Record
Examinations (GRE) General Test scores from tests taken since
October 1, 1987.
Dissertation: Applicants must: 1) work toward the PhD or ScD
degree; 2) have finished all required course work and examinations
except for the defense of the dissertation; 3) be admitted to
degree candidacy by January 31 of the competition year; 4) expect
to complete the dissertation during the year of fellowship tenure,
but in no case later than fall of the following year.

Number of awards: Approximately 55 Predoctoral fellowships and 20
Dissertation fellowships

Duration of awards: Predoctoral - 3 years; Dissertation -1 year

Application deadline: November

Stipend for 1993-94: Predoctoral - $11,500 per year; Dissertation -

Allowances and amounts: Predoctoral - $6,000 institutional grant in
lieu of tuition and fees; Dissertation - None

2. Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships for Minorities
Purpose of program: To enable teacher-scholars of high ability who
are members of minority groups that have been traditionally
underrepresented among the nation's behavioral and social
scientists, humanists, engineers, mathematicians, physical
scientists, and life scientists to engage in postdoctoral research
and scholarship in an environment free from the interference of
their normal professional duties. The goal is to help these
teacher-scholars achieve greater recognition in their respective
fields to develop the professional associations that will make them
more effective and productive in academic employment.

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Native American Indians or Alaskan
Natives (Eskimo or Aleut), Black/African Americans, Mexican
Americans/Chicanos, Native Pacific Islanders (Micronesian or
Polynesian), and Puerto Ricans

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Behavioral and social sciences, humanities,
engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, and biological
sciences, or interdisciplinary programs comprised of two or more
eligible disciplines. Awards will not be made in professions such
as medicine, law, social work, library science, and such as
business administration and management, fine arts and performing
arts, speech pathology and audiology, health sciences, public
health, home economics, personnel and guidance, and education.

Other requirements: Applicants must: 1) have earned the PhD degree
or ScD degree for no more than seven years as of the application
deadline date; 2) be preparing for, or already engaged in, college
or university teaching or research.

Number of awards: Approximately 25

Duration of awards: 9 or 12 months

Application deadline: January

Stipend for 1993-94: $25,000

Allowances and amounts: Travel and relocation allowance up to
maximum of $3,000; cost-of-research allowance of $2,000
administered by the fellowship institution; $2,500 grant-in-aid to
home institution for Fellow's use upon completion of fellowship

Title  : NSF 93-147 -- A Selected List of Fellowship and Other Support
         Opportunities for Advanced Education
Type   : Report
Date   : March 7, 1995
File   : ns93147d


Address for application information:
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
950 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10022

1. Study Visit Research Grants for Faculty
Purpose of program: To sponsor research projects in Germany

Citizenship: USA

Level: Faculty members/ researchers

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: At least 2 years teaching and/or research
experience after PhD or equivalent

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 1 to 3 months

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1993: DM 3,000 to DM 3,300 per month

Allowances and amounts: Monthly maintenance allowance and travel

2. Research Grants for Recent PhDs and PhD Candidates
Purpose of program: To sponsor dissertation or postdoctoral

Citizenship: USA

Level: Dissertation, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: Age limits: Doctoral candidates-32 years;
Postdoctoral candidates-35 years

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 2 to 6 months

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1993: DM 1,555 per month

Allowances and amounts: Monthly maintenance allowance, possible
domestic travel subsidy

3. DAAD-Fulbright Grants

Address for application information:
Fulbright advisor on campus, or
Institute of International Education
809 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017

Purpose of program: To sponsor graduate studies at German
universities, and research in connection with doctoral dissertation

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate, dissertation

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: Good knowledge of German language required; age
limit-32 years

Duration of awards: 1 academic year

Application deadline: October 31
Stipend for 1993: Monthly allowance, international travel, etc.
Information concerning the following may be obtained from the
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): language courses; programs
dealing with various aspects of political, economic and cultural
life in modern-day Germany; fellowships for research in social,
communal and intellectual history of German-speaking Jewry; grants
for studying the structure and function of German law; and visits
by student groups to study specific German subjects and/or


Address for application information:
The German Marshall Fund of the USA
11 Dupont Circle, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Title of program: Research Fellowship Program

Purpose of program: To improve the understanding of significant
contemporary economic, political, and social developments involving
the USA and Europe; to assist established USA scholars
at various stages in their academic careers.

Citizenship: USA citizens or permanent residents

Level: Postdoctoral or equivalent

Field(s) supported: Projects may focus on either comparative
domestic or international issues.

Other requirements: Applicants must have completed all degree
requirements by the time of application, and should have completed
one or more research projects which have received critical review.
The program will not support preparation for any degree.  The
following selection criteria are important: scholarly
qualifications, achievements, and promise; originality and
importance of the proposed work; contemporary relevance of the
project; and likelihood of completing the proposed project during
the Fellowship period.

Number of awards: Approximately 11

Duration of awards: 4 months to 1 year

Application deadline: November 15

Stipend for 1992-93: $30,000

Allowances and amounts: $2,000 for travel


Address for application information:
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation
90 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10016

Title of program: Fellowships

Purpose of program: To further the development of scholars and
artists by assisting them to engage in research in any field of
knowledge and creation in any of the arts, under the freest
possible conditions and irrespective of race, color, or creed.

Citizenship: There are two annual competitions-one open to citizens
and permanent residents of the USA and Canada, and the
other to citizens and permanent residents of Latin America and the

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Any field of knowledge and creation in any of
the arts.

Other requirements: These Fellowships are on an advanced
professional level, awarded to men and women who have already
demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or
exceptional creative ability in the arts.

Number of awards: About 175

Duration of awards: 1 year generally (not more than 12 months, or
fewer than 6)

Application deadline: October 1 (USA and Canada);
December 1 (Latin America and the Caribbean).

Stipend for 1992-93: About $26,000 (average)


Address for application information:
160 George Street, Suite 200
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1N 9M2

1. Research Scholarships
Purpose of program: To support individuals who have demonstrated
ability for research and desire to undertake independent research
in cardiovascular or cerebrovascular fields.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Cardiovascular or cerebrovascular fields

Other requirements: For tenure at Canadian universities only;
applicant must be nominated by host institution.

Number of awards: 40

Duration of awards: 5 years

Application deadline: September

Stipend for 1992-93: $42,015 to $53,305

Allowances and amounts: $1,500 travel allowance

2. Research Fellowships
Purpose of program: To provide funds for research development and
training in the cardiovascular or cerebrovascular fields.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular fields

Number of awards: 70

Duration of awards: 2 years post PhD; 3 years post MD

Application deadline: November 15

Stipend for 1992-93: $26,790 to $42,585

Allowances and amounts: $1,000 travel allowance


Address for application information:
Fannie and John Hertz Foundation
Box 5032
Livermore, California 94551-5032

Title of program: Fellowships

Purpose of program: To support graduate students in the applied
physical sciences

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Engineering and applied physics, applied
chemistry, applied mathematics; not joint PhD/Professional Degree

Other requirements: During last two years of undergraduate study,
a GPA of A- or better; a bachelor's degree by the time Fellowship
tenure begins; attendance at one of 29 specified graduate schools.

Number of awards: About 25 per year

Duration of awards: 4 years, on average; 5 years maximum

Application deadline: October 24

Stipend for 1993-94: $16,000

Allowances and amounts: $8,000 to $10,000


1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Predoctoral Fellowships in
Biological Sciences

Address for application information:
Fellowship Office
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D. C. 20418

Purpose of program: To promote excellence in biomedical research by
helping prospective researchers with exceptional promise obtain
high-quality graduate education.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Biochemistry, biophysics, biostatistics, cell
biology and regulation, developmental biology, epidemiology,
genetics, immunology, mathematical biology, microbiology, molecular
biology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, structural
biology, virology

Other requirements: Fellowships are intended for students at or
near the beginning of their graduate study toward a PhD or ScD
degree in the designated fields. Those eligible at the time of
application may be college seniors, college graduates with no or
limited postbaccalaureate graduate study in the biological
sciences, and first-year graduate students, or others who have
completed a limited amount of graduate work, including individuals
who are pursuing or who hold the MPH, MD, DDS, or DVM for support
for work toward the PhD or ScD degree in the biological sciences
listed above.  Applicants whose primary language is not English are
required to submit recent scores from the Test of English as a
Foreign Language (TOEFL). Fellows who are not citizens or nationals
of the USA may study only at appropriate nonprofit USA
institutions; Fellows who are USA citizens or nationals may study
in the USA or abroad. All applicants must have scores from the
Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test; in addition, it is
desirable that all applicants have scores from a GRE Subject Test
in the field most closely related to their chosen area of graduate

Number of awards: 66

Duration of awards: Three years with option to extend for an
additional two years

Application deadline: November

Stipend for 1993-94: $14,000

Allowances and amounts: $12,700 cost-of-education allowance in lieu
of tuition and fees

2. Research Training Fellowships for Medical Students

Address for application materials:
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Office of Grants and Special Programs
4000 Jones Bridge Road
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815-6789

Purpose of program: To strengthen and expand the pool of medically
trained researchers by enabling selected medical students with an
interest in fundamental research to spend a year of intensive work
at a research laboratory.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Biochemistry, biophysics, biostatistics, cell
biology and regulation, developmental biology, epidemiology,
genetics, immunology, mathematical biology, microbiology, molecular
biology neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, structural biology,
and virology.

Other eligibility: Applicants must be enrolled in MD or DO degree
programs in medical schools in the USA  Students may apply during
any year of their medical studies, but applications in the fourth
year must defer graduation until completion of the fellowship year.
The fellowships are not available to students enrolled in MD/PhD,
PhD, or ScD programs or to holders of the Phd or ScD degree.
Fellowship research must be conducted at an academic or not-for-
profit research institution in the USA, but not at the National
Institutes of Health.

Number of awards: 60

Duration of awards: One year

Application deadline: Early December

Stipend for 1993-94: $14,000

Allowances and amounts: $4,500 research allowance; $4,700
institutional allowance

3. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships for Physicians

Address for application information:
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Office of Grants and Special Programs
4000 Jones Bridge Road
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815-6789

Purpose of program: To support physician-scientists who are seeking
additional research training with a view to becoming independent
investigators when they assume faculty positions

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Fields supported: Biochemistry, biophysics, biostatistics, cell
biology and regulation, developmental biology, epidemiology,
genetics, immunology, mathematical biology, microbiology, molecular
biology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, structural
biology, and virology

Other eligibility: Applicants must have attained the first medical
degree (MD, MD/PhD, MBBS, DO) no earlier than 1984.  Prior to start
of fellowship, applicant must have completed at least 2 years of
postgraduate clinical training and must not have completed more
than 2 years of fundamental research training.  There are no
citizenship requirements, but applicants who are not USA citizens
must carry out their proposed research training at a USA
institution and must have and maintain an appropriate visa.  The
Institute will not handle visa matters for applicants.

Number of awards: 25

Duration of awards: Three years

Application deadline: Early January

Stipend for 1993-94: $35,000-$55,000

Allowances and amounts: Annually, $15,000 research allowance;
$12,000 institutional allowance


Address for application information:
Hughes Aircraft Company
Corporate Fellowship and Rotation Programs
P.O. Box 80028 (C1/B168)
Los Angeles, California 90080-0028

Purpose of program: To enable young men and women to attain
advanced degrees in engineering and scientific disciplines.

Types of programs: Work-Study Fellows attend a university near a
Hughes facility in order to work between 20 and 36 hours per week
for the company while studying part time. Full-Study Fellows attend
a university distant from a Hughes facility and are on leave of
absence from the company while studying full time.

Citizenship: USA

Field(s) supported: Electrical, computer, mechanical, systems, and
aerospace engineering; computer science; applied mathematics;

Duration of awards: 1 year (renewable as required)

Number of awards: Approximately 50

Stipend for 1992-93: Work-Study-$3,000; Full-Study-$12,000

Stipend for 1993-94: Undetermined at this time; however, will
probably be the same as 1992-93.

Allowances and benefits: Educational expenses; salary for periods
of work at Hughes; Hughes Employees' benefits; travel and
relocation expenses.

1. Bachelor's Scholarship Program (Most awards are Work-Study)
Level: Undergraduate

Other requirements: 1. Upper Division standing or an AA degree with
a major interest in the fields listed above; 2. overall grade-point
average of at least 3.0 out of a possible 4.0 for work completed
during first 2 years of undergraduate study; 3. ten to twelve weeks
of full-time employment during the summer months prior to beginning
of study in the fall. Work-Study Scholars attend one of the Univer-
sity of California or California State University campuses located
in Southern California; the California Institute of Technology; the
University of Southern California; or Loyola Marymount University.

Application deadline: March 15

Allowances and amounts: Tuition, books, miscellaneous academic

2. Master's Fellowship Program (Work-Study or Full-Study)
Level: Graduate

Other requirements: 1. A Bachelor's degree in one of the fields
listed above; 2. overall grade-point average of at least 3.0 out of
a possible 4.0 or the equivalent upon graduation (emphasis is
placed on electronics and related disciplines); 3. admission to
graduate school without condition; 4. ten to thirteen weeks of
full-time work prior to beginning graduate study on the fellowship.
Most Work-Study Fellows attend one of the University of California
or California State University campuses located in Southern
California; the California Institute of Technology; the University
of Southern California; or Loyola Marymount University.

Application deadline: For course work to begin with the fall term,
spring graduates should submit applications by March 15, though
earlier application is recommended. For MS Fellowship awards
starting in January, completed applications should be submitted by
September 15.

Allowances and amounts: Tuition, books, miscellaneous academic
fees, stipend.

3. Doctoral Fellowship Program (Work-Study or Full-Study)

Level: Graduate

Other requirements: 1. A Master's degree or equivalent graduate
study in one of the fields listed above; 2. academic standing in
the top percentile of the class (minimum grade-point average in
undergraduate and graduate studies should be 3.5 out of 4.0 or the
equivalent); 3. admission to an approved graduate school without
condition; 4. qualified to pursue doctoral work in the field
selected.  Most Work-Study Fellows attend the University of
California at Los Angeles, the University of Southern California,
or the California Institute of Technology; Full-Study Fellows
attend universities throughout the USA including the
University of California at Berkeley; Stanford University;
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cornell University;
University of Arizona; University of Colorado; Georgia Institute of
Technology; University of Illinois; University of Michigan; Purdue
University and other major institutions. Note: Applicants with
graduate study beyond the master's degree will be given special
consideration for awards.

Application deadline: January 10

Allowances and amounts: Tuition, books, miscellaneous academic
fees, stipend.


Address for application information:
20, place des Halles
67000 Strasbourg Cedex

1. Human Frontier Science Program Long-Term Fellowships

Purpose of program: To promote, through international cooperation,
basic research into the complex mechanisms of living organisms,
including man, and to make results available worldwide:  to
encourage, early in their careers, researchers to play an important
role in originating and pursuing creative research.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: 1) Basic research for the elucidation of brain
functions.  Priority areas are perception and cognition; movement
and behavior; memory and learning; and language and thinking. 2)
Basic research for the elucidation of biological functions through
molecular level approaches.  Priority areas are expression of
genetic information; morphogenesis; molecular recognition and
responses; and energy conversion.

Other requirements: Scientists have to be from one of the eligible
countries to work in another country; candidates from non-eligible
countries may apply for fellowships to work in any of the eligible
countries which are all EC member states, USA, Canada, Japan,
Switzerland.  Candidates must not start their fellowship later than
5 years after PhD and are not expected to move within the same
country; HFSPO fellowships cannot be held in the same country where
the candidate obtained his PhD.

Number of awards: 128 in 1992

Duration of awards: 1-2 years

Application deadline: 30 September

Stipend for 1993-94: Approximately $44,000 per year.

Allowances and amounts: Travel and removal cost to and from host
country; research expenses; travel expenses; living allowance;
family allowance; and language training.

2. Human Frontier Science Program Short-Term Fellowships

Purpose of program: To promote through international cooperation
basic research into the complex mechanisms of living organisms,
including man, and to make results available worldwide; to
encourage, early in their careers, researchers who are expected to
play an important role in originating and pursuing creative

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: 1. Basic research for the elucidation of brain
functions.  Priority areas are perception and cognition; movement
and behavior; memory and learning; and language and thinking.  2.
Basic research for the elucidation of biological functions through
molecular level approaches.  Priority areas are expression of
genetic information; morphogenesis; molecular recognition and
responses; and energy conversion.

Other requirements: Scientists have to be from one of the eligible
countries to work in another country; candidates from non-eligible
countries may apply for fellowships to work in any of the eligible
countries which are all EC member states, USA, Canada, Japan,
Switzerland.  Short-term fellowships are reserved for those who
wish to work for a short period up to three months in another
country to learn or develop new techniques or use instruments not
available in their own country.

Number of awards: About 20 (in 1991).

Duration of awards: 2 weeks to 3 months

Application deadline: None

Stipend for 1993-94: Approximately $60. per diem.

Allowances and amounts: Travel to and from host institute.


Address for application information:
Indian Health Service Scholarship Program
Twinbrook Metro Plaza, Suite 100
12300 Twinbrook Parkway
Rockville, Maryland 20852

1. Health Professions Preparatory Scholarship Program for Indians
Purpose of program: To provide financial support for Indian
students to enroll in courses leading to baccalaureate degrees in
preprofessional health disciplines.

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: American Indians, Alaskan Natives

Level: Undergraduate

Field(s) supported: Pre-accounting, pre-engineering, pre-medical
technology, pre-nursing, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, pre-
sanitation.  Category emphasis changes annually.

Other requirements: Priority is given to students in their junior
or senior years of college.  Applicants must: 1) maintain good
standing with their respective colleges; 2) be high school
graduates or equivalent; 3) have capacity to complete a health
professional course of study; 4) be enrolled full-time, or accepted
for full-time enrollment, in a baccalaureate degree program in an
eligible field.

Number of awards: Approximately 100 (new and renewal)

Duration of awards: Up to 2 years

Application deadline: Mid-May

Stipend for 1992-93: $736 per month

2. Health Professions Scholarship Program
Purpose of program: To provide financial assistance to students
enrolled in health professions and allied health professions

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: American Indians, Alaskan Natives

Level: Undergraduate, graduate

Field(s) supported: Chemical dependency counseling (Masters level
only), substance abuse services (Masters of Science in Management -
MSM), clinical psychology (PhD only), counseling psychology (PhD
only), computer science (BS), dentistry, dietician (BS),
engineering (civil, environmental and mechanical-BS), health
education (Masters level only), medicine (allopathic and
osteopathic), nurse practitioner (RNA, CNM, FNP), nursing (ADN,
BSN, MSN), optometry, pharmacy (BS), physician assistant (BS),
physical therapy, public health (MPH only), public health nutrition
(Masters level only), radiologic technology, sanitarian (BS
environmental health, environmental science and occupational safety
and health), sonography, accounting (BS), para-optometric.

Other requirements: Applicant must: 1) be high school graduate or
equivalent; 2) be enrolled, or accepted for enrollment, in a
full-time study program leading to a degree in a nationally
accredited health related professions school in the USA  Awardees
must enter into a service obligation for a minimum of 2 years to
provide health services on completion of their health education
program, i.e., for each year of scholarship support the recipient
must enter service in one of the following: Indian Health Service
(may include assignment to a tribal health program); urban Indian
organization assisted under Title V of Public Law (P.L.) 94-437;
private practice in a designated health manpower shortage area
addressing the health care needs of a substantial number of
Indians; or a program conducted under contract entered into under
the Indian Self Determination Act (P.L. 93-638).

Duration of awards: Up to 4 calendar years

Application deadline: Mid-May

Stipend for 1992-93: $767 per month

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and required fees; $300 for travel


Address for application information:
Administrative Officer of specific school
Institute for Advanced Study
Olden Lane
Princeton, New Jersey 08540

Title of program: Postdoctoral Study

Purpose of program: To provide opportunity for postdoctoral
research for scholars of unusual ability and achievement

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: The School of Historical Studies is concerned
generally with the history of western and near eastern
civilization, emphasizing in particular Greek and Roman
civilization, Islamic Culture, and the history of art; School of
Mathematics-pure mathematics; School of Natural Sciences-theoret-
ical physics in the fields of particle physics, field theory,
astrophysics, and theoretical biophysics; School of Social Science-
multidisciplinary, comparative and international approach to
historical and contemporary problems.

Number of awards: 150-160

Duration of awards: Generally for the academic year; occasionally
for one term

Application deadline: October 15 for Historical Studies; December
1 for Mathematics and Social Science; December 15 for Natural

Stipend: Varies according to school and seniority of visiting

Allowances and amounts: Some travel allowances.


1. Fulbright Grants
Address for application information:
USA Student Programs Division
Institute of International Education
809 United Nations Plaza
New York, New York 10017-3580

Title of Program: Fulbright Grants

Purpose of Program: To enable the government of the USA
to increase mutual understanding between the people of the USA and
the people of other countries through the exchange of persons,
knowledge, and skills.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) Supported: Open to all fields of study where conditions

Other Requirements: B.A. or equivalent by the beginning of date of
the grant; proficiency in the language of the country of
application sufficient to carry out proposed study or research;
good health.

Number of awards: Approximately 600

Duration of awards: One academic year

Application deadline: October 31

Stipend for 1992-93: Varies

Allowances and amounts: Grants are calculated on the costs of
travel to and from and the cost of living in the host country. Also
included, settling-in allowances, tuition waivers, if applicable.

2. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
Address for application information:
Note: Applications are received from and submitted to USA
Information Service Posts (usually within American Embassy) or
Fulbright Commissions within the candidates home countries.

Purpose of program: To provide mid-career professionals from
developing countries (including selected European countries) with
a year of study and related professional experience, and to provide
them with a shared experience of American society and culture, and
exposure to current approaches to the fields in which they work.
Citizenship: Citizens of developing countries, including selected
Eastern European and CIS countries.

Level: Graduate; however the level of education of participants
varies from bachelor's degree to PhD or MD.

Field(s) supported: Natural Resources and Environmental Management;
Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration; Economic
Development; Agricultural Development/Agricultural Economics;
Finance and Banking; Human Resource Management/Personnel; Urban and
Regional Planning; Public Health Policy and Management; Technology
Policy and Management; Educational Planning; and

Other requirements: Candidates must apply from within their home
country.  Minimum qualifications include an undergraduate degree,
five years of substantive professional experience (within home
country immediately prior to award), demonstrated leadership
qualities, and fluency in English (TOEFL scores required).

Number of awards: Approximately 140 each year
Application deadline: Dependent upon country.

Allowances and amounts: Fellowships include travel, tuition,
medical coverage and monthly stipend.


Address for application information:
The atomic energy establishment of the applicant's country

Title of program: IAEA Fellowship Program

Purpose of program: To train the necessary personnel to undertake
the development of nuclear energy applications for peaceful
purposes in their own countries.

Citizenship: Citizens of economically developing countries,
countries that are members of the United Nations, or of one of the
specialized agencies, or of the IAEA.

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral, or equivalent of graduate in
technical training or experience.

Field(s) supported: Peaceful uses of nuclear energy: agriculture,
medicine, biology, hydrology, industry, engineering and technology,
and safety in nuclear energy.

Other requirements: Applicant must be a non-USA national who is a
scientist, technologist, teacher or administrator in some aspect of
nuclear science; have English language competence, and suitable
professional background. Needs of the country concerned, number of
fellowships previously awarded to nationals of that country, and
evidence and assurance that the Fellow's training will be
effectively utilized for two years on his/her return home, will be

Number of awards: 75-90 new awards

Duration of awards: Approximately 3 to 12 months

Application deadline: No established deadlines

Stipend for 1992: $810 to $1,580 per month

Allowances and amounts: Book allowance ($60 per month), health
insurance, international travel (round trip to USA and return),
research and tuition fees (if any).


Address for application information:
Internatonal Research & Exchanges Board
1616 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006

1. Edmund S. Muskie Fellowship Program

Purpose of program: Grants to citizens of the countries of
Azarbaijan, the Baltics, Georgia, and the Commonwealth of
Independent States for graduate study in the Untied States in law,
public administration, economics, and business administration.

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Law, public administration, economics, and
business administration only

Other eligibility: Applicants must take TOEFL plus GRE, GMAT, or
LSAT as appropriate; be under 40 years of age; lack of alternate
funding in the USA; hold an undergraduate degree; know

Number of awards: 150 in 1992-93 academic year

Duration of awards: Up to two years

Application deadline for 1994: Fall 1993

Stipend: Stipend, tuition, room, board, international
transportation, domestic transportation in the USA, and
health insurance.

2. Developmental Fellowships
Purpose of program: To prepare scholars for eventual field research
in Azarbaijan, the Baltics, Eastern Europe, Georgia, and the
Commonwealth of Independent States.  Preference is given to under-
represented disciplines, development of competence in under-studied
geographic areas, and/or development of dual area competence.

Citizenship: United State citizen or permanent resident

Level: Advanced doctoral candidacy, postdoctoral

Fields supported: Preference for scholars in fields such as
archaeology, anthropology, business, economics, geography,
demography, law, musicology, political science, psychology,
sociology, and other fields underrepresented in American research
on the region.

Other eligibility: All successful Developmental Fellows should
expect to apply for a subsequent IREX exchange grant to undertake
research in the region.  These fellowships are intended for
training within the USA.  No support is given for routine
graduate course work or dissertation research.

Number of awards: 19 for the 1992-93 academic year

Duration of awards: 3 to 24 months

Application deadline: February 15

Stipend for 1993-94:
Allowances and amounts:

3. Individual Advanced Research Opportunities for USA scholars in
Azarbaijan, the Baltics, the Commonwealth of Independent States,
and Georgia
Purpose of program: Placement and access for advanced predoctoral
and postdoctoral scholars at institutions in Azarbaijan, the
Baltics, Georgia, and the Commonwealth of Independent Sates,
depending on research needs.

Citizenship: USA citizen or permanent resident

Level: Advanced doctoral candidacy and postdoctoral

Fields supported: All fields eligible; priority given to humanities
and social sciences.

Other eligibility: Command of language of host country sufficient
for research; affiliation with USA university as faculty member or
advanced doctoral candidate.

Number of awards: 60 for the 1992-93 academic year

Duration of awards: 2 to 12 months

Application deadline: November 1, 1992 for participation during
academic year 1993-94

Stipend: Stipend in lieu of salary

Allowances and amounts: Round-trip transportation, lodging and
local costs, research allowance

4. Individual Advanced Research Opportunities for USA Scholars in
Eastern Europe

Purpose of program: Long-term research placement and access for
predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars at institutions in Albania,
Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the former
Yugoslav Republics

Citizenship: USA citizen or permanent resident

Level: Advanced doctoral candidacy, postdoctoral
Other eligibility: Exchange applicants in modern foreign languages
and area studies must apply simultaneously for Department of
Education Fulbright-Hays grants

Number of awards: 55 grants for 1992-93

Application deadline: November 1 for following year

Stipend: All grantees receive a dollar stipend prior to departure;
graduate students receive a monthly allowance; salaried
participants receive up to one-half salary pro-rated for the grant

Allowances and amounts: Host country will provide stipend in local
currency, book and photocopy allowance, housing for the participant
and family (except in the former Yugoslav republics, where a
nominal housing allowance is supplemented by IREX), free medical
care; international transportation; allowances for passport, visa
fees, and excess baggage expenses; married grantees with family
accompanying for four or more months receive a contribution for
family airfare; graduate students in this category also receive a
family maintenance allowance.

5. Individual Advanced Research Opportunities in the USA
for Scholar from Azarbaijan, the Baltics, Commonwealth of
Independent States, and Georgia
Purpose of program: Long-term and short-term research placement and
access for predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars at institutions in
the USA, depending on project needs.

Citizenship: Countries of Azarbaijan, the Baltics, Georgia, or the
Commonwealth of Independent States

Level: Advanced predoctoral and postdoctoral

Other eligibility: Candidate of Science degree; command of English
sufficient for research; affiliation with university or research

Number of awards: 65 for 1991-92

Duration of awards: Under negotiation

Application deadline: Under negotiation

Stipend: Under negotiation

Allowances and amounts:

6. Individual Advanced Research Opportunities in the USA for
Scholars from Eastern Europe

Purpose of program: Long-term research placement and access for
predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars from institutions in Albania,
Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the former
Yugoslav Republics

Citizenship: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland,
Romania, and the former Yugoslav Republics

Level: Advanced doctoral candidate and postdoctoral

Fields supported: Open to scholars from all fields

Other eligibility: Command of English sufficient for advanced
academic research; normally, affiliation with a university or
research institution as a faculty member or advanced doctoral

Number of awards: 65 for 1992-93

Application deadline: varies

Allowances and amounts: From sending country: international
transportation; from IREX: housing for participant and family
(except scholars from the former Yugoslav Republics who receive a
normal housing supplement); stipend, book and photocopy allowance,
research funds; domestic travel for participants; medical insurance
for participants.


Address for application information:
International Union Against Cancer
3, rue du Conseil-General
1205 Geneva, Switzerland

Citizenship: Unrestricted

1. American Cancer Society International Cancer Research
Purpose of program: To work in collaboration with outstanding
scientists abroad on original projects in the basic, clinical, or
behavioral areas of cancer research.

Level: Open to highly qualified and recognized senior investigators
who have been actively engaged in cancer research for at least five

Number of awards: Approximately 15

Duration of awards: Minimum of 6 and maximum of 12 months.
Application deadline: October 1

Allowances and amounts: Average award value: US$30,000. Stipends
are based on the candidates' cost estimates and adjusted to UICC
scales. Allowances are made for a spouse and 2 children under 18,
if they accompany the Fellow for a minimum of 6 months.  A
contribution is made towards least expensive international return
travel for the Fellow and all eligible dependents.

2. Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer Study Grants

Purpose of program: To establish bilateral research projects which
exploit complementary materials or skills, including advanced
training in experimental methods and special techniques.

Level: Open to experienced and scientifically or medically
qualified investigators who are actively engaged in cancer
Number of awards: Approximately 15

Duration of awards: Periods between 1 and 3 months; extendable by
original duration

Application deadline: January 1 and July 1

Allowances and amounts: Average grant value: US$8,000. Grants
comprise contributions toward living expenses for up to 3 months
and least expensive international return travel. No support for

3. International Cancer Technology Transfer Fellowships (ICRETT)
Purpose of program: To go abroad to learn or to teach up-to-date
research techniques, to transfer appropriate technology, or to
acquire advanced expertise in clinical management, diagnostic, and
therapeutic skills.

Level: Open to scientifically or medically qualified cancer
investigators and clinicians who are actively engaged in cancer
research or clinical oncology practice.

Number of awards: Approximately 120

Duration of awards: Up to 3 months

Application deadline: Applications may be submitted at any time.

Allowances and amounts: Average award value: US$2,800. Awards
comprise contributions towards living expenses for up to 1 month
and least expensive international return travel.  Home and/or host
institutes are encouraged to provide living expenses for longer
periods.  No support for dependents.


Address for application information:
The Kellogg National Fellowship Program
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
P.O. Box 5196
Battle Creek, Michigan 49016-5196

Title of program: National Fellowship Program

Purpose of program: To foster the development of effective and
broad leadership skills and abilities.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Candidates must be in the early years of their careers and
have exhibited leadership potential. Candidates are judged on the
basis of emerging leadership rather than on academic accomplish-
ments. Awards are not given for research or academic degree study.

Field(s) supported: All fields; special emphasis on agriculture,
education, health, and leadership.

Number of awards: Up to 50

Duration of awards: 3 years.

Application deadline: December 15

Grant for 3 year period: $35,000

Allowances and amounts: 12 1/2% of salary (up to a limit) to


Address for application information:
Kennedy Memorial Trust
16 Great College Street
London SW1P 3RX

Title of program: Kennedy Scholarships (The British national
memorial to President John F. Kennedy)

Purpose of program: To provide opportunity for postgraduate study
at Harvard University or Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Citizenship: United Kingdom

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: Candidates must: 1) be British citizens at the
time of application who are resident in the United Kingdom or have
been wholly or mainly educated there; 2) have graduated not more
than 3 years before the year of the scholarship from a United
Kingdom university, university college or polytechnic; or 3) be
currently studying for a first or higher degree and have spent two
of the last five years at their university, college or polytechnic
and will have graduated prior to taking up a scholarship. Qualities
of personal character as well as intellectual attainment and
promise will be considered. Preference will be given to candidates
who intend to pursue social or political studies, interpreted in
the widest sense.

Number of awards: Up to 12

Duration of awards: 1 year; 2 years exceptionally

Application deadline: End of October

Stipend for 1993-94: At least $11,500

Allowances and amounts: Travel, tuition, health benefits


Address for application information:
Lalor Foundation
Building C-100F
3801 Kennett Pike
Wilmington, Delaware 19807

Title of program: Research Awards

Purpose of program: To promote intensive research in the areas
indicated and to assist and encourage able young investigators in
academic positions to follow research careers in mammalian
reproductive physiology.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Mammalian reproductive physiology and
biochemistry for yielding improved methods of sterilization,
contraception and/or termination of pregnancy.

Other requirements: Candidate must have earned a doctoral degree
(younger people who have held the doctorate for less than 5 years
are preferred). The institution proposed for research must be

Number of awards: 15

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: January 15

Stipend for 1993-94: Up to $20,000 (grants may range up to $20,000;
this must cover stipend, overhead, laboratory and miscellaneous
expenses; institutional overhead may not exceed 8%).


Address for application information:
25 Mt. Auburn Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Title of program: Scholarships

Purpose of program: To upgrade the teaching, research, technical-
-assistance, and administrative staffs of universities and develop-
ment-related institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Citizenship: Latin American and Caribbean nationals

Level: Graduate, principally

Field(s) supported: All fields of study with the exception of
professional-degree programs in medicine and veterinary medicine

Other requirements: Scholarship recipients must be nominated by
participating institutions that guarantee their re-employment upon
completion of program. Tenable only at USA and Caribbean

Number of awards: Approximately 350 per year

Duration of awards: 1 to 4 years (length of academic program plus
English language training)

Application deadline: June

Stipend for 1993-94: Approximately $12,000 per year (including in-
surance and educational-materials allowance)

Allowances and amounts: Monthly maintenance rate depends on
location of studies; allowances for educational materials,
conference attendance, research expenses, thesis preparation,
medical insurance.


Address for application information:
Mid-Eastern Region:
British Embassy
Cultural Department
3100 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Mid-Western Region:
British Consulate-General
33 North Dakota Street
Chicago, Illinois 60602
North-Eastern Region:
British Consulate-General
25th Floor
Federal Reserve Plaza
600 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02210
Southern Region:
British Consulate-General
Suite 2700
Marquis One Tower
245 Peachtree Center Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Pacific Region:
British Consulate-General
1 Sansome Street
San Francisco, California 94104
Reference Division
British Information Services
845 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10022

Title of Program: British Marshall Scholarships

Purpose of Program: To enable young Americans of high ability to
study for a degree at a British University.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) Supported: Unrestricted

Other Requirements: Aged not more than 26 years by October 1 of the
year in which the award is made; be a graduate of (or about to
graduate from) a 4-year college of university in the USAA.; and
have maintained, after the Freshman year, a GPA of 3.7 (A-) or

Number of awards: 40

Duration of awards: 2 years with possible extension for third year

Application deadline: October 12

Allowances and amounts for 1993-94: About ?12,500 which includes
payment of tuition fees; residence and cost of living expenses;
travel to and from the USA; and, grant for books, thesis
preparation, and approved travel in connection with studies.
Allowance for dependent spouse may be provided.


Address for application information:
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
1000 Centennial Drive
Berkeley, California 94720

Title of program: Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Research

Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for mathematical

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: All fields in the mathematical sciences

Other requirements: Applicant must be no more than five years
beyond the PhD; positions tenable only at the Institute.

Number of awards: Approximately 20

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: November 30

Stipend for 1993-94: $30,000

Allowances and amounts: Travel allowance, limited to $500 for USA
applicants; can be higher for foreign applicants.


Address for application information:
Medical Research Council of Canada
Tower B, 5th Floor
1600 Scott Street
Ottawa, Ontario

1. Fellowships
Purpose of Program: Fellowship awards for research training are
offered in order to maintain the supply of independent
investigators in the health sciences in Canada.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Basic, applied, and clinical research in Canada
in the health sciences.

Other requirements: Fellowships must be held in Canada.

Duration of awards: 1 to 5 years depending on degrees held.

Application deadline: April 1 and November 15

Stipend for 1992-93: $26,790-$42,585 depending on years of

Allowances and amounts: Research and travel allowance: $1,800 the
first year and $1,300 thereafter.

2. Dental Fellowships
Purpose of Program: This program is intended to provide training
for Dental Fellows in order to increase the number of dental
clinician-teachers well-versed in research methods and capable of
independent research work.

Citizenship: Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada

Level: Individuals with a DDS degree (or equivalent)

Fields supported: Dental health sciences

Duration of awards: Up to 5 years

Application deadline: January 1

Stipend for 1992-93: $27,100-$42,585 depending on years of

Allowances and amounts: Research and travel allowance: $1,800 the
first year and $1,300 thereafter.

3. Centennial Fellowships
Purpose of Program: Offered for full-time training in the health
sciences to candidates of special academic distinction who wish to
broaden their fields of interest.

Citizenship: Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada

Level: Postdoctoral

Fields supported: Basic, applied, and clinical research in Canada
in the health sciences.

Duration of awards: 1 to 3 years

Application deadline: November 15

Stipend for 1992-93: $37,420-$44,520 depending on degree and years
of experience.

Allowances and amounts: Research and travel allowance: $3,850 the
first year and $3,350 thereafter.

4. Studentships
Purpose of Program: Offered to highly qualified graduate students
who are undertaking full-time training in research in the health
sciences leading to an MSc or PhD degree (or the equivalent).

Citizenship: Primarily for Canadian citizens or permanent residents
of Canada, but in exceptional cases awards will be made to foreign
applicants wishing to pursue study at a Canadian university.

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Basic, applied, and clinical research in Canada
in the health sciences.

Duration of awards: Up to 5 years

Application deadline: December 1

Stipend for 1992-93: $15,295

Allowances and amounts: Research and travel allowance: $700 the
first year and $400 thereafter.


Address for application information:
MARC Program
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Institutes of Health
Westwood Building, Room 950
Bethesda, Maryland 20892

1. Honors Undergraduate Research Training Grants
Purpose of program: To prepare undergraduate students to compete
successfully for entry into graduate programs leading to a PhD in
a biomedical science.

Citizenship: USA citizens or USA permanent residents

Eligible ethnic minority groups: American Indians, Blacks,
Hispanics, Pacific Islanders

Level: Undergraduate

Field(s) supported: Biology, chemistry, physics, psychology,
computer science, mathematics (with biology or chemistry)

Other requirements: Program offers grants to four-year colleges and
universities with substantial enrollment of ethnic minorities in a
state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands,
the Canal Zone, Guam, American Samoa, or USA Trust
Territories of the Pacific Islands.

Number of awards: 63

Duration of awards: 5 years

Application deadline: September 10, January 10, May 10

Stipend for 1993-94: $6,732

Allowances and amounts: Full tuition and fees, travel to a national
meeting, faculty release time and other trainee related expenses.

2. Predoctoral Fellowships
Purpose of program: To support entry of selected graduates of the
MARC undergraduate research training programs into graduate
biomedical research training leading to the PhD or MD/PhD degree.

Citizenship: USA citizens or USA permanent residents

Eligible ethnic minority groups: American Indians, Blacks,
Hispanics, Pacific Islanders

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Biomedical sciences

Other requirements: Acceptance into a specified PhD program in
biomedical science or a combined MD/PhD program

Number of awards: 98

Duration of awards: 3 to 5 years

Application deadline: September 10, January 10, May 10

Stipend for 1993-94: $8,800

Allowances and amounts: Full tuition and fees; $2,000 institutional

3. Faculty Fellowships
Purpose of program: To provide advanced research training for
selected faculty members of 4-year colleges, universities and
health professional schools with substantial minority enrollment.

Citizenship: USA citizen or USA resident

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biology, chemistry, genetics, microbiology,
pharmacology, biophysics, physiology, psychology, biostatistics,

Other requirements: Applicant must be a full-time faculty member;
letter of nomination from minority institution official required.

Duration of awards: 1 to 3 years

Application deadline: September 10, January 10, May 10

Stipend for 1993-94: $25,000

Allowances and amounts: $3,000 institutional costs

4. Visiting Scientist Fellowships
Purpose of program: To strengthen research and teaching programs
for the benefit of students and faculty at minority institutions by
drawing upon the special talents of scientists from other

Citizenship: USA citizen or USA resident

Level: Senior scientists

Field(s) supported: Appropriate disciplines and research at the
minority institution.

Other requirements: Joint proposal prepared by minority institution
and designated scientist.

Duration of awards: 3 months to 1 year

Application deadline: September 10, January 10, May 10

Stipend for 1993-94: Current salary

Allowances and amounts: Round trip travel between visiting
scientist's home institution and sponsoring institution, and $3,000
institutional costs.


Address for application information:
National Academy of Education
School of Education - CERAS 507
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-3084

Title of program: Spencer Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program

Purpose of program: To promote scholarship in the USA and abroad
on matters relevant to the improvement of education in all of its

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Education, humanities, social and behavioral
sciences; the research must be relevant to the improvement of

Other requirements: In the 1993/94 program applicants must have
received their PhD, EdD, or equivalent degree between January 1,
1988 and January 1, 1994.

Number of awards: up to 30 per year

Duration of awards: 1 academic year at full-time or 2 academic
years at half-time

Application deadline: January 2

Stipend for 1994-95: $35,000 for one academic year of research, or
$17,500 for each of two contiguous years, working half-time


Address for application information:
National Academy of Sciences
Office for Central Europe and Eurasia
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20418

Title of program: USA - Central Europe and Eurasia Joint
Scientific Initiatives

Purpose of program: Short-term project development visits are
intended to provide American scientists with opportunities to work
with their foreign counterparts to develop funding proposals for
submission to the National Science Foundation or other funding
organizations; long-term research visits are intended to facilitate
exchanges and collaborations that will lead to significant
scientific publications jointly authored by USA and foreign

Citizenship: American specialists must be USA citizens or those
who will obtain USA citizenship at least six months prior to the
requested beginning date of their programs; visiting specialists
must hold CEE citizenship.

Level: American applicants must hold Ph.D. or equivalent research
experience at least 6 months prior to the requested beginning date
of their programs; CEE applications must hold a Ph.D. (kandidat)
degree, or research training and experience equivalent to a
doctoral degree, at least six months prior to the requested
beginning date of their programs.

Other eligibility: American applicants are expected to make all
logistical and administrative arrangements directly with their CEE
colleague; specialists who have received their doctoral degree
within the past six years are strongly encouraged to apply.

1. Cooperation in Applied Science and Technology (CAST)
Purpose of program: To support American specialists who wish to
host and assist scientists and engineers from the former Soviet
Union who have been involved in defense-related research in
applying their skills to civilian activities.

Fields supported: Applied mathematics/statistics, control theory,
computer science, aeronautics, applied physics, materials science,
nuclear science, electronics, chemistry, microbiology, virology,
and all branches or engineering.  Although priority will be given
to NIS specialists in defense-related fields, other fields or
specialists not previously engaged in defense work will be
considered on a case-by-case basis.

Other eligibility: Participating countries: NIS (Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova,
Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan);
successful applications will set forth mutual benefits to the USA
and to the NIS, such as prospects for longer-term collaboration,
commercial opportunities, or improvements in livelihood and quality
of life; all visits must commence in calendar year 1993.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of Award: 9 months

Stipend: $11,100 in 1993

2. Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering (COBASE)
Other eligibility: Participating countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia,
Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania,
Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan

Fields supported: Agricultural, forestry, fishery and plant
sciences; environmental sciences; archaeology and anthropology;
geography; biological sciences; history and philosophy of science;
chemistry; mathematics; computer science; physics; earth sciences;
psychology; engineering; and science and technology policy.
Proposals in the economic and social sciences that involve
development of new analytical methods will be considered on a case-
by-case basis.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: Short-term project development grants: 2 weeks;
Long-term research grants: 1 to 6 months

Application deadline: In 1993: February 28; June 25; December 10

Stipend: $2,000 - $2,200 for short-term; $3,600 - $12,000 for long-

3. Radioactive Waste Management Program
Purpose of program: Support American specialists who wish to host
their colleagues from the former Soviet Union for a period of six
to nine months for research on managing radioactive waste.

Other eligibility: Participating countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia,
Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and
Uzbekistan; funds to be used in academic year 1993.

Fields supported: Policy and practices regarding environmental
remediation and control of materials contaminated by radioactive
and other hazardous waste; research directed at improving the
effectiveness, economics, safety, and public acceptability of
methods of handling, storing, and permanently disposing of
radioactive and associated hazardous waste; analyses and
investigations related to waste partitioning to facilitate
permanent disposal; and analyses and investigations related to
geological disposal of wastes.

Application deadline: Postmark deadline 1993: February 28

Stipend: $7,000 - $21,000


Address for application information:
Contact High School Guidance Counselor

Title of program: Scholarships

Purpose of program: To honor and assist academically able Black
high school students.

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Black Americans

Citizenship: USA

Level: Undergraduate

Other requirements: To enter the competition, high school students
take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit
Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), usually in the junior
year, request consideration, and meet participation requirements.
Information about the Achievement Program may be found in the
PSAT/NMSQT Student Bulletin, distributed by guidance personnel to
students who will take the PSAT/NMSQT administered by high schools
in October.

Number of awards: Approximately 600

Duration of awards: About two thirds of the awards are for one
year; the others are renewable for each of the four college years.

Stipend for 1993-94: $2,000 one-time awards, and four-year
scholarships that provide between $250 and $2,000 or more annually.


1. NASA Graduate Student Fellowships in Global Change Research

Address for application information:
Mail Code SE
Washington, D.C. 20546

Purpose of program: To train the next generation of earth
scientists and engineers to help analyze, interpret and manage the
wealth of data and information generated during the Earth Observing
System era, in support of the USA Global Change Research Program.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Graduate students working toward PhD

Field(s) supported: Climate and hydrologic systems (including
tropical precipitation), ecological systems and dynamics,
biogeochemical dynamics, solid Earth processes, human interactions,
solar influences, and data and information systems.  Atmospheric
chemistry and physics, ocean biology and physics, ecosystem
dynamics, hydrology, cryospheric processes, geology, and geophysics
are all acceptable areas of research, provided that the specific
research topic is relevant to NASA's global change research efforts
including the Earth Observing System, the Tropical Rainfall
Measuring Mission, and Mission to Planet Earth.

Other requirements: Applicants must be admitted to or already
enrolled in a full-time PhD program at accredited USA
universities.  Preference is given to USA citizens, but foreign
nationals enrolled in or accepted to USA universities may apply.

Number of awards: 40 to 50 each year

Duration of awards: 1 year, may be renewed annually up to 2
additional years.

Application deadline: April

Stipend for 1992-93: $20,000 per year

Allowances and amounts: $2,000 is available by request for faculty
advisor's use in support of student's research.

2. Graduate Student Researchers Program

Address for application information:
Code FEH
Washington DC 20546

Purpose of program: To support graduate students pursuing advanced
degrees in science and engineering

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Science and engineering fields related to space

Other eligibility requirements: Must be full-time graduate students
at a USA university

Duration of awards: 3 years

Application deadline: February 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $16,000

Allowances and amounts: $3,000 student allowance, $3,000 university
a. Graduate Student Researchers Program (GSRP)

Number of awards: 80
b. Graduate Student Researchers Program Underrepresented Minority

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Blacks, American Indians,
Hispanics, Pacific islanders, and individuals with disabilities
that limit major life activity

Other eligibility requirements: Historically Black College or
University students are not eligible.

Number of awards: 50

3. National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program

Address for application information:
Dr. E. Julius Dash
NASA Headquarters
Mail Code FEH
Washington, DC 20546

Purpose of program: To provide support for undergraduate and
graduate students involved in aeronautics and space, science, and
engineering research.  In addition, the program intends to
establish a national network of universities with interests and
capabilities in aeronautics, space and related fields; to encourage
cooperative programs among universities, aerospace industry and
federal, state and local governments; to encourage
interdisciplinary training, research and public service programs
related to aerospace; to recruit and train professionals,
especially women, underrepresented minorities and persons with
disabilities, for careers in aeronautics and space-related science
and engineering; and to develop a strong science, mathematics, and
technology education base from elementary through university

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate, Undergraduate

Fields supported: All aeronautics and space-related fields

Number of awards: Varies; about 600 in 1992 (awardees competitively
selected by 52 Space Grant State Consortia Committees)

Duration of awards: Varies

Application deadline: Varies from consortium to consortium

Allowances and amounts: Varies from consortium to consortium

4. Cooperative Education Program
Address for application information:
NASA Headquarters, Code FPP, Agency Personnel Policy Branch,
Washington DC 20546

Purpose of program: To provide college students with professional
work experience related to their major fields of study, and to
serve as a feeder program into entry-level positions with NASA,
especially in science and engineering

Citizenship: USA citizen or permanent resident who will
become a USA citizen by graduation time

Level: Undergraduate, Graduate

Fields supported: Engineering, applied science, and mathematics;
some positions in administrative and technical support also

Number of awards: varies

Duration of awards: Students begin the program after their freshman
year and can work up to three months after graduation or completion
of degree requirements.

Stipend: Students are paid under the General Schedule (GS) Federal
pay system and are hired at grades GS-1 through GS-9 according to
their level of education and the level of difficulty of the work
that will be performed.

Allowances and amounts: Paid vacations, holidays and sick leave;
major medical, dental, and life insurance; in some installations,
possible training and tuition assistance and payment for
transportation between school and work site.


Address for application information:
Box 537
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556

Title of program: GEM Fellowship Programs

Purpose of program: To increase the pool of minority students who
receive graduate degrees annually in engineering and science.

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Black Americans, American Indians,
Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans

Level: Graduate

Application deadline: December 1 annually
1. Master's Degree in Engineering
Field(s) supported: All accredited engineering disciplines

Other requirements: Applicant must have attained at least junior
year status in an engineering program. Awardees are required to: 1)
attend a GEM Master's Program member university and 2) intern at a
member employer location during the summer.

Number of awards: 222

Duration of awards: 3 semesters/4 quarters

Stipend for 1992-93: $6,000 per academic year

Allowances and amounts: All tuition and fees

2. PhD Degree in Engineering

Field(s): All accredited engineering disciplines

Other requirements:  Applicants must have or be in the process of
attaining a master's degree.  Awardees are required to attend a GEM
PhD Engineering Program member university.

Number of awards: 20

Duration of awards: 3-5 years
Stipend for 1992-93: $12,000 per calendar year

Allowances and amounts: All tuition and fees

3. PhD Degree in Natural Science
Field(s): Natural Science disciplines

Other requirements: Applicant must have attained at least junior
year status in an accredited science discipline.  Awardees are
required to: 1) attend a GEM PhD Science Program member university
and 2) intern at a member employer location during at least one
summer prior to or during the graduate program.

Number of awards: 25

Duration of awards: 3 to 5 years

Stipend for 1992-93: $12,000 per calendar year

Allowances and amounts: All tuition and fees

Title  : NSF 93-147 -- A Selected List of Fellowship and Other Support
         Opportunities for Advanced Education
Type   : Report
Date   : March 7, 1995
File   : ns93147e


Address for application information
Division of Fellowships and Seminars
Room 316
National Endowment for the Humanities
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20506

Citizenship: USA; also, citizens of any country may apply
(except to Dissertation Grants) if they have resided in the USA
for the 3 years immediately preceding the application deadline.

Fields supported for all programs: In the act that established the
Endowment, the term humanities includes, but is not limited to, the
study of the following disciplines: history; philosophy; languages;
linguistics; literature; archaeology; jurisprudence; the history,
theory, and criticism of the arts; ethics; comparative religion;
and those aspects of the social sciences that employ historical or
philosophical approaches.

1. Fellowships for University Teachers
Purpose of program: To enable faculty in PhD-granting departments
and post-graduate professional school faculty to pursue advanced
study and research that will enhance their capacities as teachers,
scholars, or interpreters of the humanities, and that will make
significant contributions to thought and knowledge in the

Level: Postdoctoral

Other requirements: The following are not eligible: Surveys of
courses and programs in other institutions, the preparation of
institutional curricula, empirical educational research projects,
work in the creative and performing arts, and studies in the social
and natural sciences that do not employ historical or philosophical
approaches. Applicants may not be degree candidates or seeking
support for a degree.

Number of awards: Approximately 110

Duration of awards: 6 to 12 months

Application deadline: May 1 of each year

Stipend for 1993-94: Up to $30,000

Allowances and amounts: Some assistance may be provided within the
limits of the stipend to help defray costs of necessary travel. No
allowance is given for other expenses.

2. Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars
Purpose of program: To enable college and university faculty who
are members of non-PhD granting departments and independent
scholars to pursue advanced study and research that will enhance
their capacities as teachers, scholars, or interpreters of the
humanities and that will make significant contributions to thought
and knowledge in the humanities.

Level: Postdoctoral

Other requirements: The following are not eligible: Surveys of
courses and programs in other institutions, the preparation of
institutional curricula, empirical educational research projects,
work in the creative and performing arts, and studies in the social
and natural sciences that do not employ historical or philosophical
approaches. Applicants may not be degree candidates or seeking
support for a degree.

Number of awards: 110

Duration of awards: 6 to 12 months

Application deadline: May 1 of each year

Stipend for 1993-94: Up to $30,000

Allowances and amounts: Some assistance may be provided within the
limits of the stipend to help defray costs of necessary travel. No
allowance is given for other expenses.

3. Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities -
Faculty Graduate Study Program
Purpose of program: To strengthen the teaching of the humanities at
historically Black colleges and universities by providing one year
of support for teachers at these institutions to complete work
toward a doctoral degree in the humanities.

Level: Graduate

Other requirements: Applicants must have the qualifications to
pursue one year of graduate study, potential for making strong
contributions to teaching in the humanities, at least one year of
graduate work completed, and must be a faculty member at a
historically Black college or university.

Number of awards: Approximately 10

Duration of awards: 9 to 12 months

Application deadline: March 15 of each year

Stipend for 1992-93: Up to $30,000

Allowances and amounts: Stipends replace salary lost through the
taking of leave and, within the limits of the maximum $30,000
stipend, may cover some costs of necessary travel, tuition, books,
and other associated expenses.

4. Summer Stipends
Purpose of program: To provide support for faculty members in
universities and two-year and four-year colleges and for others
working in the humanities to pursue two consecutive months of
full-time study and research.  Applicants whose projects require
significant travel to libraries' archives or other collections may
apply for the stipend with travel supplement.

Level: Postdoctoral

Other requirements: Up to 3 members of each college and university
in the USA and territorial possessions may be nominated;
no more than 2 should be junior nominees, no more than 2 should be
senior nominees. Independent scholars and faculty on terminal
contracts may apply without nomination.

Number of awards: Approximately 200

Duration of awards: 2 months

Application deadline: October 1

Stipend for 1993: $4,000 without travel; $4,750 with necessary

5. Younger Scholars
Purpose of program: To provide support for high school and
undergraduate students to carry out projects of research and
writing in the humanities during the summer.

Level: Undergraduate; high school

Number of awards: Up to 200

Duration of awards: 9 weeks during the summer

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1993: $2,400/2,000 for college students and high school
students; each stipend includes $400 for project adviser.

6. Summer Seminars
Prospective seminar directors, who can obtain proposal guidelines
from the Division of Fellowships and Seminars, are urged to discuss
their ideas with NEH program staff before formal submission

a. Summer Seminars for College Teachers

Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for faculty members at
undergraduate colleges to work with distinguished scholars in their
own fields or in other fields related to their interests in a
variety of the disciplines of the humanities.

Level: Postdoctoral

Other requirements: Intended primarily for individuals who teach
undergraduate courses, but independent scholars are eligible to
apply.  Preference is given to applicants who have not recently had
access to the resources of a major library or other research

Number of awards: 600 participants, 50 seminar directors

Duration of awards: 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 weeks

Application deadline: March 1

Stipend for 1993: Up to $4,000 for participants; up to 27.78% of
salary for Directors.

b. Summer Seminars for School Teachers

Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for teachers of
kindergarten through grade 12 to work on a variety of texts in the
humanities under the direction of distinguished teachers and active

Level: Postgraduate

Other requirements: Seminars are designed primarily for teachers of
grades 7 through 12; other school personnel, K-12, are also
eligible to apply.

Number of awards: Approximately 900 participants, 60 directors

Duration of awards: 4, 5 or 6 weeks

Application deadline: Participants: March 1

Stipend for 1993: Up to $3,200 for participants; up to 22.2% of
academic year salary for directors.

7. Study Grants
Purpose of Program: To provide support for college and university
teachers to undertake independent study to increase knowledge of
their own disciplines or related disciplines, to enrich their
understanding of the humanities, and to pursue intellectual
projects that will inform their teaching.  Awards are made for
intensive study rather than for research intended primarily for

Level: Postdoctoral

Other requirements: Applicants must be full-time faculty members
who have completed 3 years of teaching and who have regular
undergraduate teaching responsibilities in the humanities.
Applicants may not have held an NEH Fellowship for College teachers
and Independent Scholars or another major research grant.
Recipients of NEH Summer Stipends must wait 5 years before they are
eligible for a Study Grant.

Number of awards: Approximately 100

Duration of awards: 6 weeks

Application deadline: August 15 each year

Stipend for 1993: $3,000

8. Dissertation Grants
Purpose of Program: To provide support for doctoral candidates in
the humanities to complete the writing of their dissertations.

Level: Doctoral

Other requirements: Applicants must have completed all requirements
for the Ph.D. except the dissertation.  Only two Dissertation
Grants will be awarded to candidates from any one Ph.D.-granting

Number of awards: Approximately 50

Duration of awards: 6 to 12 months

Application deadline: November 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $17,500


Address for application information:
National Hispanic Scholarship Fund
P.O. Box 728
Novato, California  94948

Title of program: National Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Purpose of program: To award scholarships to college students.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Undergraduate; graduate

Field(s) supported: Fields unrestricted.

Other requirements: Student must be enrolled and attending a
college in the USA or Puerto Rico on a full-time basis;
must have completed a minimum of fifteen units of college work;
and, must be of Hispanic background.

Number of awards: Varies each year--3,226 for 1991.

Duration of awards: One school year.

Application deadline: April 1 to June 15

Stipend for 1993-94: Up to $1,000


Address for application information
Fellowship Program
National Humanities Center
7 Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12256
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709-2256

Title of program: Fellowships

Purpose of program: To support advanced study in the humanities.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: From promising young scholars several years beyond the
doctorate to senior scholars of recognized accomplishment.

Field(s) supported: History, philosophy, literature, and all other
fields of the humanities; in addition, representatives of the
natural and social sciences, the arts, the professions, and public
life may be admitted if their work has humanistic dimensions.

Number of awards: 35 to 40 annually

Duration of awards: Generally for the academic year (September
through May); a few may be awarded for the fall or spring semester.

Application deadline: October 15

Stipend: Stipends are individually determined in accordance with a
scholar's needs and the Center's ability to meet them.

Stipend for 1993-94:  average $25,000; maximum $35,000

Allowances and amounts: Travel expenses to and from the Center for
Fellows and families.


Address for application information
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Office of Grants Inquiries
Division of Research Grants
Room 449, Westwood Building
5333 Westbard Avenue
Bethesda, Maryland 20892

Citizenship: USA citizens or non-citizen nationals or
non-citizens lawfully admitted for permanent residence

Field(s) supported: Basic and applied scientific inquiry related to
the causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of
human diseases and disabilities; the fundamental biological
processes of growth, development, and aging; and the biological
effects of the environment.

1. Career Development Awards (Clinical Investigator Awards,
Academic Investigator Awards, Research Career Development Awards,
Physician and Dentist Scientist Awards).

Purpose of programs: To provide opportunities for career
development for young research scientists in order to promote
research in the health-related sciences

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Health-related sciences

Other requirements: Candidates must be nominated by a non-Federal
public or private nonprofit institution engaged in health-related
research and located in the USA or its possessions and
territories; must have, depending on the specific award, a range of
1 to 10 years of relevant research and/or professional experience
prior to the beginning date of the award.

Duration of awards: 3 to 5 years, depending on specific award

Application deadline: Usually February 1, June 1, October 1

Salary for 1993-94: $50,000

Allowances and amounts: Salary support not to exceed $50,000
annually. Supplementation of salary from non-government sources is
allowable. Some awards provide from $10,000-$20,000 for research
support costs.

2. National Research Service Awards
Application deadline: January 10, May 10, September 10

a. Individual Postdoctoral Fellowships

Purpose of program: To offer scientists with a doctoral degree the
opportunity to receive full-time research training in areas that
reflect the national need for biomedical and behavioral research

Level: Postdoctoral

Other requirements: Doctoral degree (PhD, MD, etc.) from an
accredited domestic or foreign institution by start of award;
sponsorship by a private or public institution; service payback for
support beyond 12 months.

Number of awards: 1700 (estimated total fellowships)

Duration of awards: 1, 2, or 3 years

Stipend for 1993-94: $18,600-$32,300 depending on relevant
experience after receipt of qualifying doctoral degree.

Allowances and amounts: Institutional allowance of $3,000 ($2,000
at Federal labs); round trip travel fare for those training at
foreign institutions

b. Institutional Grants

Purpose of program: These grants are made to eligible institutions
to develop or enhance pre-PhD and postdoctoral research training
opportunities for individuals who are interested in preparing for
careers in biomedical or behavioral research. The training program
director at the grantee institution will be responsible for the
selection and appointment of trainees and for the overall direction
of the program.

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral

Other requirements: Institution-Domestic nonprofit private or
public institution; Predoctoral Trainee-A baccalaureate degree as
of the beginning date of appointment; training at the
postbaccalaureate level in a program leading to the award of PhD or
ScD degree or equivalent. Awards may not support study leading to
the MD, DO, DDS, or other similar professional degree. Service-
Research and/or teaching payback for support beyond 12 months;
Postdoctoral Trainee-Doctoral degree (PhD, MD, etc.) from
accredited domestic or foreign institution; Service-Research and/or
teaching payback for support beyond 12 months.

Number of awards: 9,800 (estimated total trainees)

Duration of awards: Institution-5 years; Predoctoral Trainee-Up to
5 years; Postdoctoral Trainee-Up to 3 years

Stipend for 1993-94: Predoctoral-$8,800; Postdoctoral-

Allowances and amounts: Training-related expenses: $1,500 per year
for predoctoral and $2,500 per year for postdoctoral, plus health
insurance for the individual, tuition and fees, and Trainee travel.

3. Information concerning Senior Fellowships and Short Term
Traineeships for Students in Health Professional Schools is
available from the Office of Grants Inquiries at the above address.
Information on individual predoctoral fellowships for nurses can be
obtained from:

Dr. Janet Heinrich
National Center for Nursing Research
Building 31, Room 5803
National Institutes of Health
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20892


Address for application information
National Medical Fellowships, Inc.
254 West 31 Street
New York, New York 10001
Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority group(s): Black Americans, Mexican
Americans, American Indians, mainland Puerto Ricans

1. National Medical Fellowships
Purpose of program: To increase the number of physicians from
underrepresented minority medical groups.

Level: Medical students

Field(s) supported: Allopathic and osteopathic medicine

Other requirements: Must be accepted by an American medical school.

Number of awards: Approximately 1,000

Application deadline: First time applicants-August 31; renewals-May

Stipend for 1993-94: $2,000

2. National Medical Fellowships/Fellowship Program in Academic
Purpose of program: To encourage careers in biomedical research and
academic medicine.

Level: Medical students

Field(s) supported: Basic biomedical research

Other requirements: Currently enrolled medical students in good
academic standing; nomination from dean who must identify senior
scientist willing to be mentor during fellowship period.

Number of awards: 35

Duration of awards: 8 to 12 weeks.

Application deadline: December 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $6,000

Allowances and amounts: Of the stipend, $4,000 earmarked for
students; up to $2,000 can be used to offset mentor's expenses.


Address for application information
Contact High School Guidance Counselor

Title of program: National Merit Scholarship Program

Purpose of program: To provide academic recognition and college
undergraduate scholarships to scholastically able high school

Citizenship: USA

Level: Undergraduate

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: To enter the competition, high school students
take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit
Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), usually in the junior
year, and meet participation requirements.  Information about the
Merit Program may be found in the PSAT/NMSQT Student Bulletin,
distributed by guidance personnel to students who will take the
PSAT/NMSQT administered by high schools in October.

Number of awards: Approximately 6,300

Duration of awards: About one-third of the awards are for one year;
the remainder are renewable for the four college years.

Stipend for 1993-94: Variable; one-time awards, $2,000; four-year
scholarships provide between $250 and $2,000 or more annually.


Address for application information:
National Physical Science Consortium
c/o New Mexico State University
Box 30001, Department 3NPS
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-0001

Title of program: Graduate Fellowships for Minorities and Women in
the Physical Sciences

Purpose of program: To increase the pool of minorities and women in
the physical sciences by providing doctoral fellowships and
graduate school informational referrals.

Citizenship: USA

Ethnic and Gender requirements: Hispanics (all groups), Black
Americans, American Indians (all groups), and women (any ethnicity)

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Astronomy, chemistry, computer science,
geology, material science, mathematics, and physics

Other requirements: Must be a graduating physical science senior
(undergraduate); or be obtaining a master's degree in a physical
science discipline from a non-PhD granting institution; or have
completed a bachelor's or master's degree in a physical science
discipline and have been in the workforce at least one year; and
must pursue graduate study at a participating NPSC member

Number of awards: 38 in 1992

Duration of awards: 5-6 years

Application deadline: November 15 of each year

Stipend: $10,000 for years 1 & 2 plus summer employment at
sponsoring employer's worksite; $12,500 for years 3 & 4; and
$15,000 for years 5 & 6

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees are provided by the PhD
granting institution in which the Fellow is enrolled.


Address for application information
Associateship Programs-GR 430E
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20418

Title of program: Resident, Cooperative, and Postdoctoral Research
Associateship Programs

Purpose of program: To provide significant research opportunities
to new or senior doctoral scholars who receive awards to become
guest researchers at various sponsor federal research laboratories
or centers. Each Research Associate is provided full programmatic
support to conduct the research program, which was proposed as part
of the application, with no additional distracting assignments. By
their presence, the sponsor research organization receives
important new scientific and technical concepts and staff

Citizenship: Unrestricted in many programs; USA
citizenship in some programs

Level: Postdoctoral; senior postdoctoral in many programs

Field(s) supported: All fields of science and engineering

Number of awards: About 400 per year

Duration of awards: One year renewable to two and up to three in
some programs.

Application deadline: January 15, April 15, August 15

Stipend for 1992-93: Regular base stipend-$27,750 to $44,000,
dependent upon sponsor and discipline; senior stipend-individually
determined, $84,500 maximum.

Allowances and amounts: Relocation travel; moving of household;
participating group health insurance program; professional travel
to 2 or 3 meetings; workman's compensation type insurance.

Following is a list of the laboratories/centers available for
research programs:

The Aerospace Corporation
Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Center for Devices and Radiological Health through the Food and
 Drug Administration
Federal Highway Administration/Turner-Fairbank Highway Research
Fish and Wildlife Services/National Fisheries Contaminant Research
NASA Ames Research Center
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center
NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
NASA Langley Research Center
NASA Lewis Research Center
NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
NASA Science and Technology Laboratory
National Center for Infectious Diseases/Center for Disease Control
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Institutes of Health
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Naval Medical Research and Development Command
Naval Ocean Systems Center
Naval Postgraduate School
Naval Research Laboratory
USA Air Force Laboratories
USA Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center
USA Army Ballistic Research Laboratory
USA Army Chemical Research, Development, and Engineering Center
USA Army Electronics Technology and Devices Laboratory
USA Army Harry Diamond Laboratories
USA Army Medical Research and Development Command
USA Army Missile Command
USA Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
USA Army Research Laboratory/Battlefield Environment   Directorate
USA Environmental Protection Agency
USA Geological Survey


1. NSF Graduate Research Fellowships - including Women in
Engineering Awards (NSF Graduate Fellowships and NSF Minority
Graduate Fellowships)

Address for application information
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
P.O. Box 3010
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-3010

Purpose of program: To improve the human resource base of science,
mathematics, and engineering in the USA and to reinforce
the ethnic diversity of that human resource base by providing for
study and research leading to master's or doctoral degrees.
Minority Graduate Fellowships are available to increase the number
of practicing scientists and engineers who are members of ethnic
minority groups that traditionally have been underrepresented in
the advanced levels of the Nation's science and engineering talent

Citizenship: USA and permanent residents of the USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Mathematical, physical, biological,
engineering, and behavioral and social sciences, and the history of
science and the philosophy of science. Awards are also made for
work toward a research-based PhD in science education that requires
a science competence comparable to that for PhD candidates in those
disciplines.  Awards are not made in clinical, business or
management fields, in other education programs of any kind, or in
history or social work, for work leading to medical, dental, law or
public health degrees, or for study in joint science-professional
degree programs such as MD/PhD and JD/PhD.

Duration of awards: 3 years

Application deadline: Early November

Stipend for 1993-94: $14,000 for 12 month tenure.

Allowances and amounts: Cost-of-education allowance up to a maximum
of $7,500 in lieu of all tuition costs and assessed fees.  An
International Research Travel allowance of $l,000 for Fellows who
have arranged to conduct full-time advanced study and research at
a foreign site for at least 3 continuous months.

a. NSF Graduate Fellowships

Requirements: NSF Graduate Fellowships are intended for students at
or near the beginning of their graduate study in science,
mathematics or engineering. Eligibility is limited to those
individuals who, by the beginning of the fall 1992 term, have
completed no more than 20 semester hours, 30 quarter hours, or
equivalent, of graduate study in the science and engineering fields
supported by this program since completion of the last
baccalaureate degree in science or engineering.  "Graduate study"
includes course work, research, and seminars.  These guidelines are
applied to graduate study completed after October l, 1982
regardless of purpose or whether credit for that study has been
applied toward an advanced degree. Students in a five-year, joint
baccalaureate-master's degree program are eligible to apply in the
fourth and fifth years of the program; for eligibility purposes,
the fifth year of such a program is considered to be graduate
study.  Additionally, no individual will be eligible who, at the
time of application, has earned after October l, 1982 an advanced
degree in science or engineering. Applicants who have earned any
medical degree, such as the MD, DDS or DVM, are ineligible.
Eligibility for Women in Engineering awards is limited to women who
intend to pursue graduate degrees in engineering fields and who, by
the beginning of the fall 1992 term, have completed no more than 30
semester hours, 45 quarter hours, or equivalent, of graduate study
in the science and engineering fields supported by NSF since
completion of their last baccalaureate degree in science or
engineering.  Women in Engineering applicants who are otherwise
eligible are not disqualified by reason of holding a master's

Number of awards: Approximately 750

b. NSF Minority Graduate Fellowships

Eligible ethnic minority groups: American Indian, Black/African
American, Hispanic, Native Alaskan (Eskimo or Aleut), or Native
Pacific Islander (Polynesian or Micronesian)

Other requirements: NSF Minority Graduate Fellowships are intended
for students in the early stages of their graduate study in
science, mathematics or engineering.  Eligibility is limited to
those individuals who, by the beginning of the fall 1992 term, have
completed no more than 30 semester hours, 45 quarter hours, or
equivalent, of graduate study in the science and engineering fields
supported by this program since completion of their last
baccalaureate degree in science or engineering.  Minority Graduate
applicants are not disqualified by reason of holding a master's
degree, but they must not exceed the semester/quarter hour
limitations specified.  Other guidelines regarding graduate study
are identical to those in the Graduate Fellowship competition.
Eligibility for the Women in Engineering awards is limited to women
who are members of one of the designated ethnic minority groups and
who intend to pursue graduate degrees in one of the engineering

Number of awards: Approximately 150

Allowances and amounts: $l,000 Incentives for Excellence
Scholarship Prize is intended to be awarded by the department to a
student in one of the minority groups eligible in this competition,
or equally to two such students, other than current seniors, in
that department.  This prize is in recognition of the students'
scholarship excellence and to encourage their continued study in
science or engineering.  Also, Fellows matriculating into their
fellowship institutions for the first time as graduate students are
eligible for a Mentoring Assistantship consisting of one, two or
three months of additional stipend support primarily to participate
in research during the summer before they begin their fall
fellowship tenure.

2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Postdoctoral
Fellowships In Science
Address for application information:
NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
National Science Foundation
1800 G Street, N. W.
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To promote the progress of science and closer
collaboration among the scientists of NATO member nations

Citizenship: USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Mathematical, physical, biological,
engineering, and social sciences, and the history and philosophy of
science as well as interdisciplinary areas comprised of two or more
of these fields; awards will not be made in clinical, education or
business fields, or in history, social work or public health.

Other requirements: Recipients of awards are expected to study in
a NATO country (other than the USA), or at neighboring
multinational institutions. Recipients must have earned the PhD by
beginning of tenure, or have received the PhD in a field of science
supported by NSF, within the past five years.

Number of awards: 50

Duration of awards: 6-12 months

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $2,750 per month

Allowances and amounts: Dependency allowance of $200 per month for
a dependent spouse and for each of not more than two dependent
children; travel allowance to aid in defraying travel costs for
Fellow and dependents; Fellow and host institution will each
receive an allowance of $100 for each month of tenure.

3. NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Address for application information:
Program Director, Office of Special Projects
Division of Mathematical Sciences
National Science Foundation
Room 339
1800 G Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To contribute to the future vitality of the
scientific effort of the Nation

Citizenship: USA and USA permanent resident aliens

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and

Other requirements: Recipient must have held a doctorate in one of
the mathematical sciences listed above for no more than 5 years as
of January 1 of fellowship year; will not previously have held any
other NSF postdoctoral fellowship.

Number of awards: 30 to 40

Duration of awards: 24 months

Application Deadline: October 15

Stipend for 24 months (1993): $66,000

Allowances and amounts (1993): $4,500 institutional allowance;
$4,500 cost-of-research allowance to Fellow

4. NSF Chemical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Address for application information
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Chemistry
Division of Chemistry
National Science Foundation
1800 G Street, N. W.
Washington, D.C. 20550

Citizenship: USA and USA permanent resident aliens

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Fields consistent with the programmatic
responsibilities of the Chemistry Division. These areas are organic
and macromolecular chemistry; analytical and surface chemistry;
inorganic, bioinorganic and organometallic chemistry; and physical

Other requirements: Applicants must have filled the requirements of
the doctoral degree in chemistry or a closely related discipline
between June 1st of the current year and September 30th of the
following year. Applicants must make prior arrangements for
research and training with a scientific advisor at the institution
where the fellowship is to be held.

Number of awards: Up to 20

Duration of awards: 1-2 years

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1991-92: $26,000 per year. A leveraged $32,000 starter
grant is available to fellows who elect tenure-track positions at
USA colleges and universities following the tenure of their

Allowances and amounts: $4,000 to defray research costs and $2,000
institutional allowance. There is no allowance for dependents.

5. NSF Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Postdoctoral Awards for USA Researchers
Address for application information

JSPS Postdoctoral Awards
Room 501V
Division of International Programs
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To provide USA researchers the opportunity to
collaborate with Japanese colleagues at academic research
facilities in Japan.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Science and engineering

Other requirements: Doctorate in natural sciences, the social
sciences, or engineering is required. Applicants must demonstrate
with appropriate documentation the ability to pursue independent
research. Applicants must also identify a Japanese host scientist
willing to collaborate on the research project.

Number of awards: Approximately 25

Duration of awards: 1 year. Extensions of up to 12 months will be
considered if necessary for completion of research.

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1993-94: 270,000 yen monthly

Allowances and amounts: Round-trip economy-class airfare for
Awardee only; settling-in allowance of 200,000 yen; monthly housing
allowance not to exceed 100,000 yen; monthly family allowance not
to exceed 500,000 yen total; and health insurance for the Awardee

6. NSF Science and Technology Agency of Japan Postdoctoral Awards
for USA Researchers
Address for application information
STA Postdoctoral Awards
Room 501V
Division of International Programs
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To provide USA researchers the opportunity to
collaborate with colleagues at Japanese national laboratories,
public corporations, and certain non profit research organizations.
Citizenship: USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Science and engineering

Other requirements: Doctorate in science or engineering or
equivalent professional experience. Applicants must demonstrate
with appropriate documentation the ability to pursue independent
research. Applicants must also identify a Japanese host scientist
willing to collaborate on the research project.

Number of awards: Approximately 35

Duration of awards: 6 months to 2 years

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1993-94: 270,000 yen monthly

Allowances and amounts: Round-trip economy-class airfare for
Awardee only; settling-in allowance of 200,000 yen; monthly housing
allowance not to exceed 100,000 yen; monthly family allowance of
50,000 yen, if accompanied by dependents; domestic travel allowance
of 100,000 yen per year; and health insurance for the Awardee only.

7. NSF Awards for Japanese-Language Study by Researchers in Science
and Engineering
Address for application information

Japanese Language Awards
Room 501V
Division of International Programs
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To help remove language and cultural barriers
to USA-Japanese science and technology exchanges

Citizenship: USA

Level: The awards are aimed primarily at researchers at the
graduate and post-doctoral level. Senior researchers, including
researchers in industry, will also be considered.

Field(s) supported: Science and engineering

Other requirements: Applicants must be researchers or graduate
students in fields of science and engineering supported by NSF.

Number of awards: 20 to 30

Duration of awards: Variable

Nature of support and application deadlines: Academic Program
Fellowships: Will provide stipend base of tuition and fees ($1,025
for graduate students and $2,050 for individuals with the Ph.D.,
prorated by fraction of effort devoted to language study), for
Japanese language courses, and travel and subsistence allowances as
necessary. The application deadline is December 15.

8. Summer Institute in Japan for USA Graduate Students in Science
and Engineering
Address for application information:

Summer Institute in Japan
Division of International Programs
Room 501V
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To provide: first-hand experience in a Japanese
research environment; an introduction to the science and science-
policy infrastructure of Japan, and; intensive Japanese language

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Science and Engineering

Other requirements: Applicant must be enrolled at a USA
institution in a Ph.D. program or enrolled in an engineering
graduate program of which one year or more has been completed.

Number of awards: 58

Duration of awards: 2 months

Application deadline: January 15

Allowances and amounts: Travel costs and an allowance of $2,000.
Japan will provide living accommodations and partial board.

9. Program for Long and Medium-Term Research at Foreign Centers of
Address for application information:

Long and Medium-Term Research Visits
Division of International Programs
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of Program: To support research excellence and to promote
the progress of science and engineering by: 1) facilitating access
to foreign centers of excellence affording unique research
opportunities not available in the USA; 2) introducing young
scientists and engineers to research developments abroad; and 3)
supporting the establishment of stronger relationships between USA
and foreign science and engineering communities.

Citizenship: USA citizens or native residents of USA possessions

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) Supported: Current research in any field of science or
engineering supported by NSF. These include mathematical and
physical sciences, geosciences, computer and information  sciences,
biological and behavioral sciences, social sciences and science
education, and all fields of engineering. Awards will not be made
for biomedical research with disease-related goals, including
research on the etiology, diagnosis, or treatment of physical or
mental diseases, abnormality, or malfunction in human beings or
animals; nor for animal models of such conditions, or the
development or testing of drugs or other procedures for their

Other Requirements: Applicants must have earned the doctoral degree
within six years prior to the date of application or expect to
receive the degree by the award date.

Number of awards: 15 to 20

Duration of awards: Visits abroad of 3 to 12 months duration

Application deadline: November 1 (applications will be accepted
beginning September 1)

Stipend for 1993-94: Up to $3,000 per month for 12 months.  NSF
will determine the exact amount at the time of the award, based on
the cost of living at the destination. NSF will adjust the stipend
for awardees with partial support from other sources on a
case-by-case basis.

Allowances and amounts: NSF will grant special allowances for
language training if justified. A spouse and up to two dependent
children will receive a dependents' allowance of $150 each per
month provided they reside with the awardee abroad for 6 months or
more. Award does not pay fringe benefits, salaries for support
staff or research assistant, or for materials, supplies, equipment,
or publication costs.

10. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Environmental Biology
Address for application information
Postdoctoral (EB) Fellowships
Environmental Biology, Room 215
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To enable well-trained, highly talented  young
scientists to pursue innovative research in terrestrial and
freshwater ecology, and allied sub-disciplines.  Designed to
encourage research in a new environment, on a fresh problem,
requiring prolonged visits at foreign institutions or field sites.
Preference may be given to applicants taking advantage of the "full
portability" feature of the fellowship.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Systematic biology, population biology,
population genetics, physiological ecology, community ecology, and
ecosystem studies. Public health, clinically oriented, or applied
projects are ineligible.

Other requirements: Doctoral degree must have been received no
earlier than four years prior to the application deadline and no
later than one year after the application deadline.

Number of awards: Up to 20 annually

Duration of awards: 1 or 2 years, depending on request

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $2,200 per month

Allowances and amounts: $500 per month special research allowance
for Fellow; $200 per month allowance for host institution

11. Mid-Career Fellowship Opportunities in Environmental Biology
Address for application information
Environmental Biology, Room 215
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for experienced
doctoral-level scientists to improve and expand their skills by
pursuing independent research in terrestrial and fresh-water
ecology and related sub-disciplines in a new environment, learn new
techniques or address a fresh problem. Research problems or
approaches that depart significantly from the investigator's
traditional field are particularly encouraged.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Systematic biology, population biology,
population genetics, physiological ecology, community ecology, and
ecosystem studies. Public health, clinically oriented, or applied
projects are ineligible.

Other requirements: Doctoral degree must have been received at
least ten years prior to the application deadline date.

Number of awards: Up to 10 annually

Duration of awards: 6 to 15 months, depending on request

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1993-94: An amount equivalent to the six-month
full-time salary as set by the home institution up to a maximum of
$47,500, plus a sum equivalent to the normal home institution
fringe benefit rate corresponding to the stipend.

Allowances and amounts: $1,000 per month research allowance; $300
per month allowance for host institution; $3,000 travel allowance
to relocate to fellowship institution.

12. NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Plant Biology
Address for application information
Division of Biological Instrumentation and Resources
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for plant biologists
from all sub-divisions to learn concepts and methodological
techniques of related scientific fields in order to approach
problems of plant biology with the most appropriate, sophisticated
tools. They also provide opportunities for a wide range of
biological and physical scientists not trained in traditional plant
sciences to learn concepts and techniques of research on plants.

Citizenship: USA or permanent residents of the USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Areas of Plant Biology included in the
following NSF programs: biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, cell
biology, developmental biology, and integrative biology.

Other requirements: Doctoral degree in a biological science,
physical science, or engineering earned not more than 5 years prior
to January 1 of the fellowship year.

Number of awards: Approximately 20

Duration of awards: 2 years

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $2,200 per month

Allowances and amounts: Special allowance to Fellow of $300 per
month; institutional allowance of $200 per month; no dependency

13. NSF Minority Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program in
Biological/Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Address for application information
BIO/SBE Minority Research Fellowship Program
National Science Foundation
Washington, D. C. 20550

Purpose of program: To increase the number of research  scientists
from underrepresented minority groups.

Citizenship: USA or permanent residents of the USA

Eligible ethnic minorities: Blacks, American Indians, Hispanics,
Alaskan natives and native USA Pacific Islanders

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biological Sciences and Social, Behavioral and
Economic Sciences

Other requirements: Applicant must have received their doctoral
degree within the last five years and not have completed two or
more years of postdoctoral support at the time the fellowship is

Number of awards: 10

Duration of awards: Maximum of three years

Application deadline: December 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $28,000

Allowances and amounts: $2,400 institutional allowance for
reimbursement of expenses (space, equipment, secretarial,  general
purpose supplies); $4,600 for scientific supplies,  travel,
publication expenses, health insurance.

14. NSF Minority Graduate Travel Awards in Biological/Social,
Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Address for application information
NSF Minority Graduate Travel Awards-BIO/SBE
National Science Foundation
Washington, D. C. 20550

Purpose of program: To assist graduate students within 18 months of
the Ph.D. in selecting a postdoctoral mentor and in developing a
postdoctoral training plan.

Citizenship: USA or permanent residents of the USA

Eligible ethnic minorities: Blacks, American Indians, Hispanics,
Alaskan natives, and native USA Pacific Islanders

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Biological Sciences and Social, Behavioral and
Economic Sciences

Number of awards: Varies

Duration of awards: Varies

Application deadline: July 1; October 1; and January 1 or April 1
Allowances and amounts: $3,000 total travel allowance. Students may
compete and be awarded travel awards up to three times.

15. NSF Earth Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
Address for application information:
EAR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Room 602
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To contribute to future vitality of the USA
scientific effort in the Earth Sciences.

Citizenship: USA and permanent residents of the USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Earth Sciences

Other eligibility requirements: Applicant must have: 1) earned a
Ph.D. in some area of the earth sciences prior to the beginning of
the fellowship award period; 2) held a Ph.D. degree for no more
than three years prior to the closing date of this program; 3) not
have previously held any other NSF postdoctoral fellowship.

Number of awards: 10 per year

Duration of awards: 24 months

Application deadline: November 1

Stipend for 1992-93 and 1993-94: $2,500 per month

Allowances and amounts: $5,000 to host institution as partial
reimbursement for expenses incurred in support of the research
(such as supplies, space, equipment, secretarial assistance, etc.).
$2,500 per year to fellow to help defray costs of research.

16. NSF Research Fellowships in Marine Biotechnology and the Ocean
Address for application information:
Research Fellowships in Marine Biotechnology and the Ocean Sciences
Division of Ocean Sciences
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

Purpose of program: To foster the use of modern methodologies of
molecular biology, biochemistry, and analytical chemistry in basic
research in ocean ecology and related areas.

Citizenship: USA and permanent residents of the USA

Level: Postdoctoral and Faculty Researcher

Field(s) supported: Ocean Sciences

Other requirements: Applicants must have earned the doctoral degree
in a relevant scientific discipline prior to the award. Applicants
for the Postdoctoral Fellowship must have received the doctoral
degree after January 1, 1989. Additional requirement for
consideration is that applicants have made prior arrangements for
research and training with a scientific adviser/collaborator at the
institution where the Fellowship will be held.

Number of awards: up to 10 per year

Duration of awards: Postdoctoral - 2 years; Faculty Researcher -1

Application deadline: variable

Stipend for 1992-93: Postdoctoral - $2,200 per month ($26,400 per
year); Faculty Researcher - up to 6 months of annual faculty salary

Allowances and amounts: Institutional allowance of $300 per month
of tenure for partial reimbursement for expenses incurred in
support of the research. Special allowance up to $1,000 per month,
expendable at the Fellow's discretion, for scientific supplies,
special travel, publication expenses, other research- or training-
related costs, and may be used for medical insurance.  No
dependency allowance.

17. Postdoctoral Program in Ocean Modeling
Sponsoring organizations: National Science Foundation and Office of
Naval Research

Address for application information:
UCAR Projects Office
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, Colorado 80307

Purpose of program: To increase modeling capabilities in ocean

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Ocean Sciences

Duration of awards: one year, renewable for a second year

Application deadline: January 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $30,000 per year

Allowances and amounts: Benefits in accordance with UCAR policies.
Travel expenses to host institution for Fellow and family.


Address for application information:
Native American Scholarship Fund, Inc.
3620 Wyoming Boulevard, N.E., Suite 206
Albuquerque, New Mexico  87111

Title of program: MESBEC Program and NALE Program

Purpose of program: The MESBEC (Math, Engineering, Science,
Business, Education, Computers) and NALE (Native American
Leadership in Education) programs award scholarships to Native
American Indian students based on academic merit and to Native
American Indian students most likely to improve the lives of Indian

Citizenship: USA

Level: Undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Priority areas are Math, Engineering, Science,
Business, Education and Computers.

Other requirements: Applicant must be a member of a federally
recognized Native American Indian Tribe.  In addition, applicants
must apply to all other sources available to them.  This includes
the Financial Aid programs, Tribal scholarships and private
scholarship organizations.  A GPA of 3.0 or higher and high scores
on the ACT or SAT are also required.

Duration of awards: Awards are renewable.

Application deadline: Fall semester deadline is April 15 of that
year.  Spring deadline is September 15 of the year before and March
15 for summer.

Stipend for 1993-94: Awards range from $500 to $3,000 per year.


Address for application information
200 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1H5

Title of program: Visiting Fellowships in Canadian Government

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) Supported: Natural sciences and engineering

Number of awards: Approximately 120

Duration of awards: 1 year with possible renewal for second year

Application deadline: November 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $35,184 (effective October 1, 1992)

Allowances and amounts: Travel allowance for Fellow and immediate


Address for application information
Bureau of Professional Career Opportunity Programs
State Education Department
Cultural Education Center, Room 5C64
Albany, New York 12230

Application deadline: Prospective applicants should request
information early in the academic year preceding the year for which
the award will be effective.

1. Regents Scholarships
Citizenship: Must have been a legal resident of New York State for
at least 1 year immediately preceding the effective date of the

Eligible ethnic minority groups: Black, Hispanic, Native American
Indian or Alaskan Native

Other requirements: The law requires that awards be made to
eligible candidates in the following order: First priority will be
given to any candidate who is economically disadvantaged, as
defined under bulletin of information for candidates (may be
obtained by writing to above address), and a minority group member
historically underrepresented in the profession; second priority
will be given to any candidate who is a minority group member;
third priority will be given to any candidate who is enrolled in,
or a graduate of, one of these State sponsored opportunity
programs: SEEK or College Discovery at City University, EOP in the
State University system or HEOP at an independent college.
a. Regents Health Care Scholarships for Medicine or Dentistry

Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for the professional
study of medicine or dentistry in an approved program in New York

Level: Must be enrolled in, or a candidate for admission to,
medical or dental school.

Field(s) supported: Medicine, dentistry

Other requirements: Applicant must agree to practice, for a period
of at least 24 months, in an area or facility within New York State
designated as having a shortage of physicians or dentists.

Number of awards: 80 medical and 20 dental scholarships (for

Duration of awards: 4 years

Stipend for 1992-93: $1,000 to $10,000 per year based on income
b. Regents Professional Opportunity Scholarships

Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for study in a New
York State school in a program which is licensure-qualifying in the
particular profession.

Level: Must be enrolled in a program approved for the award or be
a candidate for admission to such program.

Field(s) supported by degree level: Associate-Dental Hygiene,
Occupational Therapy Assistant, Ophthalmic Dispensing, Physical
Therapist Assistant, Physicians Assistant; Baccalaureate-
Accountancy, Architecture, Engineering, Landscape Architecture,
Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy,
Physicians Assistant; Masters-Architecture, Landscape Architecture,
Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Social Work,
Speech-Language  Pathology/Audiology; Doctorate-Chiropractic, Op-
tometry, Podiatry, Psychology, Veterinary Medicine; Juris

Other requirements: Applicant must agree to practice, for a period
of at least 12 months, in New York State.

Number of awards: 220 annually

Duration of awards: Up to 4 years of full-time study

Stipend for 1992-93: $1,000 to $5,000 per year based on income

2. Regents Physician Loan Forgiveness Program
Purpose of program: To provide support for physicians who agree to
practice medicine in an area of New York State designated as having
a shortage of physicians.

Citizenship: Must be a legal resident of New York State.

Level: Applicant must have completed residency training in medicine
within the 5 years immediately preceding the period for which the
first award is granted.

Other requirements: Applicant must be licensed to practice medicine
in New York State prior to beginning the service commitment.

Number of awards: 80

Duration of awards: 2 years; recipient may apply for one additional

Stipend for 1992-93: Maximum of $40,000; 2 awards, each comprising
two $10,000 payments

3. Paul Douglas Teacher Scholarships

Purpose of program: To provide support for undergraduate education.

Citizenship: USA citizen and legal resident of New York

Level: Undergraduate-for students who have graduated in the top 10%
of their high school graduating class or have comparatively high
GED scores.

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Number of awards: Approximately 100

Duration of awards: Up to 4 years of full-time study

Application deadline: Early February
Stipend for 1992-93: Up to $5,000 for payment of tuition and fees.


1. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Science Fellowships
Address for application information
Write to appropriate agency in candidate's own country, or to:
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Science Fellowships
Scientific Affairs Division
B-1110 Brussels

Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for scientists of NATO
countries to pursue their work or to continue their training at the
most prestigious institutions in other countries.

Citizenship: Citizens of NATO countries

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral, senior postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Decision by individual countries.

Other requirements: Decision by individual countries.

Number of awards: Decision by individual countries; grand total of
more than 1,100.

Duration of awards: Decision by individual countries; however, the
customary length of basic fellowships is one year, with renewal
possible in certain cases; the minimum duration for advanced
fellowships is usually six months, for senior fellowships three
months, and for senior guest fellowships, three weeks.

Application deadline: Decision by individual countries.

Stipend for 1993-94: Decision by individual countries; due to
rising costs and limitation of fellowship funds, some countries use
the NATO funds as a supplement to other national sources, and in
such cases the NATO fellowships cover only a part of the total
expenses of the Fellows.

2. Fellowships Programme of the Committee on the Challenges of
Modern Society of NATO
Address for application information
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Scientific Affairs Division/CCMS
B-1110 Brussels

Purpose of program: To allow Fellows to contribute to work of CCMS
pilot studies; purpose of studies is to suggest, on basis of
existing knowledge, solutions to problems relating to natural and
social environment.

Citizenship: Citizens of NATO countries

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Study projects change each year; must be within
purpose of program.

Other requirements: Applicant must: 1) demonstrate research
interest and/or experience in subject area related to on-going CCMS
pilot studies, and willingness to work under guidance of study
director; 2) have suitable background acceptable to pilot study
director; 3) have connection with research unit or government
agency having active interest in pilot study subject to ensure
useful application to needs of applicant's home country; 4) have
good working knowledge of language of CCMS pilot study director, or
English or French, if either is sufficient and mutually convenient.

Number of awards: 15 to 20 per year.

Duration of awards: Variable

Application deadline: 28 February of each year

Allowances and amounts: Award covers travel and living expenses;
rarely exceeds $6,000.


Address for application information
Trainee Selection Division
Department of Fellowships and Training
Organization of American States (OAS)
Washington, D.C. 20006

Title of program: PRA Fellowships (Regular Training Program)

Purpose of program: To further economic, social, technical and
cultural development of the American peoples.

Citizenship: Citizens of member countries of the Organization of
American States with the exception of the country of which the
candidate is a citizen or in which a permanent residence is

Level: Graduate and postdoctoral research

Field(s) supported: Any field but the medical sciences

Other requirements: Applicant must have had advanced training in
field for which fellowship is requested. Study or research to be
carried out in member countries of OAS with exception of country of
which candidate is a citizen, or in which a permanent residence is

Number of awards: Varies according to funds available.

Duration of awards: From 3 months to 2 years

Application deadline: March 1

Stipend for 1992-93: Monthly living stipend varies from country to

Allowances and amounts: Travel expenses; tuition fees; book
allowance; no family allowance.


Address for application information
Health Department of candidate's own country

Title of program: Fellowships

Purpose of program: To provide training or study not available in
candidate's own country.

Citizenship: Citizens of member countries of the Pan American
Health Organization.

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral, non-academic

Field(s) supported: Public health; public health
administration and planning; environmental health; nursing;
maternal and child health; epidemiology and disease control;
laboratory services; medicine and health sciences; educational
technology and administration of all health related fields; and
supporting managerial and technical areas.

Other requirements: Candidate must agree in writing to return to
home country for at least 3 years of service with national health
administration or institution designated by it.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: As required

Application deadline: Variable

Stipend for 1993-94: Variable


Address for application materials:
P.E.O. International Peace Scholarships
3700 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50312

Title of Program: International Peace Scholarships

Purpose of Program: To promote world peace

Citizenship: Women students who are citizens of countries other
than the USA and Canada for graduate work in the USA or Canada

Level: Graduate

Other requirements: An applicant must be qualified for admission to
full-time graduate study, working toward a graduate degree in the
college or university of her choice in the USA or Canada.
Doctoral students who have completed course work and are working on
dissertations only are not eligible as first-time applicants.
First-time applicants seeking assistance for less than one academic
year will not be considered.  Applicants must sign agreement to
return to their home country upon completion or must repay funds.

Number of awards: approximately 200

Duration of awards: 1 year, renewable up to 4 years

Deadline for establishing eligibility: December 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $3500 based on need

Title  : NSF 93-147 -- A Selected List of Fellowship and Other Support
         Opportunities for Advanced Education
Type   : Report
Date   : March 7, 1995
File   : ns93147f


1. Population Fellowships in the Social Sciences
Address for application information:
Manager, Fellowship Program
The Population Council
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
New York, New York 10017

Purpose of program: To make a contribution to meeting the needs of
the population field for persons possessing high-level scientific
and technical skills.

Citizenship: Unrestricted; strong preference given to applicants
from developing countries who have a firm commitment to return to
their home countries upon completion of their training programs.
Applications from women are particularly encouraged.

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral, mid-career in the population field

Field(s) supported: Population studies (including demography and
biostatistics); population studies in combination with a social
science discipline such as economics, sociology, anthropology,
geography, and public health.

Other requirements: Graduate Study-Awards open to persons who have
completed all course work requirements toward the Ph.D. or an
equivalent degree in one of the social sciences.
Postdoctoral Study-Awards open to persons having a Ph.D. or
equivalent degree who wish to undertake postdoctoral training and
research at an institution other than the one at which they
received their Ph.D.

Number of awards: 20 to 25

Duration of awards: Up to 1 year

Application deadline: 15 November

Stipend for 1993-94: Varies according to type of award.

Allowances and amounts: Tuition payments and related fees;
transportation expenses; health insurance. Some research-related
costs and a modest dependency allowance may also be part of the

2. Population Council Biomedical Fellowships
Address for application information:
The Population Council
1230 York Avenue
New York, New York 10021

Purpose of program: To provide advanced study in the physiology and
biochemistry of reproduction.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported:  Reproductive biology

Other requirements: Candidate must have successfully completed an
advanced degree-MD, PhD, or equivalent.

Number of awards: 6 to 8 per year

Duration of awards: 1 to 2 years

Stipend for 1992-93: $27,000

Allowances and amounts: $500 per year for travel


Address for application information:
Office of the American Secretary
The Rhodes Scholarship Office
Pomona College
Claremont, California 91711-6305
applicant's college or university

Title of program: The Rhodes Scholarships

Purpose of program: To select talented students for study at the
University of Oxford.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Undergraduate, graduate

Field(s) supported: Generally unrestricted

Other requirements: Candidate must: 1) be unmarried (marriage
permitted after the first year in residence); 2) be between the
ages of 18 and 23 inclusive on October 1 of the year of
application; 3) have sufficient standing to assure completion of a
bachelor's degree before October of the year following application.
Selection is made on four criteria: scholarship, character,
leadership, and physical vigor. A candidate applies in one of 50
states--either state of legal residence or state where minimum of
2 years college training was received.

Number of awards: 32

Application deadline: October

Stipend for 1991-92: ?5640

Allowances and amounts: All approved college fees


Address for application information:
Roche Institute of Molecular Biology
Nutley, New Jersey 07110

Title of program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

Purpose of program: To provide basic research training

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biochemistry, genetics, developmental biology,
virology, oncology, neurobiology, pharmacology and other areas of
molecular biology.

Other requirements: Applicant must be recent recipient of MD, PhD
or equivalent degree in biological or biochemical sciences.
Fellowships are tenable only at Roche Institute.

Number of awards: Approximately 30 new awards annually

Duration of awards: 1 year, with renewal for additional years

Application deadline: None

Stipend for 1992-93: $30,500

Allowances and amounts: Cost of the Fellow's travel to the
Institute; initial allowance to help defray housing costs.


1. Rockefeller Foundation Biotechnology Career Fellowships

Address for application information:
Biotechnology Career Fellowships
Fellowship Office
The Rockefeller Foundation
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036

Purpose of Program: To assist scientists based in the Third World
to maintain leadership in the development and application of the
new biotechnologies that offer great promise for improving the
agricultural, health, population, and environmental prospects of
poorer countries.  The fellowships seek to accomplish this by
establishing ongoing working relationships between outstanding
younger biotechnology scientists working at Third World
institutions, and research teams at advanced laboratories.

Citizenship: Citizens of developing countries.

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: The following area of Biotechnology:
Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Health Sciences, and
Population Sciences.

Other requirements: Applicants should: 1) have at least Ph.D.- or
M.D.-level training in a relevant field, excellent scientific
qualifications, and a proven record of productivity; 2) hold a
permanent position at a nonprofit research or teaching institution
in their country of citizenship.  Applicant's participation must be
endorsed by the home institution; host laboratory must be in the
forefront of high-technology research in its field.  It is
preferable that the applicant has previous relationship with host
laboratory.  In selecting fellows and their host laboratories, the
Foundation will consider the relevance of the research proposed to
the needs of the applicant's country, as well as that country's
commitment to biotechnology as a development tool.  Fellows should
be no more than 45 years of age.

Duration of awards: 3 years.

Application deadline: At least 6 months in advance of proposed
start date.

Financial arrangements: Funding will be shared between the
Foundation and the host institution.  The Foundation will provide
a per diem (for a maximum of 280 days over the three-year
fellowship period) for the fellow, and will cover the cost of
round-trip travel.  It will also make a modest contribution to
research expenses.  The host institution will be expected to cover
most of the research costs.  No provision for family support or

2. Rockefeller Foundation Fellowships in the Humanities

Address for application information:
Humanities Fellowships
The Rockefeller Foundation
Arts and Humanities Division
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10036

Purpose of program: The Rockefeller Foundation Humanities
Fellowships are for humanities scholars whose research furthers
understanding of contemporary social and cultural issues and
extends international or intercultural scholarship.  In 1993-94,
the fellowships will be offered as residencies at host institutions
selected for their potential to promote scholarship in the
humanities focused on transnational issues, the cultures of non-
Western nations, and the diverse cultural heritage of the United
States. Host institutions include academic departments, area
studies and other interdisciplinary programs, museums, and research

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral or equivalent training/experience.

Field(s) supported: To promote humanities disciplines and the
interdisciplinary dialogue that is the hallmark of new scholarship
in these areas, provide outstanding resources to individual
scholars, and fortify the institutions that are advancing this

Other requirements: Fellowships are tenable at one of 23 host

Number of awards: 60

Duration of awards: Customarily 8 to 10 months

Application deadline: Each institution differs; the range is
October 31 to March 15.

Stipend for 1993-94: $35,000

Allowances and amounts: $2,000 toward travel, benefit, and
relocation costs; any other allowances are set by institutions
hosting fellows.


Address for application information:
Local Rotary Clubs
The Rotary Foundation
1560 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, Illinois 60201

1. Academic-Year Ambassadorial Scholarship
Purpose of program: To further international understanding and
friendly relations among people of different countries through
study abroad.  During the study year, scholars are expected to be
outstanding ambassadors of goodwill through appearances before
Rotary clubs, schools, civic organizations and other forums.

Citizenship: Citizens of countries in which there are Rotary clubs,
including the USA.

Level: Undergraduate, graduate, or vocational study.

Field(s) supported: All fields; but not unsupervised research, or
medical internship or residency.

Other requirements: Applicants must have completed two years of
university work or appropriate professional experience before
starting scholarship studies.  Scholarships are available to
individuals of all ages.  Spouses or descendants of Rotarians may
not apply.  Upon completion of the scholarship, scholars are
expected to share the experiences of understanding acquired during
the study year with the people of their home countries.

Number of awards: Varies

Duration of awards: 1 academic year

Application deadline: July 15; but local Rotary Clubs may set
earlier deadlines.  Applicants are encouraged to contact local
Rotary Clubs; some deadlines may be as early as March.

Allowances and amounts for 1994-95: Up to $20,000 or its equivalent
to help cover tuition, fees, room and board, and miscellaneous
expenses.  Round-trip transportation is also included in the award.
2. Multi-Year Ambassadorial Scholarship
Purpose of program: To further international understanding and
friendly relations among people of different countries through
study abroad.

Citizenship: Citizens of countries in which there are Rotary Clubs,
including the USA.

Level: Undergraduate, graduate, or vocational study.

Field(s) supported: All fields; but not unsupervised research, or
medical internship or residency.

Other requirements: Applicants must have completed two years of
university work or appropriate professional experience before
starting scholarship studies.  Scholarships are available to
individuals of all ages.  Spouses or descendants of Rotarians may
not apply.

Number of awards: Varies

Duration of awards: One year to two or three years.

Application deadline: July 15; but local Rotary Clubs may set
earlier deadlines.  Applicants are encouraged to contact local
Rotary Clubs; some deadlines may be as early as March.

Stipend for 1994-95: A flat award of $10,000 or its equivalent per
year.  All additional costs must be absorbed by scholars.

3. Cultural Ambassadorial Scholarship
Purpose of Program: To encourage cultural immersion and intensive
language study.

Citizenship: Citizens of countries in which there are Rotary Clubs,
including the USA.

Level: Undergraduate, graduate, or vocational study.

Field(s) supported: Language and cultural study.  In 1994-95,
applications will be considered for candidates interested in
studying the following languages:  English, French, German,
Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and

Other requirements: Applicants must have completed two years of
university work or appropriate professional experience before
starting scholarship studies.  Scholarships are available to
individuals of all ages.  Spouses or descendants of Rotarians may
not apply.

Number of awards: Varies
Duration of awards: Scholars will be placed in a foreign country
for either 3 or 6 months.

Application deadline: July 15; but local Rotary Clubs may set
earlier deadlines.  Applicants are encouraged to contact local
Rotary Clubs; some deadlines may be as early as March.

Allowances and amounts for 1994-95: This award provides funding as
determined appropriate by The Rotary Foundation for tuition, room
and board, miscellaneous expenses and round-trip transportation.
Whenever possible, scholars will reside with host families.  All
other expenses are the responsibility of the scholars.

4. Freedom from Hunger Scholarships
Purpose of program: To train individuals from developing countries
in the area of agriculture/food production.

Citizenship: Citizens of developing countries in which there are
Rotary Clubs.

Level: Graduate, masters (Ph.D. candidates will not be considered)

Field(s) supported: Agriculture, food production

Other requirements: Award recipient must return to home country at
end of award to apply skills acquired.

Number of awards: 25 per year

Duration of awards: Up to 2 calendar years for completion of
advanced degree.

Application deadline: July 15; but local Rotary Clubs may set
earlier deadlines.  Applicants are encouraged to contact local
Rotary Clubs; some deadlines may be as early as March.

Stipend: Varies with each country.

Allowances and amounts: Round-trip transportation, room, board,
tuition, necessary books and educational supplies, contingency
allocation, limited educational travel allowance, language training
to improve fluency if warranted.

5. Japan Program Scholarships
Purpose of program: To offer intensive language training for
candidates wishing to develop fluency in the Japanese language and
then undertake regular studies at a Japanese university.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: 1) At least two years of university level
Japanese language training or equivalent in experience; 2) at least
minimal exposure to Asian/Japanese culture through course work or
equivalent experience; 3) substantive reason for study in Japan,
i.e., academic or professional; 4) demonstrated intent to utilize
acquired knowledge of Asian culture positively and productively
after scholarship period.

Number of awards: 15

Duration of awards: 21 months including 9-14 months of language

Application deadline: July 15; but local Rotary Clubs may set
earlier deadlines. Applicants are encouraged to contact local
Rotary Clubs; some deadlines may be as early as March.

Allowances and amounts: Scholarship provides round-trip
transportation and funding for tuition, books and supplies, housing
and other miscellaneous expenses.


Address for application information:
P.O. Box 70, TAASEN
0801 Oslo

Title of program: Research Fellowships

Purpose of program: To provide postdoctoral research opportunities.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Applied science and engineering (medicine and
agriculture excluded)

Other requirements: Candidate should normally be no more than 40
years of age and have qualifications corresponding at least to a
British or American PhD in applied science or engineering. Research
work/studies can be carried out at the Universities of Oslo,
Bergen, Tromso; The Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim;
and at different institutes for applied research in Oslo, Bergen,
and Trondheim. English may be used at all institutes, German and
French at some institutes.

Number of awards: Approximately 10

Duration of awards: 1 year (with possible renewal for second year)

Application deadline: March 1 and September 1

Allowances and amounts: 132,000 Norwegian krone for single Fellow;
156,000 Norwegian krone for married Fellow accompanied by
wife/husband; 12,000 Norwegian krone for each accompanying
dependent child; 10,000 Norwegian krone upon arrival; ticket fare
reimbursement up to NOK 10,000 each way per person for Fellow and
accompanying family members.


Address for application information:
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2550
New York, New York 10111

Title of program: Sloan Research Fellowships

Purpose of program: To provide support and recognition for
promising young scientists who are faculty members at colleges and
universities in the USA and Canada.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Regular faculty

Field(s) supported: Chemistry, physics, mathematics, economics, and
neuroscience, or related interdisciplinary fields.

Other requirements: Candidates may be no more than 32 years of age
as of September 15 of year of nomination. Candidates must be
nominated by department head or other senior scholar. Direct
applications are not accepted.

Number of awards: 90

Duration of awards: 2 years

Application deadline: September 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $30,000 for the 2-year period


Address for application information:
Smithsonian Institution
Office of Fellowships and Grants
Desk F
L'Enfant Plaza, Suite 7000
Washington, D.C. 20560

1. Senior Postdoctoral Fellowships, Postdoctoral Fellowships,
Predoctoral Fellowship, Graduate Student Fellowships
Purpose of programs: For Senior Postdoctoral, Postdoctoral and
Graduate Student Fellowships--To support research by scholars and
students in residence at the Smithsonian in association with its
research staff. For Predoctoral Fellowships--To provide
opportunities for doctoral candidates to conduct dissertation
research in residence at the Smithsonian in association with its
research staff.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Field(s) supported: Anthropology, biological sciences, earth
sciences, history of art, history of science and technology, social
and cultural history, materials analysis.

Other requirements: All applicants must be fluent in English.
Senior Postdoctoral applicants must be 7 years beyond the PhD or
its equivalent. Postdoctoral applicants must have received the PhD
or equivalent within 7 years of application date. Predoctoral
applicants must be enrolled in a university as candidates for the
PhD or equivalent, and must have completed course work and
examinations. Graduate Student applicants must be formally enrolled
in a graduate program of study at a degree-granting institution and
must have completed at least one semester before appointment

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: Senior Postdoctoral--3 to 12 months;
Postdoctoral and Predoctoral--6 to 12 months; Graduate Student--10

Application deadline: January 15

Stipend for 1992-93: Senior Postdoctoral--$26,000 per year;
Postdoctoral--$21,000 per year; Predoctoral--$13,000 per year;
Graduate Student--$3,000 for 10 weeks

2. Faculty Research Fellowships
Purpose of program: To support research by minority faculty members
in residence at the Smithsonian in association with its research

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral, or equivalent through teaching

Field(s) supported: Anthropology, biological sciences, earth
sciences, history of art, history of science and technology, social
and cultural history, materials analysis.

Other requirements: Applicants may be enrolled in a PhD program,
have completed the PhD, or have equivalent experience through
teaching activities.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 2 to 4 months

Application deadline: February 15

Stipend: Determined individually based on academic status.

Allowances and amounts: Travel allowance

3. Smithsonian Minority Internship Program
Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for students to pursue
internship projects or independent research in history, art or
science in residence at the Smithsonian's facilities under the
supervision of Smithsonian research and professional staff members.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Undergraduate, graduate

Field(s) supported: Anthropology, biological sciences, earth
sciences, history of art, history of science and technology, social
and cultural history, materials analysis.

Other requirements: Students are eligible to apply if they are
actively engaged in graduate study at any level or in undergraduate
study. Generally an overall grade point average of 3.0 is required.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 9 to 12 weeks

Application deadline: October 15, February 15, June 15

Stipend for 1992-93: $250 per week for undergraduates; $300 per
week for graduates.


Address for application information:
Social Science Research Council
605 Third Avenue
New York, New York 10158

1. SSRC-MacArthur Foundation Fellowships on Peace and Security in
a Changing World
Purpose of program: The fellowships are intended to support
research on the implications for security issues of worldwide
cultural, social, economic, and political changes.  In addition to
previous concerns, a new range of issues has come to the fore: for
example, the effect of demographic trends; increased pressure on
the natural environment; massive new flows of migration; the
altered nature of economic ties; ethnic, racial, and national
conflicts; the economic and social effects of decreased levels of
military spending; and the impact of large arsenals of nuclear
weapons on political change and stability.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Dissertation, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Social and behavioral sciences (including
history and area studies), the humanities, or the physical and
biological sciences

Other requirements: Dissertation level--In the 1993/94 program,
applicants must complete all requirements for the doctoral degree
except dissertation by the spring of 1994.  Postdoctoral level--
Applicant will usually hold the Ph.D. or its equivalent.  This
competition is designed for researchers in the first ten years of
their postdoctoral careers.

Number of awards: 8 dissertation, 8 postdoctoral

Duration of awards: 2 years

Application deadline: December 1

Stipend for 1993-94: Dissertation level--varies, will rarely exceed
$17,500 per year; Postdoctoral level--varies, will rarely exceed
$36,000 per year.

Allowances and amounts: Up to $5,000 per year additional funds
available to pay tuition and institutional fees.

2. International Predissertation Fellowship Program
Purpose of program: With funding from the Ford Foundation, this
joint SSRC/ACLS program is designed to increase the flow of
talented graduate students in the social sciences into research and
teaching careers oriented to the developing world.

Level: Students must be pursuing a PhD in a social science
discipline and should demonstrate an interest in supplementing
skills in their discipline with area and language studies.

Field(s) supported: Primarily economics, political science,
psychology, and sociology, but other social science disciplines
included as well; the intent is to encourage students to undertake
dissertation research in Africa, China, Latin America and the
Caribbean, the Near and Middle East, the Middle East, South Asia,
and Southeast Asia.

Other requirements: Applicant must be enrolled at one of 23
institutions: University of California, Berkeley; University of
California, Los Angeles; University of California, San Diego;
University of Chicago; Columbia University; Cornell University;
Duke University; Harvard University; University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign; Indiana University, Bloomington; Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; Michigan State University; University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus;
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Northwestern University;
University of Pennsylvania; Princeton University; Stanford
University; University of Texas at Austin; University of
Washington; University of Wisconsin, Madison; and Yale University

Number of awards: up to 55

Duration of awards: 12 months of support over a period up to 2

Application deadline: varies by institution, 2 December to 6

Allowances and amounts: 12 months support for a full-time program
of study which may include language training, overseas study, and
course work in area studies, in addition to living stipends and
international travel expenses

3. Abe Fellowship Program
Purpose of Program: To conduct research in the social sciences and
humanities relevant to any one or combination of the following
themes: global issues, problems common to advanced industrial
societies, and issued that relate to improving USA-Japanese

Citizenship: American, Japanese, or third country nationals
affiliated with an American or Japanese institution

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Social sciences and humanities

Other eligibility: Applicants must hold the Ph.D. or have attained
an equivalent level of professional experience, as evaluated in
their country of residence.

Duration of awards: Up to 12 months of full-time support, although
fellowship tenure need not be continuous

Application deadline: September 1993 for the 1994-95 year

Allowances and amounts: Base award and supplementary research and
travel expenses as necessary for the completion of the research

Address for application information:
255 Albert Street
Box 1610, Ottawa
K1P 6G4 Canada

1. Postdoctoral Fellowships

Purpose of program: To encourage the development and broadening of
research skills of recent doctoral graduates in the humanities and
the social sciences.

Citizenship: Canadians or permanent residents of Canada living in
Canada at the time of application.

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Social sciences and humanities

Other requirements: Must have completed all requirements for a
doctorate before the fellowship period or have earned a doctoral
degree within the three years prior to the competition deadline.

Number of awards: Approximately 140

Duration of awards: 24 months

Application deadline: October 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $27,984

2. Doctoral Fellowships

Purpose of program: Doctoral fellowships are intended to develop
research skills and to assist in the training of highly qualified

Citizenship: Canadian or permanent residents living in Canada at
time of application.

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Social sciences and humanities

Other requirements: Must have completed at least one year of
doctoral study or a master's degree.

Number of awards: Approximately 650

Duration of awards: 24 months renewable for another 24 months.
(Council will only support the first four years of doctoral

Application deadline: November 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $14,436

3. NSERC/SSHRC Master's Scholarships in Science Policy
Purpose of program: To encourage students to undertake science
policy studies at the master's level.

Citizenship: Canadian or permanent residents living in Canada at
time of application.

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Science policy

Other requirements: Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree in any

Number of awards: 6

Duration of awards: 12 months; renewable for another 12 months.

Application deadline: December 1

Stipend for 1993-94: $14,436

Allowances and amounts: Travel allowance to the place of tenure, if
it is different from the location at the time of application.  A
further allowance may be paid to an award holder when accompanied
by a spouse and/or children.


Address for application information:
SEG Foundation
P.O. Box 702740
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74170

Title of program: Scholarships and Grants-in-Aid

Purpose of program: To encourage the pursuit of a college course
directed toward a career in exploration geophysics in operations,
teaching or research. Funds are from companies and individuals
engaged or interested in the field of geophysics.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Exploration geophysics (applicants must have an
interest in and aptitude for physics, mathematics, and geology).

Other requirements: Certain awards hold restrictions placed on them
by the donor.

Number of awards: 75-100 per year

Duration of awards: 1 academic year; renewable subject to
maintenance of recipient's scholastic standing, availability of
funds, and continuance by recipient of course of study acceptable
to Foundation and one which will lead toward career in exploration

Application deadline: March 1 of award year

Stipend for 1992-93: $1,000 to $2,500


Address for application information:
Hattie M. Strong Foundation
1735 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 705
Washington, D. C. 20006

Title of program: Student Loan Fund

Purpose of program: To provide interest-free loans to assist in
completion of final year of study in college or graduate school.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Undergraduate, graduate

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: The final year of study in a baccalaureate or
graduate degree program.

Application deadline: January 1 to March 31 for the following
academic year.

Allowances and amounts for 1992-1993: Maximum loan is $2,500 in one
academic year.


Address for application information:
Tau Beta Pi Association
P.O. Box 8840, University Station
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-0002

Title of program: Graduate Fellowships

Purpose of program: To advance the interest of the engineering

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Engineering, medicine, law, business, etc., as
related to engineering.

Other requirements: Applicants must be members of Tau Beta Pi, the
national engineering honor society.

Number of awards: Approximately 20

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: January 20

Stipend for 1992-93: $7,500

Allowances and amounts: Fellows may receive additional aid to
include tuition and up to $10,000 in excess of tuition, from other


Address for application information:
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
712 Jackson Place, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006

Title of program: Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships

Purpose of program: To award scholarships to college students who
have outstanding leadership potential, plan to pursue careers in
government or elsewhere in public service, and wish to attend
graduate school to prepare for their careers.

Citizenship: USA citizens or nationals

Level: Undergraduate and graduate

Field(s) supported: Disciplines that can lead to public service
careers, such as agriculture, biology, engineering, environmental
management, physical and social sciences, economics, education,
government, history, international relations, law, political
science, public administration, public health, and public policy.

Other requirements: Candidates must: 1) be nominated by their
institutions; 2) be in the upper quarter of their class; 3) be
juniors at four year institutions or sophomores at two year

Number of awards: Up to 85 in 1993

Duration of awards: Up to 4 years - 1 or 2 years undergraduate
study (junior and senior years), plus 2 or 3 years graduate study

Application deadline: December 2 for candidates from four year
institutions; February 25 for candidates from two year institutions

Allowances and amounts: Up to $30,000 for 4 years


Address for application information:
Write to appropriate government department in applicant's own
country or contact an A.I.D. Mission (for private sector

Title of program: Thomas Jefferson Fellowship Program

Purpose of program: To prepare participants for pre-determined
roles in their countries' development program; to train them for
high level professional and technical occupations in both private
and public areas including those in agriculture, industry,
population, transportation, labor, housing, education, community
development, business administration, public administration, and

Citizenship: Nationals of participating countries

Level: A.A., B.S., M.S., Ph.D., and short technical courses

Other requirements: Candidate must: 1) Require training not
available in own country; 2) be nominated by own government; 3)
agree to specified employment after return to own country.
Fellowships, scholarships, or grants are not available directly
from A.I.D.; application should be made through the home government
of the developing country under its bilateral agreement with the
USA; 4) Agree to return to their home country upon
completion of training for a minimum of 2 years (requirement of the
J-1 visa).

Number of awards: 14,000 in training during FY 1991-92

Duration of awards: Variable

Application deadline: Rolling

Stipend: Variable

Allowances and amounts: Varies on location of training institution;
includes maintenance allowance, travel, health and accident
coverage program.


Address for application information:
Southeastern Center for Electrical Engineering Education
SCEEE-Fellowship Program
1101 Massachusetts Avenue
St. Cloud, Florida 34769

Title of program: USAF Laboratory Graduate Fellowship Program

Purpose of program: To increase the number of USA citizens
educated in disciplines of science and engineering critical to the
USA Air Force by awarding fellowships to support study and
research leading to doctoral degrees.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Aeronautical and astronautical engineering;
behavioral sciences; biomedical engineering; chemistry and chemical
engineering; computer science and computer modeling; electrical
engineering; geophysics and meteorology; industrial and civil
engineering; life sciences, biology and biophysics; materials
science, ceramic engineering and metallurgy; mathematics;
mechanical engineering; physics.

Other requirements: Awards are limited to those who have received
their baccalaureate degree before or during the year of
application; preference will be given to undergraduates and first
year graduate students.  Fellows must enroll in full-time programs
leading to doctoral degrees in the selected fields at any United
States institution offering doctoral degrees in the designated
disciplines.  Each fellow will be sponsored by an Air Force
laboratory and may spend up to three months during the summer
pursuing research at the sponsoring laboratory.

Number of awards: 25

Duration of awards: 3 years

Application deadline: January

Stipend for 1993: $15,000 1st year; $16,000 2nd year; $17,000 3rd

Allowances and amounts: All required tuition and fees and $2,000
per year to Fellow's academic department.


Address for application information:
Office of the President of one of the seventeen 1890 historically
black land-grant institutions

Title of program: USDA/1890 National Scholars Program

Purpose of program: 1) to strengthen the long-term partnership
between USDA and the seventeen 1890 historically black land-grant
institutions; 2) to increase the number of students studying
agriculture, food, and natural resources; 3) to open career
opportunities to USDA/1890 National Scholars at the USA Department
of Agriculture.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Undergraduate

Fields supported: Agriculture, food, and natural resources

Other eligibility requirements: Must have a 3.00 GPA; entering
freshmen must have a 21 or better on the ACT or a 1000 or better on
the SAT; high school graduate or GED recipient; attend an 1890
institution; demonstrate leadership, service, and the potential for

Number of awards: 34 awards a year (total of 136 awards)

Duration of awards: 4 years

Application deadline: February

Stipend for 1992-93: $14,860 - $21,860

Allowances and amounts: Annual tuition for four years, books; fees;
room and board; personal computer and software; employment;
employee benefits.


Address for application information:
NDSEG Fellowship Program
P.O. Box 13444
200 Park Drive, Suite 211
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3444
ATTN: Dr. George Outterson

Title of program: National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate
Fellowship Program

Purpose of Program: To increase the number of USA citizens trained
in disciplines of science and engineering of military importance.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Aeronautical and astronautical engineering;
biosciences; chemical engineering; chemistry; cognitive, neural,
and behavioral sciences; computer science; electrical engineering;
geosciences; manufacturing sciences and engineering; materials
science and engineering; mathematics; mechanical engineering; naval
architecture and ocean engineering; oceanography; physics.

Other requirements: Applicants must: 1) receive their baccalaureate
degrees by Fall of the year of application, 2) be at or near the
beginning of their graduate study in science or engineering, 3)
plan to enroll full-time at USA institutions of higher
education in programs leading to graduate degrees in fields
specified above.

Number of awards: Approximately 90

Duration of awards: 3 years

Application deadline: 3rd Wednesday in January

Stipend for new 1992 Fellows: 1st year: $15,000; 2nd year: $16,000,
3rd year: $17,000

Allowances and amounts: Full tuition and required fees plus $2,000
to Fellow's department.


1. Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program
Address for application information:
Jacob K. Javits Fellows Program
P.O. Box 84
Washington, D.C. 20044

Purpose of program: To provide financial assistance to entering or
first-semester graduate students in various fields in the arts,
humanities, and social sciences.

Citizenship: USA and Permanent Residents of the USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: The Arts: architecture (general architecture,
architecture, architectural history); Dramatic and Creative Arts:
creative writing, dance, playwriting and screenwriting, television,
film, cinematography, theatre arts; Fine Arts: photography, studio
arts; Music: general music, ethnomusicology (non-Western), history,
literature, musicology, performance, theory and composition; The
Humanities: archaeology, art history, classics (Latin and Greek),
comparative literature, English language literature, foreign
languages and literatures, history, linguistics, philosophy,
religion and theology (excluding theological professions), speech,
rhetoric and debate; The Social Sciences: anthropology, economics,
geography, political science, psychology (except clinical),

Number of awards: Approximately 125

Duration of awards: Up to 48 months

Application deadline: January 15

Allowances and amounts: $6,000 annual payment to institution for
tuition and fees.

2. Need-Based Awards
Address for application information: Information may be obtained
from the institution student plans to attend.

Purpose of program: Pell Grants - to help first-time undergraduates
pay for their education after high school.  Supplemental
Educational Opportunity Grants -- to help first-time undergraduates
with exceptional financial need.  College Work-Study Program --
provides jobs for first-time undergraduates and to graduate
students who need financial aid.  Federal Perkins Loan Program
(formerly National Direct Student Loans or NDSL) -- low interest (5
percent) loan for first-time undergraduate ad graduate students
with exceptional financial need, as determined by the school.
Stafford Loans (formerly Guaranteed Student Loans or GSL) - low-
interest loans made to students attending school at least half-
time; loans are insured by the guarantee agency in each State and
reinsured by the Federal Government.

Citizenship: USA citizen, national, or permanent resident

Level: Undergraduate, graduate

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: Applicant must: 1) demonstrate financial need;
2) have a high school diploma or a GED; 3) be enrolled as a regular
student in an eligible program at least half-time; 4) make
satisfactory academic progress; 5) sign a statement of educational
purpose/certification statement on refunds and default; 6) sign an
anti-drug abuse act certification; 7) sign a statement of updated
information; and 8) sign a statement of registration status.

Number of awards: Depends on institution

Duration of awards: Pell Grants - 5 to 6 years of undergraduate
study.  Student is eligible for the period of time needed to
complete the first undergraduate baccalaureate course.

Application deadline: Students aid application must be received by
May 3; student aid report must be receive by school's financial aid
office by June 30.

Allowances and amounts: Pell Grants - maximum for 1991-92 was
$2,400; Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants - no more than
$4,000 for an academic year. College Work-Study Program - No set
award amount; cannot be awarded beyond students' needs.  Federal
Perkins Loan Program - $4,500 for a student who has not completed
two academic years of study toward a bachelor's degree; $9,000 for
a student who has completed two academic years of study leading to
a bachelor's degree. This includes any amount borrowed during the
first two years of study. $18,000 for study toward a graduate or
professional degree; this includes any amount borrowed under
Perkins/NDSL for undergraduate study.  Stafford Loans - $2,625 a
year if first- or second-year undergraduates student; $4,000 a year
at third- or fourth-year; $7,500 if graduate/professional student.

3. Indian Fellowship Program

Address for application information:
USA Department of Education
Room 2177, FOB-6
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20202-6335

Purpose of Program: To enable Indian students to pursue
undergraduate or postbaccalaureate degrees in specified fields.

Citizenship: USA

Eligible ethnic minority groups: American Indian, Alaska Native

Level: Undergraduate or postbaccalaureate

Field(s) supported: Undergraduate degree: business administration,
engineering, natural resources and related fields.
Postbaccalaureate degree: business administration, engineering,
natural resources, education, law, medicine, psychology, clinical
psychology and related fields.

Other requirements: An applicant must: a) be recognized as a full-
time degree candidate at an accredited institution of higher
education; b) not have obtained a terminal graduate or
postbaccalaureate degree in one of the fields listed above.

Number of awards: Approximately 60 new awards

Duration of awards: 1 to 4 years

Application deadline: January 25

Allowances and amounts: Awards vary according to need.  Funds may
be provided for tuition and required fees, stipend, dependent
allowance, books and supplies, and required research expenses.

4. Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowships Program
Address for application information:
Application materials and information must be obtained from the
institution student plans to attend.

Purpose of program: a) Patricia Roberts Harris' Graduate and
Professional Study Fellowships Program: To provide federal
financial assistance to enable institutions of higher education to
make available fellowship awards in postbaccalaureate education to
graduate and professional students who demonstrate financial need
and to assure that awards are made to individuals from
traditionally underrepresented groups undertaking graduate and
professional study.  b) Patricia Roberts Harris' Public Service
Fellowship Program: To provide grants to institutions of higher
education to support fellowships for students who demonstrate
financial need and who plan to pursue a career in public service.

Citizenship: USA and permanent residents of the USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: All academic areas except Divinity

Other requirements: Applicants must be qualified for full-time
study in an approved graduate program at a participating
institution of higher education and must meet the admission
requirements of that institution.

Award basis: Fellowships funds are awarded on a competitive basis
to colleges and universities that have graduate and professional
programs leading to a master's or more advanced degree.  Applicants
compete on a national basis.
Duration of awards: 36 months maximum

Stipend for 1992-93: Up to $10,000 for a 12-month year prorated per
month for any period less than 12 months that fellows are enrolled.

Allowances and amounts: Fellows are granted remission of
institutional tuition and mandatory fees.  A $6,000 per year
educational allowance is provided to the institution for each
fellow actively enrolled prorated at $500 per month for any period
less than 12 months.


1. Integrated Manufacturing Predoctoral Fellowships
Address for application information:
The Fellowship Office
National Research Council
2101 Constitution Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20418

Purpose of program: To create a pool of PhDs trained in the
integrated approach to manufacturing, to promote academic interest
in the field, and to attract talented professionals to this
challenging area of engineering.

Citizenship: USA citizen or permanent resident

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Integrated systems of manufacturing, including
but not limited to, large scale systems, and integration of product
design with manufacturing processes

Other eligibility: Applicants must intend to work toward a PhD
degree; applicants must have received a master's degree prior to
start of fellowship tenure; however, this requirement may be waived
for those already admitted to a PhD program or for applicants with
postbaccalaureate professional industrial experience.

Number of awards: 12 in 1992-93

Duration of awards: 3 years

Application deadline: postmark deadline in early November of each

Stipend for 1992-93: $20,000 per year

Allowances and amounts: cost-of-education allowance up to $15,000
per year

2. University/DOE Laboratory Cooperative Program: Student Research
Participation, Laboratory Graduate Research Participation, Thesis
Parts Research Participation, Faculty Research Participation,
Supplemental Education and Training Activities
Address for application information:

Office of Energy Research
University and Science Education Programs
USA Department of Energy
Washington, D.C. 20585
or contact the following laboratories or consortia:

Ames Laboratory, Planning and Technology Application,
    119 Office and Laboratory Building, Ames, Iowa  50011
Argonne National Laboratory, Division of Education Programs,
    9700 South Cass Avenue, Building 223, Argonne, Illinois  60439
Associated Western Universities, Inc., 4190 S. Highland Drive,
    Suite 211, Salt Lake City, Utah  84124
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Office of Educational Programs,
    Upton, Long Island, New York 11973
EG&G Mound Applied Technologies, One Mound Avenue,
    P.O. Box 3000, Miamisburg, Ohio  45343
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Center for Science and Engineering
    Education, Building 90, Room 1070, Berkeley, California  94720
Morgantown Energy Technology Center, Office of Applied Science and
    Technology, P.O. Box 880, 3610 Collins Ferry Road,
    Morgantown, West Virginia  26505
Northwest College and University Association for Science
    390 Hanford Street, Richland, Washington 99352-1620
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Science Engineering Education
    Division, P.O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tennessee  37831
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, University Education Program,
    P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee  37831-6276
Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center, P.O. Box 10940
    Mail Stop 921232, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15236
Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, P.O. Drawer E,
    Aiken, South Carolina 29801
Savannah River Laboratory, Westinghouse Savannah River Company,
    Education Programs, Aiken, South Carolina  29808
Solar Energy Research Institute, Office of the Director,
    1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, Colorado  80401-3393

Purpose of program: To increase interaction and flow of information
between universities and DOE laboratories, to familiarize engineers
and scientists with energy sciences and techniques, and to
stimulate transfer of knowledge from DOE laboratories to academic
institutions for incorporation into their education and training

Citizenship: USA, USA permanent resident status

Level: Undergraduate, graduate, faculty

Field(s) supported: Science and engineering

Number of awards: Undergraduate-approximately 670; Graduate-
approximately 350; Faculty-approximately 250.

Duration of awards: 10 weeks to 1 year

Application deadline: December-January

Stipend for 1993-94: Varies with level of appointment.

Allowances and amounts: Varies with level of appointment.

Address for application information on the following DOE-sponsored

Science/Engineering Education Division
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
120 Badger Avenue
P. O. Box 117
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-0117

3. Applied Health Physics Fellowship Program

Citizenship: USA or permanent resident alien

Level: Graduate

Other eligibility: Applicants must not have completed more than one
academic term (semester or quarter) of full-time graduate education
at the time of application; program not intended to support studies
in medical physics; fellows must participate in a practicum for at
least three months at a DOE facility to gain hands-on experience;
fellows are encouraged to consider employment with DOE or one of
its contractors on completion of their academic program should a
reasonable offer be extended.

Number of awards: 20 annually

Duration of awards: 24 months

Application deadline: January

Stipend for 1993-94: $14,000

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees, $1000 academic allowance
paid to the university, $300 supplementary practicum allowance

4. Graduate Fellowships for Global Change

Purpose of program: To support graduate study and research in the
seven interdisciplinary science elements of global change
identified by the Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Climate and hydrologic systems, biogeochemical
dynamics, ecological systems and dynamics, earth systems history,
human interactions, solid earth processes, and solar influences

Other eligibility: Fellows required to enroll full-time at
designated participating universities and do research assignments
at designated participating research centers, usually during the
summer following their first academic year; fellows are encouraged
to consider career employment with agencies participating in the
USA Global Change Research Program if a reasonable offer is

Duration of awards: Up to 24 months for master's degree; up to 48
months for doctoral degree

Application deadline: January

Stipend for 1993-94: $14,400

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees; $2,000 per year academic
allowance; $300 for required collaborative research experience
allowance; travel reimbursement

5. Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Fellowship

Citizenship: USA citizen or permanent resident

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Regulatory process, chemical wastes, mixed
wastes, low/high-level radioactive wastes, environmental systems
(groundwater modeling, airborne emissions and deposition,
terrestrial and aquatic transport), risk assessment (breach of
storage containment, accidents, etc.), communications of technical
issues, robotics, analog studies

Other eligibility: Fellows must be enrolled full-time in work
toward a master's or doctoral degree at participating universities;
fellows must do a practicum at a DOE-designated participating
center; fellows are encouraged to consider employment with either
DOE or one of its contractors on completion of their academic
program, should a reasonable offer be extended.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 1 year; may be renewed annually

Application deadline: January

Stipend for 1993: $14,400

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees; $1000 academic allowance;
300 supplementary practicum allowance; travel allowance varies

6. Industrial Hygiene Fellowship Program

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Industrial hygiene encompasses recognition,
evaluation, and control of chemical, physical, and microbiological
hazards arising from work activities

Other eligibility: Applicant must (a) have received a bachelor's
degree from an accredited institution in the disciplines of
physical sciences, life or health sciences, environmental sciences,
or engineering (b) be prepared to matriculate full-time in an
industrial hygiene academic master's program; (c) not have
completed more than one academic term of graduate education;
fellows are encouraged to accept employment with either DOE or DOE
contractors on completion of their academic program, should a
suitable offer be extended.

Duration of awards: 24 months

Application deadline: January

Stipend for 1993: $15,600

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees; $1,500 academic
allowance; $400 supplementary practicum allowance; travel allowance

7. Magnetic Fusion Energy Technology Fellowship Program

Citizenship: USA citizen or permanent resident

Level: Graduate

Other eligibility: Must have completed an undergraduate degree in
engineering, physical sciences, mathematics or a related
discipline; must be planning full-time, uninterrupted study toward
a Ph.D.; no other graduate degrees in physical sciences,
engineering, or mathematics may have been completed; fellows are
required to participate in a practicum for at least three months at
a Department of Energy facility to gain hands-on experience; a
fellow agrees to entertain employment with DOE or one of its
contractors at the end of a fellow's academic program should a
reasonable offer be extended.

Duration of awards: maximum of 48 months

Application deadline: Last Monday in January for complete

Stipend for 1993: $15,600 per year

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees; $200 practicum allowance;
travel allowance as appropriate

8. Magnetic Fusion Science Fellowship Program

Citizenship: USA citizen or permanent resident

Level: Graduate

Other eligibility: Must have completed an undergraduate degree in
engineering, the physical sciences, mathematics, or a related
discipline; graduate students may not have completed more than one
semester/quarter at the time of application and no more than one
year of full-time study before beginning a fellowship appointment;
students must plan to pursue full-time uninterrupted study toward
a Ph.D; no other graduate degrees in the physical sciences,
engineering, or mathematics may have been completed before
application to this program; fellows required to participate in a
practicum for at least three months at a DOE facility to gain
hands-on experience; fellows also agree to entertain employment
with the DOE or one of its contractors at the end of a fellow's
academic program should a reasonable offer be extended.

Duration of awards: 36 months

Application deadline: last Monday in January

Stipend for 1993: $15,600 per year

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees, $200 practicum allowance

9. Nuclear Engineering & Health Physics Fellowships

Citizenship: USA citizen or permanent resident aliens

Level: Graduate

Other eligibility: Applicants cannot be enrolled or have been
previously enrolled in a full-time graduate program at the time of
application; fellows must participate in a practicum for at least
three months at a DOE facility to gain hands-on experience; fellows
are encouraged to consider employment with DOE or one of its
contractors on completion of their academic program should a
reasonable offer be extended.

Number of awards: Varies

Duration of awards: 24 months for a master's degree; 48 months for
a doctoral degree

Application deadline: Fourth Monday in January

Stipend for 1993: $14,400

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees; $300 supplementary
practicum allowance; travel allowance as appropriate
Address for application information on the following DOE-sponsored
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
P. O. Box 117
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-0117

10. Alexander Hollaender Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship
Purpose of program: To provide research opportunities in
energy-related life, biomedical, and environmental sciences.
Fellowships are tenable at U. S. Department of Energy (DOE)
laboratories and universities having research programs supportive
of the mission of DOE's Office of Health and Environmental Research

Citizenship: USA, USA permanent resident status

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Disciplines in the life, biomedical, and
environmental sciences and other supporting scientific disciplines

Other requirements: Applicants must have received a doctoral degree
in an appropriate discipline (or completed all internship or
residency requirements) within 2 years of desired starting date or
expect to complete all such requirements prior to desired starting

Number of awards: Up to 15 each year

Duration of awards: Up to 2 years

Application deadline: January 15

Stipend for 1993: $37,500 for first year and $40,500 for second

Allowances and amounts: Inbound travel and moving expenses (limit
$2,000) reimbursed according to established policies

11. Education for Global Change Distinguished Postdoctoral

Purpose of program: To conduct research in technical areas related
to the interdisciplinary science elements of global change: climate
and hydrologic systems, biogeochemical dynamics, ecological systems
and dynamics, Earth system history, human interactions, solid Earth
processes, solar influences, and data management

Citizenship: USA citizen or permanent resident alien
Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: chemistry, physics, biology and biotechnology,
mathematics and statistics, environmental sciences or engineering,
atmospheric sciences and meteorology, ecology, agricultural
sciences, geology, geochemistry and geophysics, hydrology,
instrumentation, oceanography and ocean sciences, computer
sciences, economics, and related scientific and engineering fields

Other requirements: Applicants must have received a doctoral degree
in an appropriate discipline within three years of the desired
starting date, or expect to complete all such requirements prior to
the desired starting date; starting date must be between June 1 and
December 31; participants must show proof of health and medical
insurance; appointments involve a full-time commitment to the
research program at the host laboratory; fellowships tenable at
participating Department of Energy laboratories; also tenable at
other approved federal and university laboratories with research
programs supported by DOE or other Committee on Earth and
Environmental Sciences members.

Number of awards: 24 (12 new per year)

Duration of awards: One year; renewable for a second year upon
recommendation of the host laboratory, and are subject to the
availability of funds.

Application deadlines: February 15

Stipend: for 1993: $35,000 the first year and $37,000 the second

Allowances and other amounts: Inbound travel or moving expenses
reimbursed according to the ORISE Travel and Moving Reimbursement

12. Fusion Energy Postdoctoral Research Program
Purpose of program: To offer to recent PhD recipients the
opportunity to conduct collaborative research in USA Department of
Energy (DOE) magnetic fusion energy research and development
programs; appointments are made to designated DOE laboratories and
contractor fusion energy centers, including universities and
industrial contractors.

Citizenship: USA, USA permanent resident status

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Fusion energy-related research with degree in
an appropriate science or engineering discipline such as physics or
nuclear engineering

Other requirements: Applicant should have received a doctoral
degree within 3 years of desired starting date, or expect to
complete all requirements for such a degree prior to desired
starting date.

Number of awards: Up to 6 each year

Duration of awards: Up to 2 years

Application deadline: February 1

Stipend for 1992-93: $37,000

Allowances and amounts: Inbound travel and moving expenses, and
travel expenses to one scientific meeting are reimbursed according
to standard Oak Ridge Associated Universities policies.

13. Postgraduate Research Programs
Purpose of program: To offer opportunity to conduct collaborative
research in a wide range of science and engineering disciplines at
federal laboratories and other research centers. Such programs
appeal to a diversity of research interests; others are more
specialized in such areas as toxicology, fossil energy, fusion
energy, artificial intelligence, or hazardous waste management.

Citizenship: USA, USA permanent resident status

Level: Post-masters or postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: All areas of biological, physical,
environmental, health, computer, and mathematical sciences;
engineering; psychology; economics; energy policy

Other requirements: For most programs, applicants must have
received a graduate degree within three years of desired starting
date or expect to complete all requirements for such a degree prior
to the desired starting date. For some programs, other applicants
are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Number of awards: Over 200 in 1992

Duration of awards: Up to 2 years

Application deadline: Continuing in some programs; others have
deadlines in January

Stipend for 1992-93: Post-masters-$22,200 to $35,200; postdoctoral-
$28,860 to $48,000 (varies depending on degree, research area,

Allowances and amounts: Reimbursement for inbound travel and moving

14. Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Faculty
Research Program at the National Center for Toxicology Research and
ORISE Postgraduate Research Program at the National Center for
Toxicological Research
Purpose of programs: To support recent postgraduates and college
and university faculty to initiate and conduct collaborative
research that complements U. S. Food and Drug Administration
projects at the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR).
Research efforts at NCTR focus on testing the assumptions used in
assessing risks posed by toxic chemicals. The overall effort can be
subdivided into biomarkers, modulators of toxicity, and
extrapolation/risk assessment.

Citizenship: USA, USA permanent resident status

Level: Faculty, post-masters or postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: All areas of biological, medical, physical, and
mathematical sciences and other supporting scientific areas. Some
specific disciplines include toxicology, biochemistry,
pharmacology, molecular biology, biostatistics, chemistry, and
computer science.

Other requirements: a) Applicants in Faculty Research Program must
be full-time faculty members at accredited USA colleges or
universities; b) Applicants in Postgraduate Research Program should
have received a graduate degree in an appropriate discipline within
3 years of the desired starting date or expect to complete all
requirements for such a degree prior to desired starting date.
Other applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Number of awards: Faculty-Varies; Postgraduate-up to 15
appointments supported each year

Duration of awards: a) Faculty Research Program-Summer appointments
normally 10 to 12 weeks, sabbatical appointments can be up to 1
year in length; b) Postgraduate Research Program-Up to 3 years

Application deadline: Continuing

Allowances and amounts: Faculty Research Program participants
receive a monthly allowance based on their college or university
salary; participants living more than 50 miles from NCTR are
eligible for monthly living allowance. Travel expenses for one
round trip between home or academic institution and NCTR are
reimbursed according to standard ORISE policies. Postgraduate
Research Program appointments begin at $20,900 for post-master's
appointments, and at $34,200 for postdoctoral appointments; stipend
depends on degree, research area, and experience. Inbound travel
and moving expenses are reimbursed according to standard policies.


Address for application information:
Division of Health Services Scholarships
Room 7-16, Parklawn Building
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857

Title of program: National Health Services Corps (NHSC) Scholarship

Purpose of Program: To supply the NHSC with appropriate health
professionals by encouraging students to participate in the
Scholarship Program who seriously want to practice primary medicine
at sites in the most needy health manpower shortage areas in the
USA as identified by the NHSC.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Medical, dental, osteopathic school students; also students
training for physician assistant, nurse practitioner and nurse
midwifery careers.

Other Requirements: Full-time enrollment in eligible schools,
enrollment requirements and definition of school year; employment
eligibility; no conflicting service obligations; submitting
required application materials.

Number of awards: 450 multiyear awards; varies from year to year.

Duration of awards: 1 or more years

Application deadline: March

Stipend for 1993-94: $796.00

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and required fees.


Address for application information:
Graduate Research Fellowship Program
National Institute of Justice
633 Indiana Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20531

Title of program: Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Purpose of program: To support dissertations in criminal justice.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Dissertation

Field(s) supported: Criminal justice

Other requirements: All requirements for doctoral level except
dissertation must have been met.  Some master's degree students may
also be eligible.

Number of awards: Approximately 10

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: September, December, March and June

Stipend for 1993-94: Up to $20,000

Allowances and amounts: $10,000--personal; $5,000--internship in
D.C.; and $5,000--research costs.


Address for application information:
USA Fish and Wildlife Service
Cooperative Research Units Center
1849 C Street, N.W., MS-725 ARLSQ
Washington, D.C. 20240

Title of program: Cooperative Research Units Center

Purpose of program: To provide graduate education opportunities in
fish and wildlife resources management at various universities
across the country.  The Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research
Unit program has three objectives:  l)  Research--finding answers
to a broad spectrum of fish and wildlife management questions, from
habitat requirements of individual species to the effects of
development projects on populations of fish and wildlife; 2)
Graduate Education--producing professional resource managers at the
M.S. and PhD levels and providing in-service training and
continuing education to employees of conservation agencies; and 3)
Technical Assistance and Information Transfer--making technical
fish and wildlife resource information available to natural
resource managers and to the public.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Fish management; wildlife management;
conservation biology.

Other requirements: Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA for graduate

Number of awards: Approximately 50 per year

Duration of awards: Graduate--36 months

Application deadline: Varies by unit

Stipend for 1993-94: Varies by unit

Allowances and amounts: Varies by unit


1. Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program
Address for application information:
Fulbright Teacher Exchange Branch (E/ASX)
USA Information Agency
301 Fourth Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20547

Purpose of program: To provide opportunities for elementary and
secondary school teachers and administrators, and college faculty
to attend seminars or teach in schools abroad under the mutual
Educational and Cultural Exchange (Fulbright) Act of 1961. Ex-
changes in this program operate between the USA and Argentina,
Belgium/Luxembourg, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, The
Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland, and The United

Citizenship: USA; citizens of above participating

Level: Professional exchange

Field(s) supported: Variable

Other requirements: 1) Bachelor's degree; 2) three years of
full-time teaching experience for teaching positions, two years of
full-time teaching experience for seminar positions; 3) current
full-time employment in appropriate subject area and at appropriate
teaching level for which application is made; and 4) fluency in
foreign languages for teaching positions in most non-English
speaking countries.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: 1 academic year

Application deadline: October 15

Stipend for 1993-94: Variable
2. Fulbright Awards for University Teaching and Advanced Research -
USA and Foreign Scholars (Administered on behalf of USAI.A. by
the Council for International Exchange of Scholars - see page 12)

3. Fulbright Grants for Graduate Study and Research (Administered
on behalf of USAI.A. by the Institute of International Education -
see page 27.)

4. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program (Administered on behalf of
USAI.A. by the Institute of International Education - see page


Address for application information:
Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace
USA Institute of Peace
1550 M Street, N.W., Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20005

Title of Program: Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace

Purpose of Program: To support research and education projects that
will increase knowledge and spread awareness among the public and
policymakers on a broad range of topics that concern the sources
and nature of violent international conflict and the full range of
ways to end or prevent conflict and to sustain peace.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Field(s) Supported: Broad spectrum of disciplines including
humanities, natural and social sciences, law, conflict resolution,
and peace studies.

Duration of awards: Typically one year.

1. Distinguished Fellow and Peace Fellow Awards

Level: Distinguished Fellows are eminent statesmen, scholars, or
other professionals who have achieved national or international
stature by virtue of extraordinary accomplishments in international
peace and conflict management or other relevant endeavors. Peace
Fellows are professionals or scholars who have demonstrated
substantial accomplishment or promise of exceptional leadership in
their careers.  A small number of Peace Fellow awards may be made
to outstanding candidates who are in the early stages of their
professional or scholarly careers.  Visiting Fellows are either
Distinguished Fellows or Peace Fellows but have shorter tenures,
generally two to six months.

Other requirements: Distinguished Fellow Awards and Peace Fellow
Awards are tenable in residence at the USA Institute of
Peace in Washington, D.C.  At the doctoral level, an applicant must
be enrolled in an American university or one of its branches
abroad, and have completed all course work and examinations.

Number of awards: Typically 2 or 3 Distinguished Fellows Awards; 10
Peace Fellow Awards; and 1-2 Visiting Fellow or Visiting
Distinguished Fellow Awards.

Application deadline: October 15

Stipend for 1992-93: Stipends are keyed to the recipient's earned
income in the year preceding the fellowship but will not exceed
$83,502 for Distinguished Fellows or $59,216 for Peace Fellows.
Stipends for foreign fellows are comparable to USA Fellows of same
experience and position.

2. Peace Scholars

Level: Peace Scholars are outstanding students in recognized
American university doctoral programs who have completed all
required work toward their doctoral degrees except their

Number of awards: 10

Application deadline: November 15

Stipend for 1991-92: $13,000


Address for application information:
American Society for Engineering Education
11 Dupont Circle, Suite 200
Washington, D.C. 20036-1207

Title of program: Office of Naval Research Graduate Fellowships

Purpose of program: To increase supply of USA citizens trained in
disciplines of science, engineering and math critical to the USA
Navy by awarding fellowships to support study and research leading
to doctoral degrees in specified disciplines.

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Electrical engineering, mathematics, physics,
chemistry, computer science, materials science, aerospace/
mechanical engineering, biological/biomedical sciences, cognitive
and neural sciences, naval architecture and ocean engineering, and

Other requirements: Applicants must: 1) intend to earn doctorate;
2) be willing to attend school full-time; 3) not have attended
graduate school in science or engineering.

Number of awards: 50

Duration of awards: 36 months over 5 consecutive calendar years.
Application deadline: mid January

Stipend: $15,000 for first year, $16,000 for second year, $17,000
for third year

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and required fees and $2,000 per
year to the Fellow's department.


Address for application information:
ONT Postdoctoral Program
Contracts/Grants Office
American Society for Engineering Education
11 Dupont Circle, Suite 200
Washington, D.C. 20036

Title of program: Postdoctoral Fellowships

Purpose of program: To increase the involvement of creative and
highly trained scientists and engineers in disciplines from
academia and industry in scientific and technical areas of interest
and relevance to the Navy

Citizenship: USA

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Acoustics; hydrodynamics; aerodynamics;
astrophysics; electronic devices; biotechnology; oceanography;
communications; command control and intelligence; computer hardware
and software; materials; target detection; weaponry; signal
processing; simulation; biomedicine; training; manufacturing;
construction; and logistics

Other requirements: Applicants must: 1) be eligible for Department
of Defense security clearance; 2) have received PhD, ScD or other
earned research doctoral degree (recognized in USA academic
circles as equivalent to the PhD) within 7 years of date of ap-
plication. Fellowships are tenable only at participating Navy

Number of awards: 40 new awards per year

Duration of awards: 1 year, renewable for 2 years; third year
appointments may be arranged if warranted.

Application deadline: January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1

Stipend for 1993-94: May increase base to $37,000 to $39,000
Allowances and amounts: Relocation allowance and travel allowance
while on tenure; comprehensive insurance plan (health, disability
and life).


Address for application information:
USA Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of Personnel
W-468 (GF)
Washington, D.C. 20555

Title of Program: Graduate Fellowship Program

Citizenship: USA

Level: Graduate

Fields supported: Health physics, nuclear engineering, and
specialty engineering disciplines

Other requirements: Participants must work at the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC); they must also agree to work for the
NRC for four years following satisfactory completion of a two-year
master's program; each awardee must (1) hold a bachelor's degree in
the physical sciences, life sciences, mathematics, or engineering,
from an accredited institution; (2) be accepted into an appropriate
graduate program as a full-time, regular graduate student; (3) be
a USA citizen; and (4) be eligible for NRC employment, access
authorization and/or employment clearance; at time of application,
applicants may not have completed more than one year of graduate
education in a discipline that the NRC Fellowship Program supports.

Number of awards: Changes each year

Duration of awards: 2 years

Application deadline: Fourth Monday in January

Stipend for 1993: $1,700 per month (9-10 months)

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and fees; $5,000 cost-of-education
allowance per year paid to the institution; initial work and
training paid at GG-7 level ($32,000-$35,000); employment at GG-9
($37,000-$40,000) upon completion of degree.


Address for application information:
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Jean-Paul-Strasse 12
D-5300 Bonn 2

Title of program: Humboldt Research Fellowships for Foreign

Purpose of program: To offer opportunity to pursue research at
universities or research institutes in Germany.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Academic degree comparable to a doctorate (PhD or

Field(s) supported: All fields of research with the exception of
the Fine Arts.

Other requirements: Candidate must: 1) have good command of German
language (humanities and social sciences scholars) or at least a
good command of English (natural scientists); 2) have not yet
reached the age of 40; 3) present evidence of employment in
independent research work at the university level; 4) have academic
publications to his/her credit.

Number of awards: 600

Duration of awards: 6 to 12 months, with extension to 24 months

Deadline: Applications may be submitted at any time; selection
meetings are held 3 times a year.

Stipend for 1993-94: 3.000 to 3.800 M monthly

Allowances and amounts: Travel expenses, grants for married
accompanying partners and children, grants for language courses.
Special Program: Senior USA Scientist Awards are granted to
outstanding USA scientists in recognition of past accomplishments
in research, thereby promoting scientific cooperation between
institutions in Germany and in the USA.  The Award
consists of a cash amount ranging from 20.000 to 120.000 M and the
right to stay for an extended period at research institutes in
Germany.  Nominations only by German scientists.
Awards are also made to outstanding scholars in the humanities and
social sciences under the same conditions as mentioned above.


Address for application information:
Westinghouse Science Talent Search
Science Service
1719 N Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Title of program: Westinghouse Science Talent Search

Purpose of program: To discover youth whose scientific and
engineering skill, talent, and ability indicate potential creative

Citizenship: The STS is open only to secondary school seniors in
the USA and its possessions, and American students
attending a foreign school as an exchange student, or because their
parents work and live abroad.

Level: High school seniors

Field(s) supported: Science, mathematics, and engineering

Other requirements: Awards based on students' submission of a
report on an independent research project in science, mathematics,
or engineering; application; transcript; teacher recommendations;
and standardized test scores. Students entering the competition
must be expected by the certifying school official to complete
college entrance qualifications before October 1, and must not have
competed in any previous Science Talent Search. There are no age
limits. Open only to students in their last year of secondary

Number of awards: 40

Duration of awards: For the top 10 scholarships: 4 years; for the
remaining 30: $1,000 scholarships (onetime payment)

Application deadline: Early December

Allowances and amounts: One $40,000 scholarship ($10,000 per year
for 4 years); one $30,000 scholarship ($7,500 per year for 4
years); one $20,000 scholarship ($5,000 per year for 4 years);
three $15,000 scholarships ($3,750 per year for 4 years); four
$10,000 scholarships ($2,500 per year for 4 years); and 30 $1,000
scholarships (payable upon matriculation).


Address for application information:
The Whitaker Foundation
Suite 1010
1133 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Title of program: Graduate Fellowships in Biomedical Engineering

Purpose of program: To award fellowships to those individuals who
have demonstrated outstanding scholarship and the ability and
aptitude for future achievements in biomedical engineering

Citizenship: USA citizens or permanent residents

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Biomedical Engineering

Other requirements: Seniors or first-year graduate students may
apply.  Students must plan to study for a doctoral degree in
engineering with research concentrated in biomedical engineering.

Number of awards: Up to 30

Duration of awards: 3 years, renewable for an additional 2 years.

Application Deadline: December

Stipend for 1992-93: $14,500 for 12 month period

Allowances and amounts: Up to $11,000 for tuition and fees; $l,500
for professional development of the fellow (travel, books, etc.).


Address for application information:
President's Commission on White House Fellowships
712 Jackson Place, N.W.
Washington, D.C.20503

Title of program: White House Fellowships

Purpose of program: To give outstanding young Americans the
opportunity to work at the highest levels of government and to
participate in an educational program that will train them to be
the "leaders of tomorrow".

Citizenship: USA

Level: The program is targeted to individuals who are early in
their careers, in any occupation, and who show promise of future
leadership ability, demonstrated through professional and academic
accomplishment and service to others.

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: Civilian employees of the Federal government
are not eligible.

Number of awards: 11 to 19

Duration of awards: 1 year (September-August).

Application deadline: December 15

Stipend for 1993-94: Approximately $65,000 (Fellows are paid as
full-time Federal employees at the agencies to which they are


Address for application information:
Fellowships Office
The Wilson Center
Washington, D.C. 20560

Title of program: Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Purpose of program: To commemorate through the Center's residential
fellowship program of advanced research both the scholarly depth
and the public concerns of Woodrow Wilson.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral, or equivalent degree of professional
achievement is expected.

Field(s) supported: Humanities and social sciences

Other requirements: Must be able to spend fellowship period in
residence at Wilson Center in Washington, D.C.  For academics,
publication of some major work beyond PhD dissertation is expected.

Number of awards: Approximately 35

Duration of awards: Academic year

Application deadline: October 1

Stipend for 1993-94: Ceiling of $52,000; average of $38,000.

Allowances and amounts: Travel expenses for Fellows, their spouses,
and dependent children.


1. Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies
Address for application information:
Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Box 288
Princeton, New Jersey 08542

Purpose of program: To attract exceptionally promising students to
prepare for careers of teaching and scholarship in humanistic
studies by providing top-level, competitive, portable awards.

Citizenship: USA or permanent residents of the USA

Level: Students beginning graduate study.

Field(s) supported: Traditional humanistic disciplines, including
history, but not the creative and performing arts.   American
studies, other area studies, and certain social sciences programs
are also eligible if the emphasis in subject and method is
substantially humanistic.
Other requirements: Candidates must be nominated; any member of the
academic profession may nominate no more than two candidates.
Persons who are, or have been, engaged in graduate study following
the BA or who hold the MA degree are normally not eligible.
Previously unsuccessful candidates will not be considered a second

Number of awards: 80

Duration of awards: One year

Nomination deadline: Must reach Regional Chairman by November 1

Application deadline: Must reach Regional Chairman by November 30

Stipend for 1993: $12,500

Allowances and amounts: Tuition and standard fees

2. Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships
Address for application information:
Newcombe Fellowships
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Box 642
Princeton, New Jersey 08542

Purpose of program: To encourage original and significant study of
ethical or religious values in all fields

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Graduate-dissertation year only

Field(s) supported: Humanities and social sciences; topics must
concern ethical or religious values.

Other requirements: Applicants must be enrolled in graduate schools
in the USA, and have completed all requirements except
the dissertation for PhD, EdD, or ThD.

Number of awards: 38

Duration of awards: 12 months

Application deadline: Applications must be requested by November
20, and postmarked by December 11 (for 1993 fellowship year).

Stipend for 1993-94: $11,500

3. Doctoral Dissertation Research Grants in Women's Studies
Address for application information:
Dissertation Grants in Women's Studies
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
P.O. Box 642
Princeton, New Jersey 08542

Purpose of program: To encourage original and significant research
about women on such topics as the evolution of women's role in
society; women in history; the psychology of women; women in law;
and women in literature; also, women's mental health.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Graduate-dissertation year only

Field(s) supported: Unrestricted

Other requirements: Applicants must: 1) Have fulfilled all
pre-dissertation requirements; 2) be enrolled in doctoral programs
in the USA.

Number of awards: 10-12

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: November 6

Allowances and amounts: $1,000


Address for application information:
The Fellowship Committee
Education Office, Clark Laboratory
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543

1. Summer Student Fellowship
Purpose of program: To give a promising group of science and
engineering students experience which will assist them in
determining whether they wish to devote lifetime careers to the
study of the oceans.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Undergraduate, beginning graduate students

Field(s) supported: Biology, chemistry, engineering, geology,
geophysics, mathematics, physics, oceanography, meteorology, and
marine policy

Other requirements: applicants must be pursuing majors in science
or engineering fields

Number of awards: approximately 30

Duration of awards: 12 weeks

Application deadline: March 1

Stipend for 1993: $3,660 for the 12 week program

Allowances and amounts: Travel allowance may be provided

2. Postdoctoral Awards in Ocean Science and Engineering
Purpose of program: To further the education and training of the
applicant with primary emphasis placed on the individual's research

Citizenship: unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral

Field(s) supported: Biology, chemistry engineering, geology,
geophysics, mathematics, meteorology, physics, and oceanography

Other requirements: New or recent recipients of the doctoral degree
with interests in the oceanographic sciences or engineering.
Scientists with more than 3 or 4 years of postdoctoral experience
are not considered eligible.

Number of awards: approximately 10

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: January 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $34,500 per year

Allowances and amounts: relocation allowance; group health
insurance; limited support available for such items as travel,
equipment, supplies, and special services

3. Research Fellows in Marine Policy and Ocean Management
Address for application information:
Dean of Graduate Studies
Education Office, Clark Laboratory
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543

Purpose of program: 1) to provide support and experience to
Research Fellows interested in Marine Policy issues; 2) to provide
opportunities for interdisciplinary application of social sciences
and natural sciences to marine policy problems; 3) to conduct
research and convey information necessary for the development of
effective local, national, and international ocean policy

Citizenship: unrestricted

Level: Postdoctoral or equivalent professional qualifications
through career experience

Field(s) supported: Marine and Public Policy; Ocean Jurisdictions,
Law of the Sea and International Relations; Development and
Management of Ocean Resources; Areawide Planning and Management.
Previous Fellows have been trained in fields such as economics,
law, political science, international relations, statistics,
anthropology, sociology, engineering, marine science, and geography

Number of awards: 2

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: January 15

Stipend for 1993-94: $34,500

Allowances and amounts: eligible for group health insurance; modest
research and travel funds

4. Traineeships in Oceanography for Minority Undergraduates
Address for application information: send to the above address to
attn: Traineeship Program

Purpose of program: Special opportunities in oceanography for
minority undergraduates

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Eligible ethnic minority groups:

Level: Undergraduate

Field(s) supported: Physical or natural science, mathematics, and

Other requirements: open to minority undergraduates who are
enrolled in USA colleges or universities

Number of awards: 2

Duration of awards: 10-12 weeks in the summer or for a semester
(may be renewed the following year)

Stipend for 1993-94: Paid same salary as other employees with
similar experience

Allowances and amounts: Round-trip travel to Woods Hole


Address for application information:
Health Department of candidate's own country

Title of program: WHO Fellowships

Purpose of program: To provide training or study not available in
candidate's own country.

Citizenship: Citizens of member countries of the World Health

Level: Graduate, postdoctoral, non-academic

Field(s) supported: Public health; public health administration and
planning, environmental health, nursing, maternal and child health,
epidemiology and disease control, laboratory services, medicine and
health sciences, educational technology and administration of all
health related fields, and supporting managerial and technical

Other requirements: Candidate must agree in writing to return to
home country for at least three years of service with national
health administration or institution designated by it.

Number of awards: Variable

Duration of awards: As required

Application deadline: Variable

Stipend for 1993-94: Variable

Allowances and amounts: Are determined by United Nations; variable;
dependent upon country of study.


Address for application information:
Zonta International Foundation
557 West Randolph Street
Chicago, Illinois 60661-2206

Title of program: Amelia Earhart Fellowship Awards

Purpose of program: To recognize excellence, to encourage and
support women in science and engineering, and to improve the status
of women.

Citizenship: Unrestricted

Level: Graduate

Field(s) supported: Aerospace-related sciences or aerospace-related

Other requirements: Open only to women

Number of awards: 35 to 40

Duration of awards: 1 year

Application deadline: Postmarked by December 1 and received by
December 7.

Stipend for 1993-94: $6,000